POST GAME Round 8 - Warriors vs Broncos

No leadership, no direction, no plan, no kicking game. Is Seibold coaching this team? Do they watch video of the opposition and formulate a game plan to attack different areas? Most of the forwards run around like they are centres, what happened to rolling up the sleeves and run over the advantage line play after play, and there is no crispness to the backline... I could go on and on. I've been a Broncos fan since day one, I don't think I've ever felt so embarrassed to say I support them out loud.
Pure emotion from Glenn and Croft. I feel for them, both I feel are trying but just nothing is working.
I think it’s clear this coach isn’t the man for this side and the players are clueless on whatever plan the coach is giving them.
No way dude. Just because we're fucking shit it doesn't mean some of the players aren't genuinely frustrated to tears. I have no doubt Glenn and Croft are genuinely hurting.

hope your right but the cynic in me is not buying it. ill still support the teams and players no matter what it just feels so fake to me is all. especially after the hammering they got last week for not looking upset enough.

but again maybe it just says more about me then them.
**** Boyd.
Yeah, **** him and the other 17 players that did **** all tonight. **** the people who orchestrated this bullshit situation and **** anyone who supported it.
You can’t coach statues ! All flat out there, no speed line and our forwards want to get the ball flat footed and try step there way through. No one is playing there roll in the team . It’s pretty much give me the ball and everyone watch and see what they can do
We can all talk about how flat we stand, how shit we are in attack and defense etc.

The truth and reality is, each Broncos player hasn't got the heart or desire in their soul to win.

The club has fallen apart from top to bottom.
Here's my problem with the last year and a half on here and I'm going to be very honest here. This is not me supporting Darius Boyd in the slightest. Some of you can watch an embarrassing game like that and the rest of the last 18 months where millionaires are doing sweet **** all, 17 superstars are doing absolutely nothing and the only thing you can add is this bullshit. He sucked, he has sucked, but if this is all you can add then **** your opinion. You simply do not have a clue about this sport.
I've got plenty of opinions (just look at my other posts)... Boyd being in left center offers absolutely nothing in attack and means we have to run everything through our right side.

He is also offering nothing in defence as we are always outnumbered out there and usually it's an absolute dog's breakfast inside the twenty... Fusitua's try tonight is exhibit A in a long long line of poor defensive reads on that left hand side.

He is doing the absolute bare minimum and shouldn't be in the team anymore. He's a fucking impostor out there.

That whole left edge is out of form, but when you give the left center the ball in some space you expect they might be able to create something from it... instead he is wrapped up almost immediately by Herbert.

Please tell me what do you think that Darius actually brings to this team at present with Staggs back next week?
You can’t coach statues ! All flat out there, no speed line and our forwards want to get the ball flat footed and try step there way through. No one is playing there roll in the team . It’s pretty much give me the ball and everyone watch and see what they can do

He just cant coach. Thats the problem.