This is what i mean as well Mchunt, and the exact same thing applies to Dearden.
This profession of love for the club, and supposed dedication to making things right, only to turn around and take a huge steaming shit on the club by defecting to our most hated enemy.
**** Coates, he is a dog and any assholery is warranted.
If he came out and was honest from the start, this shit wouldnt hit home so hard, but to give the fans and the club hope, then tear it down and defect to the fucking Storm is unforgivable.
The only bloke to commit so far is Staggs, he gets a huge rap from me for actually sticking by his word.
I get that people have taken this personally, I really do.
Can I just offer this thought? Please, just for consideration?
Ok. What if we were premiers and the Coates situation was the same, he leaves for another team, say Melbourne? Would the feelings be the same? I mean, if you gave it a moment and thought about it?
Is the pain of him leaving made poignant by our current station? Is there any possibility that his leaving is acting as a magnifier, that we feel humiliated. Like the loyal partner who supports the other, working like a dog while the other studies only for the relationship to fail as soon as the goal's reached.
I don't believe Coates defection would matter much at all to most if we were the reigning premiers, it'd be regrettable but we'd quickly move on. We'd say he was ungrateful but the pain wouldn't be anything like what's being experienced here and now.
We're transferring our anger on to Coates for where the club is now and after reflection I think a lot of us could see this is a big part of our anger. It's not really fair either, not really.
One final thing, he's a kid and some very savvy manipulators have had access to his thoughts and feelings. His manager and external clubs have influenced his thinking and I can't blame the barely armed for succumbing to a superior force. In short, it's not all on Coates and we need to see it for what it is AND for what it isn't.
Sorry, just an old man's thoughts.