The Broncoman NSW verbal diarrhea thread

Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

I'll put this reply where it belongs:

It's about Origin tickets and who got them, and who didn't and any related discussion of said purchase or lack thereof. It's not about all the other BS that you mistakenly believe is "banter" when it's just drivel.

Ohhh the POOR THING! Gee, heaven help anyone having a CIVIL discussion about the last time NSW won at Suncorp! Broncoman's initial comment was in complete context of the thread and was just dreaming at the thought of NSW winning. It wasn't until Jeb started being a smart arse about NSW's 7 losses in a row did Broncoman start reacting.

But hey - great perspective Porthoz. Maybe you should join the admin team?
What exactly does last time NSW won a series at Suncorp have to do with the topic?

Besides, Jeba's 7 years banter was a reply to this:

I was referring to the 2005 series the year Joey came back and absolutley dominant you, I swear you could have heard a pin drop as Joey and the boys were destroying your QLD'rs

I have no bias towards or against the admins, and I don't always agree with them, but the lengths you go to to find a flaw in anything they do, sounds like you're severely butthurt.

In this case, being in the Origin forum, and Origin related and all, I couldn't give a rats tail, but even you have to admit that Broncosman NSW rants are wearing thin...
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

I don't mind the banter to be honest. He was talking about the last time we won at Suncorp and attendence etc. He was incorrect, we corrected it. At least it's an origin thread. It was always going to go off topic about how much QLD sells tickets and how much NSW don't at some point. What's the diff?
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Rocky, just so I know. The other thread you continued the off argument in was bad? What about this one where you are again continuing it?

Can we all just ease off each other. I appreciate everyone has a different opinion, but can we all just calm down? Broncoman is clearly a youngin. He's simply trying to join in adult (debatable at times) conversations as good as he can.

Does he annoy some people? Yes, of course he does. Does Rock annoy some? Of course. Do I? Yep. It goes on with every user on this forum.

Broncoman is learning the ropes of public conversation on an internet forum, he's trying to get involved and have a bit of a laugh. Instead of flying off the handle at him, give him a bit of slack.

If his sole intention is riling up QLD'ers, then give him a friggin high five, cause the little bastard has riled the entire bloody forum up, and to be honest, everyone is more sick of the arguing between members than Broncoman's harmless posts.

Ning. Can I get an F7 on this post please?
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Hey Broncoman, don't know if you've seen the It's not 6-Nil thread, so I thought I'd bring it over to here:

It's QLD: 19 (+1980 & 1981) = 21 Series wins
NSW: 12 Series wins

According to Wikipedia.

Qld has won in 1980, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 91, 95, 98, 99, 2000, 01, 02, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11
NSW won in: 1985, 86, 90. 92, 93, 94, 96, 97, 2000, 03, 04, 05



What's 21 backwards? 12. LOL! :finger:

I don't count the 1999 and 2002 series as official wins. I count them as wins on default.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

If tables were turned NSW would claim it.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

We won in 2002 if the video ref was fair dinkum
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

We won in 2002 if the video ref was fair dinkum

Yeah I remember that. That was probably the most blatent video ref mistake ever. When Locky scored that the score was 14-12 to QLD with around 14 to go and it was scored near the posts. I was like that's it were finished and when NO TRY came up on the video ref I was like WTF.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

The decision was a 20 meter restart meaning Lockyer lost the ball when attepting to force it. True he didn't have a grip on the ball but had downward pressure the WHOLE TIME. I head the video ref later addmited he made a mistake.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Are you going to have a go at Porthoz for contuning the argument too!?!? In fact, he's the one that actually brought it into an entirely different thread AFTER YOU LOCKED THE OTHER ONE! And yet I'm being told off for continuing the argument? Lol this is a far dinkum gee up. There's another example Nashy.
No, I actually brought it to this thread well BEFORE Nashy locked the other thread. You only need to look at the time stamps of both posts, but don't let facts get in the way of your pettiness... Besides, isn't this the Broncosman, Rock and NSW thread?

Having said that, my reply had little to do with Broncoman, whom I've defended when he was unfairly attacked; and as much as I get annoyed at his continuous NSW pseudo-banter, my reaction had very little to do with him, and was directed at yet another one of your public puberal rants vis a vis the admins on BHQ.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

I'm going to lock this one shortly. FFS.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

I don't count the 1999 and 2002 series as official wins. I count them as wins on default.

Ha ha, so in your mind you're happy with 19-12? Lol. I wish I wasn't competitive and could be happy with mediocrity.

We did win those in 1999 and 2002, we didn't need to get a result so we just coasted with the draw knowing it would count.

Don't lock this thread wowsers. It's fun. If you don't like the rubbish stay out.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Those drawn series fired the Blues up as in 2000 we gave you the biggest flogging Origin has ever seen. And in 2003 Joey and the guys ruined the party at Suncorp and crushed you in Sydney.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Those drawn series fired the Blues up as in 2000 we gave you the biggest flogging Origin has ever seen. And in 2003 Joey and the guys ruined the party at Suncorp and crushed you in Sydney.

Well if we're still talking about the past. LEt's talking about the past 6 years.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

My proudest moment of the last 6 years was I've never been so proud to be a Blue as the guys last year absolutley busted themselves and showed unspeakable passion. Also Gallen's game 2 was something everyone from both states should inspire too.
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Yeah, Gallen was a tank. So was all of QLD though.:rockon:
Re: The Broncoman, Rock et al NSW love thread

Gallen's the best forward in the game. He would be an automatic selection in any team in the world.