OFFICIAL The Kevolution - (Walters new coach of the Broncos)

Ignore the parra troll. So what is a pass mark for the team next year? I think even if they scrape into the 8 that is more than a pass. If he can stop them leaking points in defence, markedly reduce the F/A differential and get them to 9 or 10 with an upward trajectory that would probably constitute a pass for the first year.
Im of the opinion that Walters will be bridging appointment; not quite good enough to get a team like Brisbane to a title but the guy needed to rebuild bridges and begin the journey of reaquainting the club with what it was once and what it can be again...

As for Parra, missing their best player in Brown might be a hurdle too far, but lets see....
Hit a sour note did I boys. Let's see Kevin I can't string a sentence together get these young boys who can barely string a sentence together either.

You don't need to remind me of the Eels but hey 3rd is 3rd and well, last is last. Let's see how many Walters guides you to. I'll be first to admit if I'm wrong but I feel pretty fucking smug that won't happen next year.
12,420 days or 293,760 hours.
Oh, that's how long it's been since Parra touched a trophy.
God you are a precious bunch. I thought Green should of got it. But na, let's bring up Parra useless that every fan fucking knows. The caliber of Broncos fans ladies and gents.
I dunno, the parra bloke seems alright. He's likely wrong about Walters but he's not being a **** or anything. Having a few opposition fans about the place is ok when they're not absolute bellends.
Thank you. If you even went through my post history I've been fuking envious of the Broncos. I even said I'd eat crow and admit I was wrong if Walters smashes it out of the park. God, you don't think I know we've won 2 spoons in 5 years.

Can we be critical of other clubs without be like HARHADYA you've never won shit. It's not good for discussion and aside that I don't think Kevin is the guy for you, I feel I've been fair.
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Im of the opinion that Walters will be bridging appointment; not quite good enough to get a team like Brisbane to a title but the guy needed to rebuild bridges and begin the journey of reaquainting the club with what it was once and what it can be again...

As for Parra, missing their best player in Brown might be a hurdle too far, but lets see....

Just as long as the CM/Badel don't jinx us again with their "This man will win a premiership. Fans: Cut this out and stick it on the fridge to help you through hard times" poster bullshit lol, I think Kev will surprise a lot of doubters. I am very optimistic about our future right at the moment.
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Thank you. If you even went through my post history I've been fuking envious of the Broncos. I even said I'd eat crow and admit I was wrong if Walters smashes it out of the park. God, you don't think I know we've won 2 spoons in 5 years.
2? I thought they stripped one for that time when your board documented their various methods of cheating the cap in their meeting minutes lol. At least we earned our spoon fair and square without cheating, it turns out all you need is for your halfwit fuckup CEO to hire his halfwit fuckup coach mate on a billion dollar contract and together, along with a fucking Manly fan news corp stockmarket wanker chairing the incompetent numpties on the board, they can burn your club clean to the ground.
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God you are a precious bunch. I thought Green should of got it. But na, let's bring up Parra useless that every fan fucking knows. The caliber of Broncos fans ladies and gents.
A fan of one of the most unsuccessful clubs over the past thirty years comes into a rival forum, bags their new coach etc., and is crying that he didn’t get well received. Wow.
If speaking well is a KSC of a top tier coach, that counts out Brad Arthur.
Spot on. I think I wrote a similar thing months back. He himself said Holbrook simplified his role. With the right coach going 'home' to Brisbane would look attractive I'd think. Anyway, probably not the right thread for me to air my thoughts on Taylor!
So Fogarty is doing the organising? That's the skillset we need. Good on Taylor and Holbrook for getting the balance right I guess but if he isn't succeeding as an organiser then I can't think why we should get him. Unfortunately not much out there.
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A fan of one of the most unsuccessful clubs over the past thirty years comes into a rival forum, bags their new coach etc., and is crying that he didn’t get well received. Wow.
If speaking well is a KSC of a top tier coach, that counts out Brad Arthur.
Yeah, let's never speak at all. Close the forum down. Only Broncos can chat. **** they stop there. Let's just have a mod system all you can say is Broncs are the best. No, let's not even have a forum, who cares about any discussion unless it's from fans. Get a grip.
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I thought Kevies's kid was tearing it up for....the tigers(?)
He was on good form but was cast aside when Grant was loaned. Was dropped on class not from in my view. I think Billy would be a good 14. I don't think 26 is past it by any means. Some players develop later especially given Billy is on the smaller side. Given Grant is back to Storm I think the tigers will keep him. I would.

first it was 5 years ... then 10 years ... it will be a 15 year deal next week
Mate, welcome to the forums. Most of us are more than a bit salty this year, which is to be expected.

I’m not anywhere near convinced Walters is the the right choice either. It smacks of the Parra Boys club that nearly destroyed your club a few years back. Hopefully we can recover much like you guys have.

Thank you. Eels are doing shit this year, we are not even a top 4 team. and will go out in straight sets But I watched us lose 10+ games in a row, win spoons, watch Hayne suffer in a team he could have been a Teddy in. But **** it, we are all NRL fans in the end. I live in Brissy and I enjoy when they lose but **** me, it's not like they haven't had decades of unbelievable success.

I do hope you get success with Walters. And it's not because I want to see you fail. I don't want you to have to go through the coaching ***** we did like Kearny and co.
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The guys might come off as a 'doofus' in commentary but in real life he's a quite guy( unless comfortable) and knows his football. If you like, try listening to Bellamy who sounds like he left school at age 8 but most agree, he knows his football.
I agree. Kevin is a humble guy. Very friendly, down to earth. He knows what he knows and more importantly knows what he doesn't know. I Have only spoken to him a couple of times andlong time ago but hard not to like him as a person.
Not sure if it's been mentioned, but Terry Matterson is also in discussions with the Broncos about joining Cartwright as an assistant coach.

Give me all of the Titans rejects, I want them all. Neil Henry as well please.