NEWS Tom Dearden to Shit Factory: STFU already

Are the tap restarts you are referring to the 20m restarts? Because more often than not more ground is made on these because the defence is not set and are trying to make it back to the 30m line after a kick goes dead or a knock on in goal.

But i agree being a bit unconventional and changing the game's rhythm or attacking style could really mess with the norm that other teams are used to, and surprise them.
Yes, the 20 m tap restart. What I don't think most notice is the defence is 99% set directly in front of the tap which has always been in the centre of the field. Sure others aren't quite as set but the tap is overwhelmingly taken straight ahead.

The ground gained is occasionally due to a poor defence but it's the exception. In most cases the ref and the middle 3 or 4 defenders are set and the tap taker runs into the teeth of them. Time and again he makes 8-12 metres. I've paid attention to this for years. I just don't think slow ptbs have been studied closely enough because of the prevailing 'truth' that mega fast ptbs are the goal in ALL circumstances.

We needed breaks the other night and we could have gained three times the amount of resting time as Parra. Trying to play mega fast when 3 men down and exhausted only leads to greater fatigue and many more errors.

Anyway, I've drawn attention to it and I'm sure a few posters out there might watch that little bit more closely.