Updated - Lockyer rules himself out of Manly match

Better question: Where are Williams, Watmough and Matai going to hide after Darren sets up tries down their side of the field?

Matai will be treated for his billionth 'injury'.
What is poor Lockyer going to do when T-Rex and Watmough run at him all day? Where is he going to hide?

I mock your value systems. You also appear foolish in the eyes of others.
At least you can come back.

I joined a Manly forum a few weeks ago & was banned after 1 thread.

All I asked was, Why is Brett Stewart nicknamed Snake. Is it because he shows it to everyone.

And boom, I am banned.

I am the owner of Silvertails. I can't imagine it was my site that you were banned from for doing this. We usually only ban spammers, even trolls get a bit of a run, until they become rude or offensive.
I try to encourage fans of other teams to join the discussion, but there is an element of users on the site that seems take it all too personally and start to go over the top, they do not understand the point or idea of healthy discussion or debate.

Anyway if you needed any of those sorts of questions answered feel free to ask at silvertails.

As for Snake, he got the nickname after being laid off with that shoulder injury when Jamie Lyon smashed him in Brett's debut. After having the injury he couldn't do weights etc. On returning to training Coach Peter Sharp said to him, look at your arms, they look like a couple of brown snakes

Or something to that affect, and the name stuck....or so we are told anyway.

Most of the fans call him Bullet or Stewy.

Can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but I find it absolutely butt ugly. Ads all over the place, boxes, and massive maroon bars down each side.

Not to mention a "Submit articles" button that is bright red on a maroon background. LOLZ

There are reasons for all of those
- Adverts pay for the site
- The Submit Articles button used to be blended with the rest of the site, however people were ignoring it and posting articles straight into the forum, rather than submitting via the correct method, which creates a facebook, twiiter and forum post for the article, generating more SEO and discussion. I decided to make it ugly and red in order to get peoples attention and hopefully have them start posting via that correct method. Obviously it works as it managed to grab your attention :)
- The site design is now about 3 or 4 years old and needs to go through another design to widen it and have it suit some smaller resolutions. back when it was creater 1024*768 was a fairly normal resolution, but now, with bigger monitors you see more of the maroon bars exposed. next season I am looking at redesigning, should time and budget permit.
- Some of the adverts are links between other sites as well, all help SEO and build the site to bigger and better things, i.e. The Big Tip and ourmanly links
For the most part I try to keep the adverts unobtrusive, but they are a fact of life and the site needs to justify the time I put into it.

We also offer free advertising such as the membership adverts, which assist the club in driving our user base there for their own advertising.


Now on topic, I made a post which says just about everything on Silvertails here http://forums.silvertails.net/Thread-Bronco-fans?pid=338967#pid338967

however in basic terms, I think it is unfortunate that this debate has to be had. My preference would be for Lockyer to be 100% fit and playing. It is unfortunate that he may have to bail out of regular footy (i.e. club footy as he has the tests to come) in this way. He doesn't deserve that, and he doesn't deserve to have to play with the injury has, and to expose himself to whatever further injuries that may occur as a result.

Finals footy deserves teams at 100% fitness and arguably at 100% without suspension, excepting extreme cases of major misconduct. It is meant to be the best of the best, and having 90% of a team playing, really is unfortunate for the fans.

If Lockyer plays, my concern is that he would have to be taken from the field early if he suffers too much due to the injury therefore leaving the broncos down a man, it really must be an agonizing decision for him to make, play and help them win, but also risk costing them more, or sit it out, and miss what could be his last club game and expose the team through lack of playmakers.

Reading through this post I think many of you are of the assumption Manly would target Lockyer whilst he is attacking, i.e. high tackles, facial massage etc. We all know that sort of stuff is illegal and wrong, and I would hope that if done, and seen it does not go unpunished.
What you are forgetting is that whilst Lockyer is defending, is when he opens himself to the most risk. Manly can quite rightly run their big men at him, and it will be his job to get his head in the right spot, not Manly's to avoid him. You will then need to get more players around Lockyer to help him defend, and then open yourselves up to weaknesses elsewhere due to the cover.

It is a fact of the game we all love, whether right or wrong, that players with a weakness, whether that be injury, or the fact they are just useless, will always be targeted, only a fool would play a game, see a weakness and not expose it. So to say it is low to target an injury is not really correct. Sure it is correct if you deliberately set out to hurt a guy further, throw punches or arms at the injury but it isn't low if you target that player with a weakness, therefore making them make the mistake. If my team run their bigger men in attack at Lockyer, I say fair game, and the same if Manly pick up an injury and you do the same. It happens in every game every week, so lets not kid ourselves and say it's low.

I doubt Manly will set out to do any more than that. It isn't in Hasslers make up to instruct his players. They will run payers at him, make the cover come in and then attack the holes it creates. If Lockyer gets hurt in making a tackle, then he only has his self to blame for making the decisions.

I think that's quite fair don't you?

Anyway, TBH the debate seems silly to me, and again I think it unfortunate that it has to be had. If I were Lockyer I think I would probably sit out, depending on who could cover me, but I would be hurting at having to make that call, knowing that last week may be my last game I play.

if he makes that call, then fans need to remember him for his toughness in that game, playing on with the injury and nailing a pressure field goal through all the pain, and giving us all the benefit of seeing the look on Sowards face when he realised how much he stuffed up kicking on the 4th gifting the broncos field position, got I hate that little chicken scratching clown.

annnnywaaay lunch time for me
So who of you won the contest to feed Thaiday a bunch of bananas prior to kick off?
From mum jokes to racist slander in a further 3 posts. This is great WAMF. You're everything a Manly fan is expected to be.
Are you going to argue that Thaiday doesn;t look like an ape and that Darrens mum doesn't sound like Pauline?
Ok I'm taking that as a racist comment, you can #### off from the forums asshat.

