Seibold - 5 games in

so when he get's snappy with the media he is not cracking under the pressure ... but when Seibold gets snappy with the media he is cracking under the pressure ...

that right there is the definition of double standards

Honestly mate I have to say I admire your fight, but don’t waste your energy. These guys are not for a discussion or reasoned debate.
Honestly mate I have to say I admire your fight, but don’t waste your energy. These guys are not for a discussion or reasoned debate.

I dont think its double standards. Bennett has been exactly the same with the media throughout his career. His demeanor is fairly consistent and has been for decades. Seibold isnt like Wayne in that respect. I certainly think he is feeling the pressure and its showing at times, but i dont buy he is cracking under the pressure.
The Bennett talk: This forum is never gonna stop debating the pros and cons are they? Reminds me of the Ash Taylor\Ben Hunt crap a few years back.

I read the Roosters forum from time to time, they all think Seibold is a scumbag but I have never seen an actual reason for it. Did he once work for the Roosters or was affiliated with them? What's the go there?
The Bennett talk: This forum is never gonna stop debating the pros and cons are they? Reminds me of the Ash Taylor\Ben Hunt crap a few years back.

I read the Roosters forum from time to time, they all think Seibold is a scumbag but I have never seen an actual reason for it. Did he once work for the Roosters or was affiliated with them? What's the go there?

I read some comments on a fox sports post about him being a massive dog at Souths as well. Could just be about the way he got the coaching gig.
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You can’t blame the coach for the ill discipline and the schoolboy errors we keep making. If Issako doesn’t drop the ball with a open line against the dragons and we don’t bomb 3 try’s against the Tigers we’d be 3/5. One thing I am blaming the coach for is he keeps picking Macca at 9. They guy would have the worst pass and be slowest 9 in the comp. Never gets the forwards over the advantage line. Never engages the markers and keeps throwing shit passes to the halves.

Stop fabricating stuff. McCullough was regularly getting our forwards over the advantage line. Unless we were on the back-foot and getting swamped (which nullifies any hooker), his service was great.

Never gets the forwards over the advantage line? Never engages the markers? Do you even know what those things are?
Stop fabricating stuff. McCullough was regularly getting our forwards over the advantage line. Unless we were on the back-foot and getting swamped (which nullifies any hooker), his service was great.

Never gets the forwards over the advantage line? Never engages the markers? Do you even know what those things are?

Yes mate I actually do. Just my opinion or can’t we have one like you? If we had a 9 with some speed and creativity we wouldn’t be 1-4
I am sick of finishing 3-6...seibold may or may not work but ffs I was over no premiership.

When are you Bennett loyalists going to come to terms with the fact it didn't work. Bennett IS the greatest coach of all time, and seibold may or may not work, but...

We are the fucking broncos. We aren't in the business of being near the top, we win fucking premierships!
Whether seibold works or not and bennett wins 3 premierships with souffs I WILL STILL applaud the club for trying something new and trying to put a stop to year on year mediocrity we were seeing. We win premierships! Outside of that I don't give a **** what happens
finishing 3-6 is looking pretty good right about now...We will be fighting for the spoon to be honest. No chance of top 8 this year.
I read some comments on a fox sports post about him being a massive dog at Souths as well. Could just be about the way he got the coaching gig.

Could hardly have been more controversial than the way he got the broncos coaching gig.
Every other coach who has failed to make the 8 has been sacked. Signing Seibold for 5 years was an incredibly stupid decision unless we have options in our favour. Honestly, as nice a bloke as Paul White seems, we haven't exactly done very well in recruitment/retention of players or coaches since he took over... He made a meal of the Bennett saga, agreed to sign off huge long term deals for Boyd and Gillett when both were injured and there was no danger of them leaving the club. I think heads will roll if we don't make the 8 this year. Honestly our best bet of making the 8 is probably an injury to Nikorima/Boyd. As much as I wouldn't wish an injury on anyone, the Coach seems content to stick with them, and with this spine, we simply won't compete. We beat the cowboys when they had 3 players get injured in the game. They also have only won 1 game this year. Before the season kicked off I thought we'd be in the 8, potentially higher up but as each game goes on, and I watch other teams play, I just don't see us beating most of these teams.
finishing 3-6 is looking pretty good right about now...We will be fighting for the spoon to be honest. No chance of top 8 this year.
Another 13 years of finishing 3-6...fantastic... I'd happily miss the finals if it gives the place a clean out of the mediocrity we have come to accept
I'm not a Bennett loyalist at all, but at the same time i'm sick of all you anti Bennett brigade trying to rewrite history and make out like we were failing under him. Apparently he doesnt know the modern game, which is absolute bullshit. Also, how can we be mediocre when we havent finished in the middle of the table since he came back in 2015? 6th is the lowest we finished under Bennett since 2015, and even then we finished one win from being level with the top side. That isnt the definition of mediocre. Talking about winning premierships, in that regard, you are right, it didnt work under Bennetts second coming. We came close, but no trophy. At the same time, he did a fair bit right. He got our junior recruitment back on track and got us challenging again.

