NEWS TC Robati stood down. Sexual Assault Charge

What surprises me is the media isn't claiming him as being a star player or is that yet to come?
Alec Baldwin Drink GIF

Just one off season...
So I’m assuming he’s groped someone based off the article.

I would wait to hear what evidence there is before making any judgements.

Quite a few of these turn out to be complete bullshit, women trying to get back at the person they’re accusing.

We’ll find out soon enough one way or the other.

Probably shouldn't bother watching, doesn't add anything new so don't know why I bothered posting.
we have any room in the womens side for his mrs? could do a raiders type offer
After this season, absolutely we do.

Shaylee really kicked on after Origin and she plays up here for QCup. Was at Tweed with Aiken, Chapman and Ferguson, but is now at Wynnum I’m pretty sure
Motherfucker looks like Tesi so I saw the pic and thought they'd be joy on this forum.
I'll wait for the details to emerge before I make a judgment, sometimes I see these sort of headlines and it ends up being nothing. Sort of like women know he's a footy player and this is their chance to get in the headlines, their 30 seconds of fame, so to speak.

I compare it to the soccer where the striker is in the penalty box, any sort of contact and he will make it look like he near lost a limb. Milford's was similar wasn't it?