Round 9 Discussion

Prettyl clear that from 2008-2010 Melbourne had the 2 best fullbacks in the game in their team. Inglis, what a freak.
Possibly but even his kick returns this year have been rubbish. He doesn't seem interested at all. It is like he hates Newcastle or something.

Maybe if he had the sense to stay in a team that suited his strengths and allowed him to flourish rather than just blindly following his coach he'd have maintained better form.
Best Fullback performance all year. Interesting to see if Souths can keep that form during away games.
Had another great tipping week. 7/8 the only game I got wrong was our loss to the Warriors. Come on Gal you must be selected Go Gallen Go Go Gallen Go.
Greg Inglis was absolutely outstanding last night. Best game I've seen him play since his motm performance in 2008(?) Origin where he trampled all over Mark Gasnier. Wow.
Not just his running game but his vision and some of his passes were brilliant.
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