PRE-GAME Round 7 - Broncos vs Titans


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State of Origin Rep
Sep 19, 2012

I came across this last night, it was filmed just after the Eels game.

It's well worth a watch, a couple of points that stood out to me.

- The pre-season was intense and it sounded like the most difficult pre-season either had gone through but they were in the best shape of their lives. Everytime the team was struggling, Lodge would constantly remind them of the 58-0 game and that was their extra motivation.

- Patty was riding a high after the first two weeks and the boys were feeling confident. Riki didn't have the same luck, he tore his MCL against the Cutters 15 minutes into his season. Felt like he wasn't too far off from making his debut.

- Patty didn't know what the six agains were for against the Eels and how the referees will just yell six again, wave their arms and the alarm will go off. The theatrics of it just sends everything into a frenzy

- Patty was quick to rap Haas and Turpin for their performances. Pat is a huge fan of Haas and would have him in his SC team no questions asked. Pat gave Turps a huge wrap for his 65 tackles.

- Riki was set to be right for the resumption, but then he suffered a high ankle sprain after Turps injured him. He reckon he'd be right in 3 weeks time (so this week), they also believe Fifita should be right in 4

- They only just became roomies before lockdown. They get along pretty well, Riki is a massive clean freak but otherwise they rotate the cooking. Riki rates Patty as a cook and is constantly asking him for tips.

- The team plays a lot of Fortnite and CoD. Herbie is the best at Fortnite and basically spends all his time on it. He's got bit of a rep for being cocky and Patty told this story about his debut and how Herbie gave Gal some lip. The mic cuts out so I couldn't make out what he said, but he's one of those blokes who knows he's good.

- Carrigan talked about the culture and how there's a lot of banter between the boys and they're all like big children. Even Matty Gillett who was the gun in the team when he joined was a massive man child constantly pulling pranks.

- Also touched on how he was supposed to make his debut in 2018 but the development rules prevented him and Fleg through out. Apparently before that 2018 game against the Raiders, Fifita was at a shopping centre a few hours before the game when he got the call.

- When Patty was given his debut, it was no secret. The boys were coming off a bad loss to the Roosters and Seibs told him and Haas they'd be in the team. In the lead up to the game a few of the old boys like Lockyer and Civoniceiva both sent him sms messages which was a surreal moment for him.

- The boys are really inspired to stick together and win that premiership since a lot of them were only kids when the Broncos won in '06.
Thanks for posting this! Really good to hear from the young guys what they want and how they get along.

I think Herbie said to Gallen "Come on boy, I'm only a winger" but Pat said he can't do the English accent.

That 6-again rule is total garbage but I think it was professional of them to leave those decisions for the higher-ups.

I would like to see Riki get some time. The state of the season would indicate that he may be getting some good minutes racked up towards the end of it. But I worry about the two injuries. We seem to be quite injury prone now... after an overly intense pre-season?


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
CM report:


Patrick Carrigan
and Tom Flegler out on suspension.
Joe Ofahengaue into lock.
Rhys Kennedy and either Ethan Bullemor or Jamil Hopoate to the bench.
Corey Oates subject to groin injury recovery.
Boyd, Milford, Lodge, Tevita Pangai Jr on notice whatever the **** that means.
Halfback Sean O’Sullivan returned to training. Emerging option in future weeks.
No word on Dearden or Niu.

Boyd and Milford on notice? Weren't they on fucking notice after the Eels massacre at the end of last year? Weren't they already on notice for doing **** all the last few weeks? The club is so fucking gutless, what happens next week? They are on thin ice? **** me **** you all you fucking *****.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Why did they once again accept rubbish bans? There are examples of others doing the same and nothing happening this very weekend.

Not only that, Radley got off a textbook spear tackle.

because we simply do not win at the judiciary ... better to take a guaranteed 1 week suspension than a guaranteed 2 week suspension


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
I think with the judiciary you gotta take it slow. Start complaining about the double standards, even if the players do still get suspended. If the Broncos don't start making noise about it, nothing is going to change. The club just seems to have this defeatist attitude from the top all the way down and just let everything go.


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
Boyd and Milford on notice? Weren't they on fucking notice after the Eels massacre at the end of last year? Weren't they already on notice for doing **** all the last few weeks? The club is so fucking gutless, what happens next week? They are on thin ice? **** me **** you all you fucking *****.
No no no, they were only on 'shaky ground' after the Eels game. If we lose to the Titans and the Warriors only then will they be on 'thin ice'.
After thin ice Seibs steps it up by saying their positions are 'not guaranteed' and about round 15 they will be 'playing for their futures'.

I fear the final round might have Boyd playing under the pressure of 'a real chance of being replaced' if he doesn't perform.
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NRL Captain
Jun 3, 2013
We need to whinge about everything in the press conference, we need to whinge and highlight the lack of consistency and call out the bullcrap so it doesn't even get to the judiciary.

FOX had TPJ friggin guilty the other night without even watching a replay yet DWZ's hit doesn't even raise an eyebrow.
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International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I think with the judiciary you gotta take it slow. Start complaining about the double standards, even if the players do still get suspended. If the Broncos don't start making noise about it, nothing is going to change. The club just seems to have this defeatist attitude from the top all the way down and just let everything go.

the Judiciary needs a massive overhaul, their findings certainly aren't based on the rules of the sport ... the first step is to remove any former players from the panel.

i doubt complaining about it will do any good, the NRL will do everything in their power to silence us, and we'll end up will worse charges and longer suspensions


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
the Judiciary needs a massive overhaul, their findings certainly aren't based on the rules of the sport ... the first step is to remove any former players from the panel.

i doubt complaining about it will do any good, the NRL will do everything in their power to silence us, and we'll end up will worse charges and longer suspensions

You might be right, but I'd still keep making noise and presenting evidence. Eventually something will have to give.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
The more I've thought about it, the more I've liked this idea..