And to Dannymh great post, feel free to post here anytime.

Mmmm lunch!
Aeetee I think my post is still waiting on moderator approval. Probably too long winded.

I don't understand the forum animosity, I mean I have friends that support most teams, even loonies that support parra. I enjoy talking and watching footy with them all. We have banter, sure, but all this other stuff is just weird if you ask me
Agree. Great post. Wasn't really being a prick about your design. You wouldn't be aware, our site migrated to a new forum software and so we have a fairly generic design. We have an ongoing debate about the quality or lack thereof and so it was more a play on that.

Re: Locky, you've summed it up well. I doubt any of us really expects any dirty play from Manly but rather sending big men his way. Thing is, that's been the tactics against him for 7 years, cheekbone or not.

My concern is only that he won't last 80 minutes, or even 30. That would let the whole team down. But he would be well aware of that and won't risk it if he wasn't certain he could last the full game.

Good to have intelligent debate with an opposition fan.
Aeetee I think my post is still waiting on moderator approval. Probably too long winded.

I don't understand the forum animosity, I mean I have friends that support most teams, even loonies that support parra. I enjoy talking and watching footy with them all. We have banter, sure, but all this other stuff is just weird if you ask me

Approved. :handshake:

Welcome to the forum, mate.
I don't understand the forum animosity, I mean I have friends that support most teams

having mates that support other teams is half the drawcard of watching rugby league. the mate against mate mentality. its all in good fun (well i can't speak for everyone) but i would like to think most of the badchat is just tongue in cheek.
Re: design, all good I know it's faults. It's so hard to get the balance right. I don't want the site to be only a forum and as such need to find the proper middle ground.

With Lockyer I guess that is the cusp of the decision for him, does he play and put in his best effort for as long as he can, and possibly go off after 30, 40 or even 10 mins, or does he give someone else the chance.

Looking at those photos they have done a great job and he looks pretty good.

Just such a big risk. Without him, i think your boys will struggle, with him he could be making the job harder for the team, but he could also win it.

I would hate to be in his shoes.

The running big men at him isn't an issue in and of itself. It does become an issue if you have extra protection for him and open up holes.
It screams of some major point of Sun Tzus art of war TBH from both camps
Aeetee I think my post is still waiting on moderator approval. Probably too long winded.

I don't understand the forum animosity, I mean I have friends that support most teams, even loonies that support parra. I enjoy talking and watching footy with them all. We have banter, sure, but all this other stuff is just weird if you ask me

Ah, a bit of sh1tstirring is fun, especially in the leadup to a big game. As long as it's at least somewhat funny.
As for Darren, the first tackle he makes will be the hardest; once he comes away from that clean he'll be right. He just needs that confidence that he can manage the rough stuff.
I'm not worried about Manly players taking cheap shots at his head. With so much scrutiny on his injury, they'd be stupid to do so. Play as hard as you want, but do it within the rules.
having mates that support other teams is half the drawcard of watching rugby league. the mate against mate mentality. its all in good fun (well i can't speak for everyone) but i would like to think most of the badchat is just tongue in cheek.

It probably is from you guys and even WAMF but I know that some of at silvertails get carried away. I would like to see them more welcoming of opposition supporters. It can get a bit boring going over the same old points with the same old supporters sometimes.

I live in Hervey bay so have plenty of broncos loving friends :)
Anyway, TBH the debate seems silly to me, and again I think it unfortunate that it has to be had. If I were Lockyer I think I would probably sit out, depending on who could cover me, but I would be hurting at having to make that call, knowing that last week may be my last game I play.

if he makes that call, then fans need to remember him for his toughness in that game, playing on with the injury and nailing a pressure field goal through all the pain, and giving us all the benefit of seeing the look on Sowards face when he realised how much he stuffed up kicking on the 4th gifting the broncos field position, got I hate that little chicken scratching clown.

annnnywaaay lunch time for me

Agree! Bahaha, particularly about Soward. Ba ha ha.
Re: design, all good I know it's faults. It's so hard to get the balance right. I don't want the site to be only a forum and as such need to find the proper middle ground.

Agreed, it is tough. BroncosHQ was originally a full fan site with forum (dates back to 1995 in its earliest forms thank you very much), which got neglected in recent years so has just been a forum, and now we're sort of going back towards the more wholus bolus fan site again. Can't please everybody is the motto for sites.

With Lockyer I guess that is the cusp of the decision for him, does he play and put in his best effort for as long as he can, and possibly go off after 30, 40 or even 10 mins, or does he give someone else the chance.

Looking at those photos they have done a great job and he looks pretty good.

Just such a big risk. Without him, i think your boys will struggle, with him he could be making the job harder for the team, but he could also win it.

I would hate to be in his shoes.

The running big men at him isn't an issue in and of itself. It does become an issue if you have extra protection for him and open up holes.
It screams of some major point of Sun Tzus art of war TBH from both camps


Honestly I think the Broncos are a better than even chance of beating Manly with or without Locky. There's a steel and commitment in this Broncos team that I haven't seen for years and even if we're missing the attacking precision of Lockyer, get us in a dog fight and I think we'll come out on top. And I mean no disrespect to Manly, because they finished 2nd for a very good reason. They've been superb this year.

I think both teams fans should be proud. Either way, whoever goes through is a worthy grand finalist. Although pardon me if I can't cheer for Manly, even against the Storm. The hate for Manly has been there too long and is too strong in me! LOL