POST GAME Round 8 - Warriors vs Broncos

No, I’m not having this bullshit conversation where you guys try to spin anything I say to say I’m supporting him. **** him. He needs to go. I’m not disagreeing and you can spin that however the **** you want to. I’ve said what I’ve said. Your opinion in this thread is bullshit and you obviously have **** all left to add if you’re trying to make this all about Boyd

There's been a million posts tonight criticising nearly every player and every person in the organisation, remarkably, you single out the one(s) that criticise Boyd's performance.

Who could've seen that coming..
sorry to be that guy but does any one think these scenes or players lookin upset and sad seem so forced to you?

honestly its like they were told be the pr department if u lose make sure u look devastated....
i mean id hate to be so cynical its just so weird from last week laughing after loss to now all of a sudden its tear worthy?

i dont know im not buying it even if it makes me seem heartless

I’m with you and my wife even agreed it looked forced. It could very well be fair dinkum but it did seem odd.
That’s the first time I’ve been able to watch a broncos game but not watched one second.
I just couldn’t do it and I fear for the future of this club now. It’s going to be a hard road out of this mess.
This. If "Boyd is shit" is the main thing people are taking out of these games then there's no point conversing with them. Just tuck them in with the Bronxnation gronks.

**** Boyd and Siebold?
We are clueless.

Too many times players are receiving the ball and it’s pretty off the cuff make something happen.

Oates has no idea on what to do at marker.

Again what do they do at training?
listen to top 40 and have a sing-along.
im surprised people actually thought we were a chance here......

The Clive Berghoffer centre.......where young careers come to get slaughtered...

We are witnessing a large group of young mens careers being ruined here I hope you least if they stay at this club....

you watching David Fifita...??
Are you going to stick with that halves combination? Ah Oh I'll have to review the game video. See what we got.....yeah ah we will see how we go.......
Agreed. He’s one of the only players actually putting in effort!
I agree. There’s something to be said of battle experienced type of effort versus that youthful effort. For example we have a lot of youthful effort where they’re trying to run hard when they get the ball but the experienced effort is when you run hard after the ball when you don’t have it. We lack so much in that experienced effort which i believe is facilitated by the culture of the club and spearheaded by the coaching. My two cents