Storm for Wooden Spoon - Betting Suspended

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Does this mean the runners up are the winners?
**** me they stripped their trophy's :(:(

I'm devo. The comp needs the Storm and this will send them to the grave. Still it sounds systemic...
It's hard to celebrate this, even though I've always had a distaste for the Storm. They've completely tarnished the past 5 seasons of NRL
Pity it seems they can't take any action against Waldron - who would have been pretty heavily involved - as he is no longer in the employ of an NRL club
user_nat said:
That is insane. Probably just killed league in Melbourne.

On the plus side.. Brisbane for team of the decade?

could well hav been that way... ffs
Jesus Christ monkeyballs this is massive. Biggest news in league for a long long time.
At least the Broncos can't finish last now :P
What are the implications as far as playing talent for this season? Will we see mass releases? Or maybe just a few of their stars cut loose.
So, Storm cannot gain anymore points this season.

Hopefully this doesn't play much of a role when other teams play Melbourne.
Edit on the "fine". The fine is actually only $500,000 - the rest is paying back prizemoney.

Seriously they are going to struggle financially as well as on field from here on.
Flutterby said:
Pity it seems they can't take any action against Waldron - who would have been pretty heavily involved - as he is no longer in the employ of an NRL club

True, but I can't imagine the ARU will keep him on in Melbourne now. No legal action maybe, but I reckon he'll be out of a job for a good while.

It will be very interesting to see how they play this year, knowing they get no points for a win.
u gotta feel for the players, they are the ppl losing the most in this, and they wouldnt have had any idea
As I just posted in another thread, maybe they'll have to cast-off talent like the Raiders did years ago with Lazarus and Brent Todd
ningnangnong said:
So, Storm cannot gain anymore points this season.

Hopefully this doesn't play much of a role when other teams play Melbourne.

Bulldogs banded together and tried hard after they had their points stripped in 2002. I think the STorm would be the same, but it might take some time.

I feel horrible for the players. Whether or not they knew anything about this, they did the work on the field and to have their achievements stripped from the record is just so harsh.

This is one of the saddest days I can remember in Rugby League. I'm gutted.
Meat77 said:
As I just posted in another thread, maybe they'll have to cast-off talent like the Raiders did years ago with Lazarus and Brent Todd

That's the interesting thing. There's no mention of the Storm having their cap reduced for coming seasons. That was what the AFL hit Carlton with IIRC.
Yeah feel for the players.

Also going to be referred to police to see if any of it can be considered illegal activity or if it's just a cival matter. I'd say there'd be some legal repurcussions given the club execs sign stat decs every year in relation to meeting salary cap requirements. Maybe that's where Waldron might get penalised.
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