Women's State of Origin - Game 1

Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
I am. As I said in game, I turned the men's one off. I also found it boring because of how predictable it was with the refereeing. I started working I was so bored. This is not to detract from what was an amazing Qld win, they deserve all the accolades they get but doesn't detract from the game being ruined by Klein...again.

TBH......I think some of you guys are letting the quality of refereeing interfere with your perception of the RL that was played during a game.

"Fucken hell Fourex......you're only saying that because QLD won" .......

maybe there's somethin' to that.....


Lets be honest,
there's no way on god's green earth,
you can say the women's game was better RL viewing than the men's.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
The NSW girl who dangerously flipped the Qlder wasn't even put on report, ridiculous.
See...this is what I'm sayin'

If you treat every game as a contest for the standard of the officials' performance.....

It's futile.

It's like backing one form of government over another. It's a false economy. They're all fucked......

They ALL make a great many number of mistakes.

IMO.....best to focus on the quality of the game/life...to fully appreciate its existence.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
It definitely wasn’t better than the men’s Origin game but the women’s game has been consistently more enjoyable than the men’s game over the last couple of years. They just play a different brand of footy


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
TBH......I think some of you guys are letting the quality of refereeing interfere with your perception of the RL that was played during a game.

"Fucken hell Fourex......you're only saying that because QLD won" .......

maybe there's somethin' to that.....


Lets be honest,
there's no way on god's green earth,
you can say the women's game was better RL viewing than the men's.

I didn't enjoy either game, they both sucked but I prefer the ref to put the whistle away. I don't make it a secret how much I hate the current version of league.
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
I didn't enjoy either game, they both sucked but I prefer the ref to put the whistle away. I don't make it a secret how much I hate the current version of league.
Well ...that's what I'm sayin'....

Watch the RL instead of the refs.

Maybe you'll start enjoying some of the footy that's being played.



Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Well ...that's what I'm sayin'....

Watch the RL instead of the refs.

Maybe you'll start enjoying some of the footy that's being played.


And how does one not watch the refs when they repeated make games all about them and get in the way constantly?
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
And how does one not watch the refs when they repeated make games all about them and get in the way constantly?


Do you think the referee's got in the way with QLD winning the other night?

The RL overcame any perceived resistance.


International Rep
Mar 25, 2008
In coverage they said that 20 players playing last night were changing clubs. How does that grow the games fan base??? I don’t care about the broncos women much, but I like the Qld team….why? Because I know the players ffs.

the big heads at nrl hq are MORONS across every facet of the game.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013

Do you think the referee's got in the way with QLD winning the other night?

The RL overcame any perceived resistance.

Like I said mate, I turned it off. I am so happy of course Qld came away with it and they deserve all the accolades they get and more but I turned it off because for all intents and purposes, that sin bin in most games would have been a match turning howler. This on the back of clear HIAs not getting called by 'independent' doctors and a NSW try that was a clear knock on. Everything was going against Qld and I'm glad they pulled it off because the ref was getting in the way of it all game.


International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
In coverage they said that 20 players playing last night were changing clubs. How does that grow the games fan base??? I don’t care about the broncos women much, but I like the Qld team….why? Because I know the players ffs.

the big heads at nrl hq are MORONS across every facet of the game.

every team each season averages about 50% change in players from the previous season

unfortunately it’s short term pain for long term gain in professionalising the women’s league.

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