Who's Going To Origin?

The Rock said:
Don't know why he's pleading, it was full last year.

Lol, full doesn't equal good support.

Besides, NSW fans were leaving when there was still about 20 minutes left in the match last year.
The Rock said:
Don't know why he's pleading, it was full last year.

Yeah, of Queenslanders who travelled down. The NSW fans went to the pub and took a dip at Bondi.
You're not wrong coxy. i was there last year, and the support for NSW was orindary. barely any jerseys, flags etc. Its like they were just wandering past the stadium in their nike jackets and thought... hmm whats this ruckus on in here, ill check it out
That's true, I do remember saying when the team ran out that I had never seen so much support for QLD at a Sydney match, it really can't have been far off 60/40. So you're right Shaun, the support was outstanding, it's just a shame for you that a lot of it wasn't for the home team!
The Rock said:
schmix said:
Omg guys move on. Conversation over. Don't make me lock this thread, because it actually still has a purpose.

You're too harsh. This is origin time just let the banter flow. No harm done, you guys should be a bit more lenient in the origin forum, just like you guys are a bit more lenient in general talk when it's the off season.

No this forum will not be softened up just because you think it should be like that. And if that upsets you then may i suggest leagueunlimited or rleague. Maybe they are more to your taste.

Also sorry i didn't get around to starting your ban last night mate. Got distracted. I'll start it as soon as i get to my home computer which will be sometime Tuesday night. Wouldn't want you or anyone else thinking I'm being lenient.
The Rock said:
I was there last year and the support was outstanding.

Leaving with 20 minutes to go was understandable - Seriously, they had just watched 4 straight series losses, what's an extra 20 minutes going to do.

Not understandable considering the Blues were still very much in the contest until the last minute try by Cameron Smith.
Did you also see the amount of jerseys, the amount of flags, the amount of maroon that you could see looking out over the crowd? I don't doubt it was close to 40% QLD support in that crowd that night, it was the first time I've ever not felt overwhelmingly outnumbered at any match other than game 3 of the 2007 origin series which I watched in Brisbane.

And yes, the NSW chant was louder - 60/40 is still 20% more blues fans so it's obviously going to be louder.
I was also there and agree with u emma. I was surprised to see the amount of QLD support. We definitely outnumbered the blues in jerseys and flags thats for sure
I was also there and agree with u emma. I was surprised to see the amount of QLD support. We definitely outnumbered the blues in jerseys and flags thats for sure

Yeah but you were in the heart of rugby league. They don't need to:
- spend money on merchandise
- wear said merchandise
- attend games
- make noise

They were in their trendy clothes, at a trendy bar, eating trendy snacks, drinking trendy drinks (probably with a parasol in it) with the game on a TV but doing everything they could to not look like they were watching it.

That's what passion is!
Oooh, parasols....

I've said too much!
To be fair to Rock, on this occassion. He didn't actually start the off-topic baiting this particular time. But seriously the whole "sydney people don't go to games" - "Qld people might go but they don't support" arguements are tiresome. Origin time/forum or not - cut it out. Many many many people are over it. Keep arguing it in PMs where no-one else has to put up with it. Serioulsy, I have already deleted some of these types of posts in forums - warnings and bannings will follow for anyone who continues in this vein. If you don't like it - I seriously don't care, if you really don't like it, don't come back on here.
The Rock said:
I can understand your point if you don't like it spreading into other forums but I don't understand why it's such a big deal in the origin forum. It's been fun every other year, don't know why it has to change this year.

Probably because of all the bloody complaints I have received regarding that particular specific line of baiting - clearly MANY people are sick of it and don't actually see it as fun.
The Rock said:
90% of the time I don't start it though. Usually it's Cocksee.

And very rarely do admins actually single you out, we just say cut it out and move on to everyone.

Of course, you always feel the need to argue back rather than copping it on the chin, which is why you might feel you get treated harsher. Most others just accept it and move on, even if they don't agree with it, because they realise that it doesn't really matter.

You, of all people, should realise that admins make a lot of judgement calls and not everyone will agree with everything. Unless it is a matter of someone being treated unfairly, I cannot for the life of me understand why some people insist on nitpicking at everything. It's fucking painful and if it keeps happening then this place will end up adminless and Coxy will either have to find new people or shut it down.
schmix said:
The Rock said:
90% of the time I don't start it though. Usually it's Cocksee.

And very rarely do admins actually single you out, we just say cut it out and move on to everyone.

Of course, you always feel the need to argue back rather than copping it on the chin, which is why you might feel you get treated harsher. Most others just accept it and move on, even if they don't agree with it, because they realise that it doesn't really matter.

It's not a set of testicles so fair chance he won't cop it on the chin.