OFFICIAL Xavier Coates Leaves Broncos

Gus complaining the system is wrong (been saying it for 20 years) that the premiers can take the spooners best player. Didn’t stop his current mob taking our best up and comer. Have a bit of time for Gus but no different to all the other vultures. The worm will turn when we wake up.
Gus complaining the system is wrong (been saying it for 20 years) that the premiers can take the spooners best player. Didn’t stop his current mob taking our best up and comer. Have a bit of time for Gus but no different to all the other vultures. The worm will turn when we wake up.
Where did he say this?

“The Broncos are a great club and they have played a huge role in helping me get to where I am today. This was a really hard decision to make but I promise that I will give my best for the Broncos, my teammates and our fans every moment for the rest of the year.”

Just **** off you piece of shit. “The broncos have played a huge role in helping me get to where I am today” so what to pay them back you are fucking off at the first opportunity? Why does he even say this shit, why bother with these empty words? Is it just to try and make sure he won’t be demoted to Q cup?

Honestly I couldn’t have less respect for him and I will boo him at every game he plays at Suncorp.
Just **** off you piece of shit. “The broncos have played a huge role in helping me get to where I am today” so what to pay them back you are fucking off at the first opportunity? Why does he even say this shit, why bother with these empty words? Is it just to try and make sure he won’t be demoted to Q cup?

Honestly I couldn’t have less respect for him and I will boo him at every game he plays at Suncorp.
I get that you're a passionate man, who's want to sporadic angry outbursts, but Xavier has literally done nothing wrong. He's contracted to play for the Broncos this season. He owes us nothing after that. Seriously, he owes us absolutely nothing. But he's thanked us for making him what he is today. That's it.

This notion that players are morally bound in chains to a club beyond the club's agreement to pay them is not based on any reality.

Are you livid every time the club chooses not to resign a player or worse horse trades them mid-contract? If not, you might revisit your logic.
Was interesting listening to Dobbo on triple m this morning. Actually bagged Coates a bit for taking the cash rather than sticking with your mates and digging out of the mess similar to the Reds.
Also said Lodge would be gone within a week or two to Penrith, Reynolds deal is almost done, also looking good for both SJ and Gagai. It is Dobbo though…
Was interesting listening to Dobbo on triple m this morning. Actually bagged Coates a bit for taking the cash rather than sticking with your mates and digging out of the mess similar to the Reds.
Also said Lodge would be gone within a week or two to Penrith, Reynolds deal is almost done, also looking good for both SJ and Gagai. It is Dobbo though…
The way Lodge spoke in his last interview suggests that he is well and truly gone. He reflected on how he arrived at the club and how his situation had changed for the better, but it was all said in the context of him being finished with the club. So Dobbo has got that bit right.

Shame Penrith will be unstoppable with his inclusion. I dearly hope against hope that Capewell is part of the deal.
The way Lodge spoke in his last interview suggests that he is well and truly gone. He reflected on how he arrived at the club and how his situation had changed for the better, but it was all said in the context of him being finished with the club. So Dobbo has got that bit right.

Shame Penrith will be unstoppable with his inclusion. I dearly hope against hope that Capewell is part of the deal.
So I suppose we are subsidising his deal with Penrith?
I get that you're a passionate man, who's want to sporadic angry outbursts, but Xavier has literally done nothing wrong. He's contracted to play for the Broncos this season. He owes us nothing after that. Seriously, he owes us absolutely nothing. But he's thanked us for making him what he is today. That's it.

This notion that players are morally bound in chains to a club beyond the club's agreement to pay them is not based on any reality.

Are you livid every time the club chooses not to resign a player or worse horse trades them mid-contract? If not, you might revisit your logic.
I agree with Broncos4life.

This kid was part of the group that gave us our first spoon.
He got his opportunities because Broncos gave them to him, and in return, he gets the **** out of dodge instead of repaying the faith the club had in him, and not only that but doesn't have the stones to repay the club for being part of the group that gave us our first spoon.

