Again with the “English Premier League” rubbish. Its total and utter bollocks. 1. They have a first past the post system so if you buy the best players on average you will win - we have a semi-final system that adds a whole new level of risk to the “lets buy the best team” strategy. Remember 1981 - when Newtown, a team of no names and has beens that were about to go broke knocked Manly out? 2. Our League has less games and is far more dangerous to the players so if you run a marquee player strategy than you run the risk of them being injured - and you have nothing. Look at the Cowboys.
The Cap is socialist nonsense that is propping up disfunctional clubs at the expense of growth areas and driving away players and potential sponsors. “Equalisation” is a recipie for low-rent mediocrity. For a start the League should simply tender the responsibility of representing an area out, with milestones to be met such as junior development. By all means grandfather existing clubs in but after a while no more favours.
“The Australian Rugby League desires to establish teams in North-West and South West Sydney, the Central Coast, Central Queensland and Perth. We invite expressions of interest. The successful tenderer will receive a minimum payment from the League over a four year period, will be expected to demonstrate certain capablities and will be expected to achieve certain milestones. Existing clubs are encouraged to apply”
Get rid of the stifling cap and let the game run free.