I don't think Carrigan is a lock. He hasn't got the mobility or ball playing ability to be a great one.

TPJ is weak on the edge defensively and often overplays his hand because he doesn't get the ball as often as when he's in the middle.

Here's the solution:

8. Haas
9. Luke
10. Carrigan
11. Glenn (c)
12. Oates
13. Pangai Jr

14. Paix
15. Lodge
16. Flegler / Te'o
17. Ofahengaue / Te'o

I've always said Pat is a better prop than a lock, but i wouldnt put a single player at the Broncos in front of him at lock right now. He has ball playing ability, but not in the same way a Trbojevic, Murray or Radley has. TPJ for me right now just isnt worth the hype. HE lives of 2 or 3 fantastic games a year and the odd moment of brilliance.

The lock role seems to be reverting back to ball playing locks now, which Bennett clearly identified by bringing in Bird to play that role in in 2017. If he could stay fit he could still be a revelation there for us.
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State of Origin Rep
Sep 8, 2009
We need to whinge about everything in the press conference, we need to whinge and highlight the lack of consistency and call out the bullcrap so it doesn't even get to the judiciary.

FOX had TPJ friggin guilty the other night without even watching a replay yet DWZ's hit doesn't even raise an eyebrow.
How many weeks is Latrell looking at? One? Two? Surely not zero?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
No no no, they were only on 'shaky ground' after the Eels game. If we lose to the Titans and the Warriors only then will they be on 'thin ice'.
After thin ice Seibs steps it up by saying their positions are 'not guaranteed' and about round 15 they will be 'playing for their futures'.

I fear the final round might have Boyd playing under the pressure of 'a real chance of being replaced' if he doesn't perform.
Shit by round 15 they will be 'playing for their futures'? earlier then I thought we would see!


International Captain
Jul 28, 2016
We need to whinge about everything in the press conference, we need to whinge and highlight the lack of consistency and call out the bullcrap so it doesn't even get to the judiciary.

FOX had TPJ friggin guilty the other night without even watching a replay yet DWZ's hit doesn't even raise an eyebrow.
These things used to get picked up and dealt with via the courier mail.

Whenever a Sydney paper would fling mud at a QLD team the QLD papers would jump up and defend us because it was an attack on QRL... unfortunately it has most definitely become the courier fail and the sports writers are too busy trying to pander to their NSWRL counterparts in the hope they get a call up to the Sydney cesspool of journalism

The only time they get out of joint is when something is said during origin... but really it's just faux anger to try and generate some sort of interest in origin.

I'm guessing budget cuts have hit the paper world hard and most of the editing is done through Sydney now... I daresay it's probably a skeleton crew in the Brisbane offices and their bosses are all Sydney central.

The only journo who I've noticed that puts up some sort of defence is Brent Read... but I don't think it's a defence of the Broncos, instead it seems like he is thinking out loud his disbelief in what NSWRL journos appear to believe as being realistic... "really, you think that is actually happening??? Well here's six reasons why that is ridiculous "
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State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
Boyd and Milford on notice? Weren't they on fucking notice after the Eels massacre at the end of last year? Weren't they already on notice for doing **** all the last few weeks? The club is so fucking gutless, what happens next week? They are on thin ice? **** me **** you all you fucking *****.
No, then they go onto secret probation. And if no improvement, on to super secret probation. If that does not encourage a dramatic shift in form, they go onto doube super secret probation.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
No, then they go onto secret probation. And if no improvement, on to super secret probation. If that does not encourage a dramatic shift in form, they go onto doube super secret probation.
Geez not double super secret probation............they will really be shitting their pants then!
Painin the Haas

Painin the Haas

NRL Player
Nov 10, 2013
We all have had this debate a million times but this situation might warrant it again: Milf for fullback.

It gets Dearden in the side, milf has to get involved and prove he is worth keeping, Isaako goes back to the position that suits him best and the spine looks stronger.

(for the record previously being pro milf at five-eighth)


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
We all have had this debate a million times but this situation might warrant it again: Milf for fullback.

It gets Dearden in the side, milf has to get involved and prove he is worth keeping, Isaako goes back to the position that suits him best and the spine looks stronger.

(for the record previously being pro milf at five-eighth)

I've actually been thinking this too. Not because Milf will be good there but because it gets Dearden and does ACTUALLY say to Milf this is the last role of the dice for you. You suck at 1, there is just no future for you at the club.

I'd go:

1. Milford
2. Coates
3. Farnworth
4. Niu
5. Isaako
6. Dearden
7. Croft
8. Lodge
9. Luke
10. Haas
11. Glenn (c)
12. Oates
13. TPJ

14. Paix
15. Kennedy
16. Joffa
17. Teo

Of course I know I'm wasting another list, there is no way Boyd or Milford are getting dumped or moved.


QCup Player
May 21, 2018
Milf for fullback.

If we've got to have him in the team, I'm all for it. Even though it wasn't successful last year, he was having to play halfback, 5/8 and fullback while doing most of the kicking as well. I wonder what he'd be like back there with Dearden and Croft being responsible for all of the organising and all of the kicking. Worth a shot in my opinion and like you said, it gets Dearden into the side and getting some much needed game time.
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