Say what you like, but loyalty go's a long way, and as a fan, it means everything.
He would have become one of the most loved Broncos of the decade if he publicly turned down the Storm and committed to us to be a part of the rebuild, and not only that, but pay the club back for giving us our first spoon.

Sure its a business, and money talks, but loyalty is not something you can buy and that would have made all the difference to me.
I think purging the club of these kids is a good thing though, both him and Dearden are cut from the same cloth, and their words mean nothing.

Glad they are both gone and i hope they are blacklisted from future Origin selection as well.
I agree with Broncos4life.

This kid was part of the group that gave us our first spoon.
He got his opportunities because Broncos gave them to him, and in return, he gets the **** out of dodge instead of repaying the faith the club had in him, and not only that but doesn't have the stones to repay the club for being part of the group that gave us our first spoon.

Say what you like, but loyalty go's a long way, and as a fan, it means everything.
He would have become one of the most loved Broncos of the decade if he publicly turned down the Storm and committed to us to be a part of the rebuild, and not only that, but pay the club back for giving us out first spoon.

Sure its a business, and money talks, but loyalty is not something you can buy and that would have made all the difference to me.
This club has no loyalty to its players. The overarching narrative right now is to bring in a broom and siphon in fresh blood from other clubs. The atmosphere amongst fans is caustic and cruel. Take a look at the sheer assholery and lack of decency in this thread.

That's one of the reasons he's leaving. Actually, it's THE reason.
This club has no loyalty to its players. The overarching narrative right now is to bring in a broom and siphon in fresh blood from other clubs. The atmosphere amongst fans is caustic and cruel. Take a look at the sheer assholery and lack of decency in this thread.

That's one of the reasons he's leaving. Actually, it's THE reason.
How does the club fix that? There was a time when it meant something to be a 1 club player, and to be loyal to the club that gave you your shot.
I also think the assholery (awesome word, using it from here on out) is because of the lack of loyalty from players.

I agree that the club needs to do its part and show loyalty to the players as well, but from what i see, we offered Coates a fully reasonable contract and he left anyway.

This is what i mean as well Mchunt, and the exact same thing applies to Dearden.

This profession of love for the club, and supposed dedication to making things right, only to turn around and take a huge steaming shit on the club by defecting to our most hated enemy.

**** Coates, he is a dog and any assholery is warranted.
If he came out and was honest from the start, this shit wouldnt hit home so hard, but to give the fans and the club hope, then tear it down and defect to the fucking Storm is unforgivable.

The only bloke to commit so far is Staggs, he gets a huge rap from me for actually sticking by his word.
Was interesting listening to Dobbo on triple m this morning. Actually bagged Coates a bit for taking the cash rather than sticking with your mates and digging out of the mess similar to the Reds.
Also said Lodge would be gone within a week or two to Penrith, Reynolds deal is almost done, also looking good for both SJ and Gagai. It is Dobbo though…

I know Dobbo lives in a total fantasy land but damn this would be a good outcome for us if all this is true. Lodge has been great but that price tag and the balance of the team hangs over his head.

1. Isaako / Hynes
2. Oates
3. Gagai
4. Staggs
5. Farnworth
6. Johnson
7. Reynolds
8. Flegler
9. Turpin
10. Haas
11. Riki / import
12. TPJ
13. Carrigan

14. Bench hooker
15. Kennedy
16. Piakura
17. Robati / import
Gould is simply muck raking here. Coates is a winger and is well down the pecking order in terms of the Broncos best player............surely it was Walsh.😂
You're a prime example of the immature. You make these definitive statements. You're utterly convinced you just cannot be wrong.
No qualification, no equivocation, absolute certainty. You just know you're right.

You declare that Coates will be a career winger. That's it. Done and dusted. In your mind there's no possibility he can ever play any other position AND you know the future.
It's like back late last year. Kennedy is the worst player in the NRL. The worst. No doubt in your mind.

You'd think after all the times you've been wrong in the past, the many many times you'd learn but no, still you're convinced you're infallible. Even when you've been proven wrong you blunder on, completely dodging the evidence. Pretending it didn't happen.

