Sam Thaiday



Banned User
Jul 4, 2013
It's laughable how Griffin or any other coach at NRL level gets all the attention when a team is struggling. Surely the club captain must take some responsibility in all of this in how the club performs on a weekly basis. Another stellar game from our great captain with a paltry 9 hitups in 51 minutes of football. Obviously still exhausted from the 2nd Origin game where he actually tried in a game for the first time this year.

Corey Parker is the backbone of the club and should have been made captain when Lockyer retired. But instead we went with the high profile guy who is the comedian of the team. It was a mistake and the club now has a toxic culture with Alex Glenn admitting earlier in the week that the team is divided into cliques. Let's not forget him singling out Dodds when he made a defensive error against the Roosters even though we only let in 8 points against one of the best attacking teams in the comp.

So go ahead, sack Griffin and bring in a new coach with Barba the days of this team being the benchmark of the competition are over while Scammin Sam is still the "leader" . Let's all turn into Rabbitohs fans and talk about the glory days while we languish at the bottom of the ladder.

13th? **** me.
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State of Origin Rep
Jun 26, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

Parker should be captain, most here would agree with that. He's more consistant than Thaiday, although Sam has picked his game up the last few rounds.

I'm not sold on Hook, and am watching with interest to see if he changes anything for the remainder of the year.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

Sack the captain ....sack the coach .....sack the fullback

Love it around here after a Brisbane loss.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

remember when thaiday actually was one of the best backrowers in the competition? yeh me either.

all his career hes been overrated because of his appearance. kinda like martin lang, only got more attention because his hair is curly and he played for the broncos.

the broncos are an old boys club, have been for a long time. be friends with the players/management and youve got a spot in the team/management for life. it was going on while bennett was here, its still going on now.

he wont have the captaincy taken away unless we get a new coach whos ready for a shakeup, and he'll never be dropped no matter how useless he is.


NRL Player
Apr 24, 2013
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

There are bigger fish to fry than getting rid of Thaiday. 5 or so weeks ago this could have had more support but since Origin Thaiday has done his best, a few times he has tried to take an inspirational run or lift in defence. It hasn't always been successful but the effort is there.

The Parker for captain train has left the station, it won't happen now. In hindsight maybe he was the better option but for all we know he might not have wanted the job, some people perform at their best as followers.

I think you could argue that form wise he is overrated or living off a previous reputation but I think he has suffered more than most due to a less talented squad than what we are used to. Look at him in game 2 or Origin, he was immense cos he wasn't carrying a few duds.

Let's sort out the 1,5,6,7,9, coach, football manager before we worry about Thaiday.


NYC Player
Apr 3, 2013
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

Agree 100%, it's entirely his fault that he's played out of position and saying he should have the same impact at prop as he does in the back row is completely reasonable.

Buzz Killington

NYC Player
Jul 6, 2013
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

He has been reasonable at best playing out of position, I just don't feel he is a good captain or that he has the ability to inspire his teammates. I don't think we have any great other options though, from what I hear Parker is not well liked despite his continued epic displays, he is a pest and gets under peoples skin. Glenn has been so bad this year he should be in reserve grade, the guy hides out in the centres when we need hitups in our 20m zone and only ever gets a high tackle count when the centre on the opposite side gets lots of ball.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

I don't see enough leadership qualities in Parker to suggest he would have made much difference and his previous stints left A LOT to be desired. Sometimes people aren't cut out to be made captain, Webcke was basically the same way until he jagged a few wins late into his career. It's pretty clear that Hunt was supposed to be our captain, and he definitely had some brilliant leadership traits but he threw them away for a sherrin.

Thaiday was one of our best last week and one of our better players last night. If we can get Hannant, McGuire, Tasi and Hala on the field then we can finally let him play in his natural position and see how he performs. At the end of the day, despite what some judges will say, he's a world class backrow and easily one of the most talented players we have.


Banned User
Jul 4, 2013
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

Another stellar effort from Captain Courageous tonight.

Bravo. Destroyed the fabric of a club you fat, lazy slob.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 27, 2013
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

I was just about to make a thread similar to this, but it appears there is one already.

Thaiday is a terrible player. Has been all year. He's slow off the defensive line, his hitups are bad and he's good for at least 3 or 4 crucial penalties a game plus a knock on or two in prime field position.

He needs to go as captain for next year. I wouldn't even be hurt if we lost him to another club, TBH.


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

I've never particularly rated him that highly, but at least in the past he could offload and throw a decent pass.

It baffles me how he's considered a walk-in starting player in every rep side these days though.
animal eater

animal eater

QCup Player
Jul 27, 2013
Memo to Sam Thaiday- Resignation required NOW

Effective immediately I need you to tender your resignation as the Broncos Captain. A leader leads from the front, sets an example and instills confidence with his troops.

Yes, it is true that Griffin cannot coach himself out of a paper bag. Yes it is true, that the ref's performance were dismal at best. Still, outside of a few decent moments in origin, you have been very disappointing in your captaincy.

Some will argue that you rack up a reasonable amount of tackles. While this is the case, I have come to the conclusion that you do so for the reason that players run straight at you knowing you are most likely to get a penalty. Offensively, you are not cutting it. You are not in shape, switch off too often and must as mentioned before tender your resignation immediately for the good of your club and it's longstanding pained supporters.


animal eater

PS, I think you are a nice bloke but feel you would be better served coming off the bench.


Banned User
Jul 4, 2013
Re: Memo to Sam Thaiday- Resignation required NOW

I started this thread 6 weeks earlier while a lot of you were still living in a dreamland.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

Agree with everything, playing his worst footy and his best footy is behind him, might be time to give him the tap on the shoulder, Gillett and Glenn probably have him trumped for the starting roles next season anyway.. if it's based on ability.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Memo to Sam Thaiday- Resignation required NOW

Meh we sacked the king, I wouldn't think twice about Sammy.


Banned User
Jul 4, 2013
Re: Memo to Sam Thaiday- Resignation required NOW

And Gene Miles.


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2012
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

Its telling when your most penalised player is the captain. I really think the refs have had It in for us last few weeks. But unless there are shady things happening that can only be put on the capt.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

A knee jerk reaction and a bizarre one at that.

Thaiday had a quiet evening and didn't perform as well as a captain should have but some of you are very quick to forget how good he's been for us for the past month. He's shown improvement as a captain and I believe he deserves at least another season in charge of the leadership. Giving it to Parker wouldn't achieve anything.

Which isn't to say the criticism isn't warranted, rather I believe it's heavy handed. If he continues performing like he did tonight, I'd like to see him demoted to the bench and go from there.

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