State of Origin U20s



International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Oh no.

U20 Origin wins:
Coen Hess - none
Valentine Holmes - none
Anthony Milford - none
Cameron Munster - none
Dylan Napa - none
Corey Oates - none

Actual Origin series wins:
Coen Hess - 1
Valentine Holmes - 1
Anthony Milford - 1
Cameron Munster - 1
Dylan Napa - 1
Corey Oates - 2

Queensland's U20 side has produced more Origin players than NSW has too (6 to 5). It's almost as if the U20 Origin result is completely meaningless when it comes to Senior Origin. Our U18s (who have won twice in 10 years) have produced more Origin players than NSW (9 to 7).

We have great players coming through. Who cares if they lose a one-off game every year. Hell, it'd probably add fire to when they get to Senior Origin, losing to NSW all through the juniors...

You must think we stand a big chance then, because those half options (plus guys like DCE and Morgan) are much better than what NSW has. NSW don't have transcendent talent like our "Big 4" coming through. Our players are closer to that than guys like Mitchell Moses, Luke Brooks, Nathan Cleary and Brock Lamb.

The QRL have proven since 2001 they know how to build a pathway and have done an excellent job. It's nice to win but the process is what is important and they are still progressing through to Origin and then winning Origin.

New South Wales may be producing more mature under age players but they're not moving forward.

As I said the Emerging System and the QAS is a great pathway.


International Rep
May 21, 2013

So now you're resorting to taking comments out of context to try and prove me wrong, you never play fair do you? I said this year is the first year that NSW has us covered for talent & depth, not that this year would be the start of a NSW dynasty, as further clarified in a later post, as I told you in my previous post.

One day 1910, one day.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013

So now you're resorting to taking comments out of context to try and prove me wrong, you never play fair do you? I said this year is the first year that NSW has us covered for talent & depth, not that this year would be the start of a NSW dynasty, as further clarified in a later post, as I told you in my previous post.

One day 1910, one day.

Not single person alive would interpret that statement of this year and long long five years as in two years.

You wrote us off- embrace your disloyalty.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
You must think we stand a big chance then, because those half options (plus guys like DCE and Morgan) are much better than what NSW has. NSW don't have transcendent talent like our "Big 4" coming through. Our players are closer to that than guys like Mitchell Moses, Luke Brooks, Nathan Cleary and Brock Lamb.

As I said, I'm slightly more confident in our prospects of being able to continually compete with NSW over the next 5 years after watching the debuts of Munster, Milford, Holmes, etc.

The halves isn't my concern (I was saying that our only hope is our halves, because they're going to need to be incredibly special to cover up the other major gaps in our developing youth). My concern is in the forwards and centres. NSW have elite talent coming through in the forwards, potentially generational talents such as Trbojevic, Crighton, Pangai Jr.

I'm not sure we have the guys coming through to match that crop of talent, guys like Su'A, Ofahengaue & Arrow were meant to be our next generation, they're not progressing fast enough for my liking. Hess is really the only young QLD forward that has progressed as we wanted.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
Not single person alive would interpret that statement of this year and long long five years as in two years.

You wrote us off- embrace your disloyalty.

I'm just going to link you directly to the post, as you're clearly too senile to find it for yourself.

I clearly state that my concern is a few years from now, please stop making things up to try and prove a point. I know it's hard, but just try.


Senior Staff
Mar 5, 2008

I'm just going to link you directly to the post, as you're clearly too senile to find it for yourself.

I clearly state that my concern is a few years from now, please stop making things up to try and prove a point. I know it's hard, but just try.

I read that as you saying NSW is about to start a run like QLD, and then they didn't. Don't resort to personal insults mate, you've typed your post in a way that makes it looks like that.

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