SOO Ticket Presale

That's cool I'll just go down to Melbourne for it icon_thumbs_u I had a ball last time - Telstra Dome has a great atmosphere when it's packed out.
Russo said:
And just think this is how quick we sell out one game (Sydney have buckley's of doing that), and next year when we are due to get 2 games we have to give one of those up to Melbourne so only have the one game here again :cry: :cry:

In Sydney's defence, they do have a far larger stadium than we do.
Nashy said:
Russo said:
And just think this is how quick we sell out one game (Sydney have buckley's of doing that), and next year when we are due to get 2 games we have to give one of those up to Melbourne so only have the one game here again :cry: :cry:

In Sydney's defence, they do have a far larger stadium than we do.

Their stadium is only, what, around 1.6 times the size of ours? The population difference between the two cities is far greater than that.

Just look at their club crowds - there is no tradition of actually showing up to see games live down there, and it shits me! [icon_thumbs_do
mick! said:
Just look at their club crowds - there is no tradition of actually showing up to see games live down there, and it shits me! [icon_thumbs_do

Although there is the tradition of actually making noise while at the games in NSW which is something QLD doesn't have!
Meat77 said:
mick! said:
Just look at their club crowds - there is no tradition of actually showing up to see games live down there, and it shits me! [icon_thumbs_do

Although there is the tradition of actually making noise while at the games in NSW which is something QLD doesn't have!

I was waiting for someone from NSW to come and get uppity about that call :roll:

Mate, that wasn't directed at you or anyone from NSW here, or on any league forum. It's pretty damn clear that people who take the time to post around here usually do actually attend matches whenever they possibly can. It's just no secret that crowds in Sydney are often woeful, for whatever reason.

Oh, and you should probably attend an origin at Suncorp if you think Qld'ers don't make noise icon_thumbs_u
We have been to an origin match in QLD and yes, QLD'ers do certainly know how to make noise for those games! It's just a real shame it doesn't extend to club games. It is also a real shame that NSW clubs don't typically get great crowds week in week out for regular season games. Having said that though, it also would have something to do with the amount of football that Sydney sees on a weekend. We may have an AFL game and a handful of NRL games. Also bear in mind you have 3 QLD teams - there are 9 Sydney teams so the opportunities for people in Sydney to see a their team play is a lot more than people in QLD so it's not as disappointing if people can't get to one game as it might be for those north of the border.
Emma said:
We have been to an origin match in QLD and yes, QLD'ers do certainly know how to make noise for those games! It's just a real shame it doesn't extend to club games. It is also a real shame that NSW clubs don't typically get great crowds week in week out for regular season games. Having said that though, it also would have something to do with the amount of football that Sydney sees on a weekend. We may have an AFL game and a handful of NRL games. Also bear in mind you have 3 QLD teams - there are 9 Sydney teams so the opportunities for people in Sydney to see a their team play is a lot more than people in QLD so it's not as disappointing if people can't get to one game as it might be for those north of the border.

All great excuses for club crowds, but how come when it's just ONE or two matches each year involving the STATE team in the game's SHOWPIECE event, it still can't get close to selling out until, possibly (if the weather is fine), around 15 minutes til kick off? It's ridiculous.
You mentioned club crowds in your post, I was merely responding to that [icon_wink

I agree it's crap that we can't get it to sell out, but by the same token we don't know with absolute certainty that Suncorp would sell out if it held 80,000 people... [icon_razz1 The fact that most people in Sydney absolutely HATE going to Telstra/ANZ/Stadium Australia or whatever the hell it's called, probably doesn't help the cause.
Emma said:
You mentioned club crowds in your post, I was merely responding to that [icon_wink

I agree it's crap that we can't get it to sell out, but by the same token we don't know with absolute certainty that Suncorp would sell out if it held 80,000 people... [icon_razz1 The fact that most people in Sydney absolutely HATE going to Telstra/ANZ/Stadium Australia or whatever the hell it's called, probably doesn't help the cause.

That's the point I think. Suncorp is a world-class purpose-bult league stadium with fantastic views no matter where you sit. ANZ/Telstra/Olympic Stadium is an over-sized athletics track that I've been too many times over the years but only once have I had what I would consider a great view - Origin 2 last year when I had corporate seats
Meat77 said:
Emma said:
You mentioned club crowds in your post, I was merely responding to that [icon_wink

I agree it's crap that we can't get it to sell out, but by the same token we don't know with absolute certainty that Suncorp would sell out if it held 80,000 people... [icon_razz1 The fact that most people in Sydney absolutely HATE going to Telstra/ANZ/Stadium Australia or whatever the hell it's called, probably doesn't help the cause.

