Wade Mckinnon (possible NZvpenrith spoiler)

Playboy Bunny said:
Coxy please...i did that for my eyesight....I tend to like to read small print....like your sig haha

Are you saying my sig's small?

Incredibly cold! So cold fish from deep in the antarctic were swimming with me.

Do the words "circumstantial evidence" mean anything to the moronic idiots on the panel? The ALLEGED victim doesn't see accused spit, isn't looking at accused when said action is occuring, however sees spit coming narrowly missing him. If it wasn't spit, but was anything else, in a REAL court the prosecution wouldn't even bring this to the courtroom. PATHETIC

If a player is guilty of spitting on an official, than said player has actually "assaulted" the official, which would have to carry a minimum of 8-10 weeks, if not 15+ weeks. To spit on an official would mean season, perhaps even life ban in lower grades! However, in the elite grade, a player gets 3 weeks. PATHETIC

Just when you think the NRL judiciary process can't get any worse, they always pull out a rabbit. This is the most LOL thing they have ever done.

What has happened; is they have found the player guilty as a poorly disguised attempt to appear to be supporting the match official. However in yet another poorly disguised attempt to appease said player and club, given him a crap-all sentence. The reasoning? Because they know they can't prove he committed said crime!

When does precedence ever take effect in this mockery of a judicial commitee? Because, from this decision we can know understand that a player can spit on a match official and recieve 3 weeks. However, if you lift a player beyond horizontal or commit a dangerous throw you will recieve 4+ weeks.

Officials are now less protected than a player.

LOL @ the NRL. Why would the AFL or ARU ever be concerned about this mob of morons? More and more each week, I feel I am the laughing stock of Australia, because I support the "white-trash" game....which is what this mockery of leadership has turned RL into.

I have done a complete backflip after this decision; any player that DOESN'T run to ESL or RU for the money is an idiot. Why spend your youth in this circus?
On the contrary, I think the NRL should be applauded. For too long saliva expulsion has been seen as an accepted practice amongst our sporting elite. However, they are role models, and our kids will feel they can work in a restaurant and spit at the feet of patrons simply because it's their place of work.

Wade McKinnon is lucky. i would've banned him for life.

This is the first step. The next is the disgusting habit of players to launch snot rockets. Darren Lockyer was one to be caught out publicly way back in 1996. He was severely reprimanded by the club and has since learnt that you blow your nose into a tissue before the game, at half time or after the game.

It's disappointing that they let themselves down by letting Matt Hilder off based on the argument that he didn't hock a loogie, he just spat the dummy, which is accepted practice since the so called halfback of the century made spitting the dummy his most visible on field skill.

He was charged with spitting at an official, not spitting on him.

The touchie said he spat at me.
I woulda banned him and Hodges for life. We can't have players disrespecting our referees this way. They do a marvellous job, and should be praised week in, week out.