I hope Seibold works and as yet, despite the criticisms i have of how he is handling things right now, i havent made up my mind about him, its just too early. I'm 100% sure though under Bennett we would be doing a whole lot better right now. Its going to be interesting to see if they keep backing Seibold if we dont make the top 8. At the moment, we arent even mediocre.
Fact: No premiership in 12 years.. Bennett had 6 of those. I am not re-writting history.

He did amazing things for our club!!! Can you guys stop acting like we are questioning his abilities as a coach every time it is pointed out that it didn't work for us this time around and we needed a change. As a club we shouldn't accept premiership droughts.

I never questioned his ability as a coach. I have stated numerous times Bennett is the greatest coach of all time. You can't re-write premierships wins, they either happened or they didn't.
I used to agree he was the best, but im more impressed with Bellamy to be honest now. He turns very average players in to reply players. Everytime they lose someone great someone steps right in. He, along with his roster management team are the best. The Broncos were good with Cyril. Once he passed away we fell in a hole. Bennett won his premierships when the Broncos were absolutely stacked with internationals and some of the best players in their positions ever. He failed miserably at the nights and his second coming to Brisbane was also a huge failure. He's a good coach, but I don't think he compares to Bellamy. Not anymore. The game has changed and Bennet hasn't.

I don't know what the go is with Broncos recruitment, but I believe Bennett was in charge of that during his time here and it really wasn't good the past few years. We need better procedures in place because we have been crying out for better halves since 2011. We had spare money and sign bird, not a halfback which we needed. Stupid stuff like that infuriates me.
Fact: No premiership in 12 years.. Bennett had 6 of those. I am not re-writting history.

He did amazing things for our club!!! Can you guys stop acting like we are questioning his abilities as a coach every time it is pointed out that it didn't work for us this time around and we needed a change. As a club we shouldn't accept premiership droughts.

I never questioned his ability as a coach. I have stated numerous times Bennett is the greatest coach of all time. You can't re-write premierships wins, they either happened or they didn't.
Believe it or not it's not about being a Bennett apologist or whatever bullshit the term is.

It's just that we don't like history being re-written trying to make out like Bennett was a crap coach, behind the times, blah blah.

It's entirely possible Bennett was a great coach, he still is a great coach, he got us back from being mediocre to a challenging team again and he was let go for politics and age rather than coaching ability. There's a reasons Souths, Tigers, Penrith and potentially other unnamed clubs wanted Bennett as coach when he was getting sacked.

It's okay to like Seibold, I do, but just because there's a new guy we don't have to heap shit in Bennett being behind the times and a dud. Bennett was great, thanks for everything, hopefully Seibold can achieve half as illustrious a coaching career.

A great post was made saying it will take a while and I agree. Seibolds coaching style is fundamentally different from Bennett who is an impossible act to follow. Bennett can make any team better because that's the coach he is, he's not relying on technical ability. Seibold needs to rework the basics to suit his coaching philosophies which won't happen overnight, might even take 2 whole seasons but if the board believes he has the long term vision and aptitude to execute it I'm backing them.
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Geez really?!! I thought Wayne had just got himself a trendy haircut and his eyebrows done!

We have underachieved as a club for over ten years plus. We have lacked foresight in our recruitment and have stuck with players in key positions who are not capable of delivering a premiership.

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Seibs needs to make some brave decisions and make some desperately needed changes to our line up rather than stating that we need to keep training harder. We can train as hard as we want but if the brains and skill aren't present we'll continue to get the same results.

