Meat77 said:
Reading through this I'm convinced AP is doing what Rocky did in his "argument" that Todd Carney is a fullback - he's now in so deep into his own ridiculous position that he can't back out
no im not. my argument is that its not fair to strip the premierships, and i might point out that i am nowhere near alone in that argument. thats the only thing im arguing, and im using the fact that other teams have breached the salary cap as well and gone on to win the premiership, but you all want to ignore that.
it doesnt matter if you are $10k over the salary cap or $1m over the salary cap - you cheated. you knowingly paid more for your players than you are allowed to pay. to anyone telling me that im wrong, or that i dont get it, answer these 3 questions:
1. in 2006, did the Broncos breach the salary cap?
2. in 2006, did the Broncos win the competition?
3. did the Broncos have their premiership stripped for winning the competition with a team that they MIGHT not have had if they had not breached the salary cap?
yes, what SOME of the melbourne admin did is downright deplorable, and i hope that someone (at least one person) goes to jail for it. i hope everyone who was knowingly involved is never allowed to go near another rugby league team ever again, or any other professional sports team. but to take away the premierships that the players worked so hard for, when in reality FOR SOME OF THOSE YEARS INCLUDING AT LEAST ONE MINOR PREMIERSHIP AND 1 PREMIERSHIP they were in all likelyhood only breaching the salary cap by as much as any other team in the competition has over the last few years, is just disgraceful on the NRLs part IMO.
and again, the broncos have breached the salary cap in 6 years of the last 10, as have most other teams. the only difference is the storm players have just had everything they worked for for HALF or MORE of their playing careers ripped away for something that they had no control of, and in reality as Huge pointed out, probably had little to no effect on the team that was put on the field.
the people that think im in a 'ridiculous position' are just the usual people who see what i write, misinterpret pretty much everything i write (the hilarious misinterpretations of me saying to scrap the voluntary tackle rule was an absolute joke), and then badger on and on and on about something i DIDNT say, while high fiving each other and saying that I dont know what im talking about, despite them having read 2+2=4 and interpreted it as 2+2 = banana cake.
oh here we have a TEXTBOOK example of what im saying about the same old people misinterpreting what i say lol:
The Rock said:
Wow. Congratulations AP. Suggesting that the Broncos should lose their GF in 2006 for a "salary cap" breach, and your justification behind it, is by far, the dumnbest thing I have ever heard in my whole entire life at BroncosHQ.
read what i said AGAIN, this time take the time to actually read the words that are there and ONLY the words that are there.
Anonymous person said:
cheating is cheating. you could be 10k over the salary cap or 100k - either way, youre 'cheating'. the fact is that i would NEVER agree with a premiership being taken away from ANY team after the fact. its just not right. two teams took the field in the grand final, and regardless of IF the players wouldve been there or not had they not broken the salary cap, one team walks away from the grand final the winner and the other is the runner up. it happened, you cant just then come back 3 years later and say 'that doesnt count'.
did the broncos rort the salary cap in 2006? yes. this is 100% fact. the NRL fined them for it. should they lose their premiership? no. did melbourne rort the salary cap in 2007 and 2009? yes. should they lose their premiership? no. i wouldnt care if souths paid $800k each for 25 players and they won the premiership and THEN got caught - they won the premiership, its done. leave it at that, but then absolutely ream them.
honestly, i think the NRL needs to kick the Storm out of the competition for good, or at least for say 5 years as punishment. its not the fact that they cheated the salary cap, as basically half of the teams do this every year - its the way they went about it. it was downright despicable. and as much as it will hurt Rugby League overall, especially in Melbourne, most of that damage has already been done.
Coxy, im pretty disappointed that you cant see what im saying. i know that the broncos and the storm shouldnt have the same punishment, but im saying that both teams did cheat (to whatever degree) and that NEITHER should lose their premierships. taking premierships away is ridiculous, and if youre going to do it it needs to NOT be on a case by case basis, it should be 'if you go over the salary cap, you forfeit any premiership victories' - not 'if you go over the salary cap by amount X to amount Y you lose Z amount of points. if you go over by X to Y, but we dont catch you until a few years later, you lose a premiership and Z amount of points and have to pay back everything you won'. if they insist on taking premiership away - which i dont agree with - it needs to be plain as day, a line drawn in the sand: if you break the salary cap, you lose everything you won.