Sam Thaiday

Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Re: Memo to Sam Thaiday- Resignation required NOW

Meh we sacked the king, I wouldn't think twice about Sammy.

The broncos were a different club back then .. They were a club run by men who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn and who weren't afraid to sack a captain or stick it to the likes of Arthurson and Quayle .. Nowadays we're a kindergarten by comparison..
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State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

The refs obviously target him as evidenced by the second penalty to the panthers. 4 player tackle but only Sam is told to move
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Re: Memo to Sam Thaiday- Resignation required NOW

I started this thread 6 weeks earlier while a lot of you were still living in a dreamland.
ive been wanting thaiday gone for 3+ years lol. seems only now others are coming around.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

When I think of Thaiday, I think of T'eo's comments about been coached by Maguire.

When I watch Souths, or Manly, or the Roosters, Bulldogs play, and I imagine Thaiday under those coaches, I imagine a seriously classy back rower who isn't allowed to rest on his jelly rolls of complacency and cosy relationships with coach and club.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

When I think of Thaiday, I think of T'eo's comments about been coached by Maguire.

When I watch Souths, or Manly, or the Roosters, Bulldogs play, and I imagine Thaiday under those coaches, I imagine a seriously classy back rower who isn't allowed to rest on his jelly rolls of complacency and cosy relationships with coach and club.

That's what it is too. He knows a club like the Broncos won't fire their captain. He knows he will walk into all the teams he wants to play for, so he knows he can be a lazy slacker and still get all the benefits that decent players get.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

Just that many seem to be competing for who was first to show their massive egos. I think what I said is more relevant than who first commented on Sammy or revitalised a thread...

Plus I agree with Fourex (hurts to say, jokes). Sam needs to be relegated to the bench unless he finds more consistent form, which will then put his captaincy into question.

Big Pete was on the money too, Thaiday hasn't been terrible, just not a world beater. Playing out of position doesn't help to establish form.

This is the problem with negotiating a contract and sweetening with the offer of captaincy. Choices aren't made for the right reasons and ultimately, the team suffers.

Same goes for the head coach. He is out of his depth, but then he has everyone in the shallow end anyway.

Why swim when you can dog paddle?
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State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

It's been said before I think, and at the risk of being controversial, it seems to me like Brisbane has had too long basking in the (fast fading) light of its past glory days. What was that term ... splendid isolation?

Time to look outwards, not in


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2012
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

I think Sam would benefit more than any other player in our team with less minutes and a bench impact spot.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

I think Sam would benefit more than any other player in our team with less minutes and a bench impact spot.

He can be our bench hooker - continue the fine tradition of playing the wrong player in the wrong position


QCup Player
Aug 4, 2013
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

As basically the only person defending Thaiday in this thread I'm sure this is being fielded at me. To whom's standard is this considered below average? The guy is constantly rolling us forward, creating quick play the balls and being all-round solid in defence. For mine, he's been good.

I'd agree with everything except the solid all-round defence. Thaiday has always been quite a sloppy defender and it is the one glaring weakness in his game. This year has been the same as in the past, he is poor defensively in the backrow and when he was moves into the props it was even worse. It is a tad unfair to point the finger at him when we have other back rowers and players who have been even worse defensively but he has been far from solid.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

Griffin is Thaiday's worst enemy. Like I proposed before, give him to Hasler, Bellamy or Maguire (as just 3 examples of quality coaches), he would be a top class back rower, leaner, meaner and smarter
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

I'd agree with everything except the solid all-round defence. Thaiday has always been quite a sloppy defender and it is the one glaring weakness in his game. This year has been the same as in the past, he is poor defensively in the backrow and when he was moves into the props it was even worse. It is a tad unfair to point the finger at him when we have other back rowers and players who have been even worse defensively but he has been far from solid.

Solid isn't to be confused with good. The guy still gets through a ton of work in defence and is more than capable of landing a good hit or making an important tackle.

He has the odd goof per game, but if we were judging players on those, there would only be like 4 solid defenders in the entire competition.


Banned User
Jul 4, 2013
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

Griffin is Thaiday's worst enemy. Like I proposed before, give him to Hasler, Bellamy or Maguire (as just 3 examples of quality coaches), he would be a top class back rower, leaner, meaner and smarter

An apt post considering the thread title.

When does the player take responsibility for their own performance? I don't see anyone blaming Griffin for Wallace's regression.


QCup Player
Aug 4, 2013
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

He has the odd goof per game, but if we were judging players on those, there would only be like 4 solid defenders in the entire competition.

I think we view his defence quite differently then. I think he has the odd goof in his game too but I think they come far more regularly than most other players in the competition.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

An apt post considering the thread title.

When does the player take responsibility for their own performance? I don't see anyone blaming Griffin for Wallace's regression.

LOL ....surprisingly !!


International Rep
Mar 4, 2008
Re: Sack Griffin? How about sack Thaiday

I guess goof also means conceded linebreak. Per game.

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