The Broncoman NSW verbal diarrhea thread

Off topic but I'm going to post that thread about why I think that the passion factor in Origin is a myth. Will be at the end of the week.
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I'll post a picture later.

This one???

I just got back from Norfolk Island. It's better than Armidale.
Exclusive photo of Broncoman watching last year's Origin 1 after Billy Slater scored the match winner:
The QLD dominance in Origin has gotten me more fired up and passionate about NSW. Prior to QLD's run it was more like let' s see if we can win it again but now I feel more pumped up going into the series thinking. Is this the year we're going to do it, will this be the year.

Every mighty empire that rises eventually falls. Look at the greatest ancient empire the Romans and also (this isn't a nice example) Hitler Germany. Also the Australain cricket team were superior to everything else. They were mighty and dominant and crumbled into an oblivion later on. I'll will not miss a single second of Origin till NSW win again I've pledged to that. No way my alliegence is going to change.
And there is a big difference between QLD and NSW. You say you get fired up and more passionate now that the Blues are on a dry spell. Well, for Queenslanders, the fire inside always burns strongly - win, lose or draw.
I've always bleed blue it hasn't come around since 2006. I was extremly passionate during 1999-2005 but since 2006 I just get pumped up more. I passionatley support and bleed for every sporting team I follow.
Shame the players who play for your team don't feel the same way about their state.
Well, no one posted a thread to prove me wrong, so I guess I'm right.
Please, Nashy, I beg of you -- don't encourage him to post more.
So someone from NSW won a third of the lotto prize. Probably the only thing NSW will win this year.

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