For mine, as BoncsFan posted, a team's success or otherwise, isn't just, or even, simply down to an individual or two to blame, then drop and make changes as a fix, the issue is the way the team plays as a whole: shape, structures, the halves, the hooker, ptbs, what you do off the ball, and of course defence. Then there is attitude, support play, halves running off supports etc etc.

Seibold has a lot to work on and after 12 years of doing things the same more or less, change isn't going to be instantaneous, and progress will be gradual, which I am seeing now although of course, as a loyal supporter, I would like to see those changes and successes NOW.

As I said, I am cutting Seibold some slack and being patient. He has a lot to work on, especially with halves who have inherited a style of play as a combination, and individually which is less than ah, optimal, along with a very young forward pack brimming with talent but not experience.
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Fact: No premiership in 12 years.. Bennett had 6 of those. I am not re-writting history.

He did amazing things for our club!!! Can you guys stop acting like we are questioning his abilities as a coach every time it is pointed out that it didn't work for us this time around and we needed a change. As a club we shouldn't accept premiership droughts.

I never questioned his ability as a coach. I have stated numerous times Bennett is the greatest coach of all time. You can't re-write premierships wins, they either happened or they didn't.

Who are " you guys "? People who prefer the truth rather than the bunkum thats gets posted on here about Bennett?

Yes, the anti Bennett mob are trying to rewrite history. It seems to be the holy grail for the Bennett bashers to bring up the losses to the likes of St George to back up their argument, while ignoring other quality performances. You said it yourself, we were mediocre apparently when we clearly weren't, thats a blatantly untrue statement. Fact, we didnt once finish in a mediocre position under Bennett since he came back. We weren't even a mediocre side. I think you could fairly label us inconsistent, but not mediocre. Isnt that attempting to make us out to be a worse side under Bennett when we actually were.

We finished 2 points behind the Premiers and minor premiership winners, why did we need a change? The simple truth is we didnt NEED a change at all, the board wanted to go in another direction, I'm perfectly fine with that. If we have a long term plan which may involve us going backwards i'm fine with that as well. Changing for the sake of it though seems stupid. If we get it wrong, i dont think we have a Wayne Bennett to turn to if we need to get things back on track next time around. Seibold has a great, talented squad of players to work with, i dont see any excuses for us not challenging strongly.
I used to agree he was the best, but im more impressed with Bellamy to be honest now. He turns very average players in to reply players. Everytime they lose someone great someone steps right in. He, along with his roster management team are the best. The Broncos were good with Cyril. Once he passed away we fell in a hole. Bennett won his premierships when the Broncos were absolutely stacked with internationals and some of the best players in their positions ever. He failed miserably at the nights and his second coming to Brisbane was also a huge failure. He's a good coach, but I don't think he compares to Bellamy. Not anymore. The game has changed and Bennet hasn't.

I don't know what the go is with Broncos recruitment, but I believe Bennett was in charge of that during his time here and it really wasn't good the past few years. We need better procedures in place because we have been crying out for better halves since 2011. We had spare money and sign bird, not a halfback which we needed. Stupid stuff like that infuriates me.

I dont think Bellamy is in Bennetts league. He is fantastic in Melbourne, but outside of there he hasnt been great. Bennett has been good everywhere, Broncos, St George, New Zealand, England, QLD and even NEwcastle to a point. The Newcastle saga wasnt all down to him, there are plenty of good articles about it if you want to educate yourself on what really went on with Tinkler there.

I also dont think you can use the argument of great players with Bennett and not apply it to Bellamy. He has been able to lean on the greatest game manager and most influential player the NRL has ever seen.

Again, you are rewriting history. We didnt sign Bird at the expense of a halfback. Thats absolutle nonsense. We signed Bird at the same time we were trying to sign Ash Taylor. It wasnt one or the other. Bennett is also the one who identified we were missing out on the top young players. Now look at us, we have some really top line talent thanks to either him or systems he put in place. How can it not have been good in the past few years? We have Carrigan, Haas, Staggs, Flegler, Dearden, TPJ, Lodge and many others here now one way or another because of Bennett.
Maybe there is somebody waiting in the wings if things do turn to shit this year and Professor gets his marching orders. Maybe something is just meant to be, regardless of how much we don't want him to coach

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