Round 9 Discussion

Prior isn't in contention for Origin, so he'll probably get what's coming to him.
On the other hand, Maitua deserves a medal for dropping that little prick.
Ennis should've been binned as well. He was pushed on his arse during a play the ball, and threw a sissy fit and tried to kick/trip the Eels player as he was going past him...

Please Ricky, can we have Stayne as the NSW Fullback? :shady:
Yeah, he's a lazy prick in defence. It's like the opposition has spiders on them.
Meanwhile James Graham gets 20 runs for 140 metres and 29 tackles in 60 minutes :) That guy is a machine.
Tolman does the dirty work to start the games I guess. I honestly don't know why Graham doesn't start, he's a machine.
In fairness to Tolman, Tolman did better in the metre gainage.

Graham is the better player though. However, Hasler has them both playing 60 minutes and I think Graham is off the bench purely because of Des' choice in rotation. Tolman plays from 1-30 and from 50-80. Graham plays the last 60. So basically, you've got Tolman AND Graham playing together for 40 minutes during a game which is evened out over the entire 80. I like the idea.

Yeah it works out well, having two huge workhorses on the field for half the game on at the same time. I reckon he would play origin easily if he wasn't a brit.
I think Boyd may be one of those players like Soward that requires more structure to be at his best.
I think Boyd may be one of those players like Soward that requires more structure to be at his best.

Possibly but even his kick returns this year have been rubbish. He doesn't seem interested at all. It is like he hates Newcastle or something.
Obviously a shit hole but you really have to wonder what is going on with him. He is a bloody good player but is hardly deserving a spot in the Newcastle side this year.
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