That's why 35 year olds are never given jobs where they have to consider the evidence, generally they just don't have the humility and the wisdom to do the job. Sure, there's wise old heads on some 35 year olds but they listened to the wiser, they realised and accepted they can be wrong and they don't make incontrovertible statements.
I'm wrong all the time. Everything I state is an opinion, would you like me to add an *IMO* after every opinion I make? Would that make you feel less threatened?

In my opinion Coates will be a winger for his career, as he has shown no skills of a centre, and all his best attributes are of a winger, basically a Daniel Tupou with a higher ceiling.

Kennedy has proven me wrong this year, I'd consider him a viable squad member now, still wouldn't make my playing 17 at most clubs, but he's no longer in my calculations for worst player in the NRL.

Soooo I like the fact you've made a passionate and long-winded post, while being completely wrong. Would you like some tips on never being wrong? I do like you complain about me making definitive statement, and then you make one about 35yr olds never getting certain jobs, when they clearly do.
I get that you're a passionate man, who's want to sporadic angry outbursts, but Xavier has literally done nothing wrong. He's contracted to play for the Broncos this season. He owes us nothing after that. Seriously, he owes us absolutely nothing. But he's thanked us for making him what he is today. That's it.

This notion that players are morally bound in chains to a club beyond the club's agreement to pay them is not based on any reality.

Are you livid every time the club chooses not to resign a player or worse horse trades them mid-contract? If not, you might revisit your logic.

He owes us for contributing to a Spoon season. We persisted with him knowing he was raw and developing and those detriments absolutely contributed to our poor form last year, where he was a defensive liability. We could have played a more experienced / safer depth winger, but instead we persisted with him knowing that he will improve and both he and the club will be better in the future for it.

So yeah, he owes us at least a couple of good years where his improved performances make up for what we've persisted with so far. Just as I hoped Jack Bird would do before he took up his player option with zero intent to actually honour it.

This is what i mean as well Mchunt, and the exact same thing applies to Dearden.

This profession of love for the club, and supposed dedication to making things right, only to turn around and take a huge steaming shit on the club by defecting to our most hated enemy.

**** Coates, he is a dog and any assholery is warranted.
If he came out and was honest from the start, this shit wouldnt hit home so hard, but to give the fans and the club hope, then tear it down and defect to the fucking Storm is unforgivable.

The only bloke to commit so far is Staggs, he gets a huge rap from me for actually sticking by his word.
I get that people have taken this personally, I really do.

Can I just offer this thought? Please, just for consideration?

Ok. What if we were premiers and the Coates situation was the same, he leaves for another team, say Melbourne? Would the feelings be the same? I mean, if you gave it a moment and thought about it?

Is the pain of him leaving made poignant by our current station? Is there any possibility that his leaving is acting as a magnifier, that we feel humiliated. Like the loyal partner who supports the other, working like a dog while the other studies only for the relationship to fail as soon as the goal's reached.

I don't believe Coates defection would matter much at all to most if we were the reigning premiers, it'd be regrettable but we'd quickly move on. We'd say he was ungrateful but the pain wouldn't be anything like what's being experienced here and now.

We're transferring our anger on to Coates for where the club is now and after reflection I think a lot of us could see this is a big part of our anger. It's not really fair either, not really.

One final thing, he's a kid and some very savvy manipulators have had access to his thoughts and feelings. His manager and external clubs have influenced his thinking and I can't blame the barely armed for succumbing to a superior force. In short, it's not all on Coates and we need to see it for what it is AND for what it isn't.

Sorry, just an old man's thoughts.
Was interesting listening to Dobbo on triple m this morning. Actually bagged Coates a bit for taking the cash rather than sticking with your mates and digging out of the mess similar to the Reds.
Also said Lodge would be gone within a week or two to Penrith, Reynolds deal is almost done, also looking good for both SJ and Gagai. It is Dobbo though…

SJ and Reynolds? I think we only need one of them, I know we do actually.