Anyone else feel sorry for psychology students? It's not going to help them make burgers.
Milf likes burgers tho.... :P
Seriously though, I think people forget that a lot of these guys are kids out of school all of a sudden thrown into the spotlight. They all of a sudden get recognised when they go out, have all these expectations placed on them by the media and us fans and get criticised for the slightest thing, real or not (e.g. Milf's weight).
They are then expected to go out and play the perfect game each week.
Some have the capacity to cope with it and exceed straight off the bat, just like any career (Cam Smith/Billy Slater), some start off slow and come of age the more they play and mature (Hodges) and then some are there just to make up the numbers and will only ever be mediocre in the grand scheme of things.
Yes these guys are paid a lot to 'just play footy', but lets face it, without a clear head most of us perform at a less than optimal level.
Anything that clubs can do to help players handle this stress and expectation, whether its a sports psychologist, old players hanging around the club or a father figure like Bennett is a must in my opinion.