That's the point I think. Suncorp is a world-class purpose-bult league stadium with fantastic views no matter where you sit. ANZ/Telstra/Olympic Stadium is an over-sized athletics track that I've been too many times over the years but only once have I had what I would consider a great view - Origin 2 last year when I had corporate seats
And even then we were up in the nose bleeds and I couldn't tell who was who! It is sad really because the location of the ground, the pub outside, the little food stalls they put up for big games, transport to the game etc. are all fantastic. But when you consider how much a ticket is and the seat you get for that price, I don't know too many people who could justify it. We sat behind the posts at Suncorp for Origin 3 last year. Fantastic seats. Sit behind the posts at ANZ which we've done many times and you have a horrible view. To get anything at all that somewhat resembles a decent view, you have to pay big dollars to get the seats about half way up the first tier around the halfway line. The crowd at Suncorp is made to feel a part of the game, you're so close to the action. Here, the crowd is almost disconnected cause there's such a big distance in between the field and the fence.
Emma said:
Meat77 said:
Emma said:
You mentioned club crowds in your post, I was merely responding to that [icon_wink

I agree it's crap that we can't get it to sell out, but by the same token we don't know with absolute certainty that Suncorp would sell out if it held 80,000 people... [icon_razz1 The fact that most people in Sydney absolutely HATE going to Telstra/ANZ/Stadium Australia or whatever the hell it's called, probably doesn't help the cause.

That's the point I think. Suncorp is a world-class purpose-bult league stadium with fantastic views no matter where you sit. ANZ/Telstra/Olympic Stadium is an over-sized athletics track that I've been too many times over the years but only once have I had what I would consider a great view - Origin 2 last year when I had corporate seats
And even then we were up in the nose bleeds and I couldn't tell who was who! It is sad really because the location of the ground, the pub outside, the little food stalls they put up for big games, transport to the game etc. are all fantastic. But when you consider how much a ticket is and the seat you get for that price, I don't know too many people who could justify it. We sat behind the posts at Suncorp for Origin 3 last year. Fantastic seats. Sit behind the posts at ANZ which we've done many times and you have a horrible view. To get anything at all that somewhat resembles a decent view, you have to pay big dollars to get the seats about half way up the first tier around the halfway line. The crowd at Suncorp is made to feel a part of the game, you're so close to the action. Here, the crowd is almost disconnected cause there's such a big distance in between the field and the fence.

Great post.

All your comments are valid. I've never been to ANZ but all the feedback indicates what everyone knows: It's not a rugby league stadium. it's a multi-purpose venue in which the majority of the crowd are simply too far away from the actual event. We're definitely spoilt here in Queensland. One other point that isn't often mentioned is the number of NSW supporters who attend Origin matches at Lang Park. There are many living in the south-east corner but there's also a high number who travel from NSW for the game. I'm not sure if that same enthusiasm is returned when it comes to matches at ANZ stadium. I know I'm not in a hurry to make it down there for an Origin game.
You're spot on Steve - there is a group of guys I work with, sometimes there's up to 30 of them, that travel up to QLD each and every year to go to an origin match. I was with a group of 6 last year and we tacked a week on the Gold Coast onto the end of our holiday. Why wouldn't people want to do that? It's a much more appealing option for us NSW folk to travel up there for a bit of a break than it is for QLD'ers to come down here!

A lot of QLD'ers I've spoken to at origin games in Sydney are folk that actually live here now. I don't blame people north of the border for not wanting to come down to an origin match. Why would you when you have the best stadium in the world and you have to settle for something that's not even close to second best to watch a game here? It might be ok for an AFL game, but when you consider there are way more NRL games played out there, big deal? They should just tear the thing down and create a proper stadium that people will actually enjoy going to - simple! [icon_lol1.
And QEII Stadium in Brisbane... how come that was always sold out despite the views being far worse than Telstra Stadium down south? (Yes, I've been to both).
I had a seat way back in the fourth-highest row at QEII... it was farrking terrible!! [icon_lol1.

I'm just stirring the pot either way. 8-)

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