The caption game

Johns:....fair dink..I LOVE Thai food Gus..

Gus( drooling and hot ) too Joey... my favourite is 'Cream of sum yung guy' mmmmmm !!!!
Johns:....fair dink..I LOVE Thai food Gus..

Gus( drooling and hot ) too Joey... my favourite is 'Cream of sum yung guy' mmmmmm !!!!
Lol! Waynes World [icon_lol1.
Johns says - "This is what I need to do when the eccies kick in Gus"

Gus - " Who is your dealer, can you hook me up, I haven't been able to have a good wank over Gasnier for awhile?"

Johns - " UUhh ..Some kids "

Gus -" KIDS!? WTF are you kidding me?"

Johns - "Well yeah I am kidding, but if i ever get busted I will just say that some youngsters slipped some eccies into my pocket, It's genius".

Gus - " Muhahaha you are one helluva guy"