Sexual assault allegation

Apologies if this has been mentioned here already, but compare the reaction to the Broncos' incident to this:,865 ... 11,00.html

OFF-field dramas have hit another Brisbane football club after Lions utility Joel Macdonald was arrested following an early morning fracas.

The AFL club has confirmed Macdonald was one of two men charged with public nuisance about 2.30am (EST) on Saturday at Ann Street in inner-city Brisbane's Fortitude Valley.

Queensland police said they believed the alleged incident involved several people but only Macdonald and another 23-year-old man were arrested.
It was on the news a few days ago, it isn't as huge because it is a way smaller charge. Lets hope these dramas don't strike the OZtag team!!
I heard about it during the Bronco game.
Must say was really happy to. Hate the Lions.
Beads6 said:
It was on the news a few days ago, it isn't as huge because it is a way smaller charge. Lets hope these dramas don't strike the OZtag team!!

Well I had a self imposed alcohol ban last night, so no dramas from me. Though I heard Stu and Andy were at Alhambra... :P
DPP to cast eye over Broncos sex case

Queensland's Director of Public Prosecutions may be asked for a second opinion after police complete their investigations into a sexual assault complaint against three Brisbane Broncos NRL players.

Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson today said investigations into the allegations should be completed next week.,23599,24 ... 77,00.html

I can understand that happening, if the police say there is no evidence etc.

People could say it's a cover up.
The government must have run out of stupid projects to spend their money and time on, best find something!
I thought the allegations had been dropped if that is the case then why are the ploice still pursing this?
They are as good as dropped from the news tonight. Going to the Director of Public Prosecutions makes me think they have nothing, but are playing VERY safe, so there is no public backlash.
Or perhaps they do have something, and they need advice on what charges to lay.
Karmichael Hunt gets the boot from his girlfriend

HIS club is in the grip of a sex scandal and his team bombed out of the NRL finals. Now Bronco Karmichael Hunt has been dumped by his girlfriend.
Hunt has been kicked to the kerb by his glamour girlfriend Emma Harding - an inner-city receptionist who met Hunt through her brother, Brisbane Lions player Scott Harding.

"She is a very smart and beautiful girl but perhaps a bit naive," said one insider who confirmed the split.

"Karmichael made an effort to patch things up but it was a bit too late." ... 80,00.html

For those who care.
Australia. Welcome to Karmichaels Life!

The media are assholes
VIDEO footage on a mobile phone seized from one of three Broncos players involved in a sexual assault investigation allegedly shows drug use.

The Australian reported that Queensland police are believed to be preparing to widen their investigation into the alleged sexual assault of a woman in a Brisbane nightclub toilet on September 13 after discovering the footage on one of the rugby league players' mobiles.

It is understood that the footage shows suspected drug use, although sources told the newspaper police have yet to determine the identities of those who are believed to have been captured on the video.

Read more on the new Broncos claim

DPP may look at case

A SEXUAL assault investigation involving three Broncos could go to the Director of Public Prosecutions to insulate police against possible bias claims.

Police Commissioner Bob Atkinson yesterday said "regardless of the outcome" all evidence could be sent to an outside body for advice.

Mr Atkinson said that would ensure the public had confidence in the police department's final decision.

"I'm not saying it's likely, but it's possible.

"So it may be that if I choose to do that, and again that would be because of the public interest and the importance of public confidence in the determination that is made, that we wouldn't be in a position to give you a conclusion until that was done," he said.

The State Opposition seized on the move as a "slap in the face" for experienced detectives who had the "capacity and background experience to make a determination".

"I think it's a case that the Minister and the Police Commissioner don't have faith in the detectives who have spent years in the police force," acting justice spokesman Mark McArdle said.

A Queensland Law Society spokesman said police often sent matters to the DPP for a second opinion. "The Police Commissioner is following proper procedure," he said.

Queensland Council for Civil Liberties vice-president Terry O'Gorman supported the move, saying officers involved could feel pressure to lay charges to justify their investigation.

"We support, in high-profile cases that attract a degree of controversy, for a decision to prosecute to be made by the DPP.

"It simply gives an arm's-length degree of independence to the charging process," Mr O'Gorman said.

A woman, 24, alleges three Broncos players assaulted her in a disabled toilet at the Alhambra Lounge in Fortitude Valley on September 13.

The investigation is expected to be completed within a week.

Michael Wray ... 02,00.html

Dunno if this was posted
I can see this turning out really, really bad for the club and the players involved [icon_non
Let us not jump to conclusions.
Has not said our players had drugs but that there may be evidence of drug use on the camera.
Maybe media speculation.
God knows what they have printed so far is enough to kill us off.
Not that it would be a great surprise if there is drugs involved. Enough people have made comments before of drugs in our sport with different players.

The whole thing to me is looking very dirty sus and nasty atm though and I think will as you say jarro65,not looking good for the club.
broncospwn said:
Karmichael Hunt gets the boot from his girlfriend

HIS club is in the grip of a sex scandal and his team bombed out of the NRL finals. Now Bronco Karmichael Hunt has been dumped by his girlfriend.
Hunt has been kicked to the kerb by his glamour girlfriend Emma Harding - an inner-city receptionist who met Hunt through her brother, Brisbane Lions player Scott Harding.

"She is a very smart and beautiful girl but perhaps a bit naive," said one insider who confirmed the split.

"Karmichael made an effort to patch things up but it was a bit too late." ... 80,00.html

For those who care.
I'm surprised Karmichael was so dumb to actually date a woman with a glimmer of intelligence.

ANd Lol at those dufus's for filming themselves (or anyone) taking drugs :roll: