The Weekly Steve Michaels Award



NRL Player
Jun 17, 2013
I think Maranta will come good given time. Would like to see how he goes at fullback for the rest of the year. He runs the ball back harder than Norman.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008


Andrew McCullough - Macca had a fine afternoon, scoring what was the match-winner and putting on plenty of nice big hits. Unfortunately, his mind went missing when he decided to go down the blind early in the second half and feed the ball to Hodges when he had next to no room, essentially turning the ball over on tackle one in fantastic territory.

Josh McGuire - Brisbane hit the ground running in the second half as Ben Hunt showed some fantastic balls skills to initiate a slick try down the left hand side of the field. McGuire decided to try his luck by launching a bullet pass to Lui. The problem was, the pass ended up hitting Lui's shoulder and it eventually lead to Quinlan's second. Oops.

Sam Thaiday - 6 minutes to go and Brisbane are deep in attack. Scott Prince decides it's time to go wide and tries shifting it to Ben Hunt down the right fringe. Unfortunately Thaiday mistimes his run dreadfully, ends up taking out Vidot and the Dragons are gifted posession which would eventuate into points.


International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012


Andrew McCullough - Macca had a fine afternoon, scoring what was the match-winner and putting on plenty of nice big hits. Unfortunately, his mind went missing when he decided to go down the blind early in the second half and feed the ball to Hodges when he had next to no room, essentially turning the ball over on tackle one in fantastic territory.

Josh McGuire - Brisbane hit the ground running in the second half as Ben Hunt showed some fantastic balls skills to initiate a slick try down the left hand side of the field. McGuire decided to try his luck by launching a bullet pass to Lui. The problem was, the pass ended up hitting Lui's shoulder and it eventually lead to Quinlan's second. Oops.

Sam Thaiday - 6 minutes to go and Brisbane are deep in attack. Scott Prince decides it's time to go wide and tries shifting it to Ben Hunt down the right fringe. Unfortunately Thaiday mistimes his run dreadfully, ends up taking out Vidot and the Dragons are gifted posession which would eventuate into points.

I'd blame Lui for that. LOL
(he's rubbish and Josh is awesome)


BRL Player
Jul 31, 2013
I think Maranta will come good given time. Would like to see how he goes at fullback for the rest of the year. He runs the ball back harder than Norman.

did i miss something? maranta at fb? say it isnt so

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