NEWS Top Bronco sends SOS to Israel

Yes. If Smith wont join us, Israel will save us. The mighty lord will repent his soul for 500k, and the gatorade water bottles will annoint his spirit.

But seriously, yes. Staggs/Israel/Niu centres - thats sharp.
That'll do me. The shit these bottom feeders will make up to get a headline and generate some click bait. Whether I agree or disagree with his stance is immaterial. he needs to public state that he won't use the profile that comes with playing NRL to sprout his beliefs. It's a very sad day if we turn a blind eye to rants just to fill a badly needed spot in our backline.
Sign him, I couldn’t give a **** about his views, Sticks and stones the worlds gone fucking mad. He’s a quality player.

Not the same bloke we enjoyed watching 11 years ago. No way he picks up the modern game quick enough to be worth it.
Do it. **** what the other clubs think, many have signed worse when it's suited them.

Edit: And **** the NRL too
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Wait. What? The country? Who the **** lives in Israel that can save us. Guess I'd better read the article...
Not the same bloke we enjoyed watching 11 years ago. No way he picks up the modern game quick enough to be worth it.
It’s not exactly like he’s been sitting on his ass getting fat for the past 11 years.
Not the same bloke we enjoyed watching 11 years ago. No way he picks up the modern game quick enough to be worth it.
Was the best player for Australian rugby not that long ago.
If the Broncos have cap space and with the way the back line currently looks, you might as well go for it. As long as its not a 3 year contract or whatever.
this "story" reeks of Badel running out of "ideas" to get clicks. so he takes the fact Folau is back in Brisbane for personal reasons and asks a player, who is not only the captain of the Broncos, but a former team mate of Folau, if he wants him back in league. and of course this player would never denounce Folau, which gives Badel the basis for his story.

tabloid journalism at it's best