Wade Mckinnon (possible NZvpenrith spoiler)

How long is he out for?

Hilder got off I heard before too, interesting!
The Rock said:
Wow....what sort of camera angle did they have? It would have had to have been pretty conclusive.

They must have some super duper secret footage that no-one else has seen.

Either that, or they're taking the touchie's word over his. Which wouldn't surprise me and it's fair enough. He is a grub after all.
He got three weeks. What a pissweak, fence-sitting option taken by the judiciary. They just needed to decide whether he did it or not, then surely the level of punishment would be obvious:

He didn't do it = no suspension.
He did it = at least 10 weeks out.

What on earth does 3 weeks mean??
Saw the footage on NRL on Fox. And he spat in the air, in the direction of the touchie. Now most of the time, if you're just spitting, you aim straight down at the ground. I've got no doubt McKinnon intentionally spat at the touchie.

I agree schmix, 3 weeks is way too lenient for this. 10 weeks absolute minimum. We can debate whether or not he did it intentionally for years, but fact of the matter is that if he is found guilty he needs a big suspension because spitting is just wrong.
Did Matai get off too? Or is his case still being heard?

He is a grub face too, he should be ousted haha
I really feel for the Warriors. They don't stand a chance without him.
The touchie was just covering his own ass because he missed a blatant forward pass right infront of him.

There is no way of knowing that McKinnon intentionally spat at the touchie, the touchie and the judiciary are just assuming it was intentional only because he spat in the touchies general direction.

I would hate to be trialled for murder infront of this bloody judiciary
Players should be suspended for spitting on the field at all. No good can come from it.
It's just typical of the NRL to make a stand on something so stupid, and hit the Warriors for it. They did it in 95, they did it to Ridge in 97. They do it to Brisbane ALL OF THE TIME.

Nevermind the real flaws to the game, or the way Melbourne are continuously putting player's health at risk with knees to the back of the leg, jujitsu style take doesn etc.

Ah well, could be worse, could have been a Kiwi. He woulda got 15 weeks.
Sabu_2008 said:
It's just typical of the NRL to make a stand on something so stupid, and hit the Warriors for it. They did it in 95, they did it to Ridge in 97. They do it to Brisbane ALL OF THE TIME.

Well if I was a Warriors fan or Wade McKinnon, I would be absolutely livid right about now after reading this.

http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/spor ... 09,00.html

Knight escapes spitting charge

"The 26-year-old Hilder was accused of spitting on Quinn in the final minute of the Knights' 17-16 victory in Newcastle last Saturday night. The unsavoury incident prompted a push and shove after the game and required teammates to separate an angry Quinn from a startled Hilder."

And there is video proof of Hilder spitting on Quinn, but Hilder escapes suspension.

Talk about double standards.

Where's the consistency?
There is no way the footage I've seen shows a deliberate attempt to spit at anyone, joke of a decision but if they didn't find him guilty they are basically calling the touchie a liar.
I have seen both incidences & IMO the Hilder spitting was far worse.
Yeah, but everyone wants to spit at Anthony Quinn, so they let it go.
You'd think they would have given him a longer suspension if they REALLY thought he did it. Seems a bit soft for someone guilty of that sort of a charge. Spitting is grose....

should always swallow lol
Coxy please...i did that for my eyesight....I tend to like to read small print....like your sig haha