Your Anzac Test Teams

At least play a classic match replay or something.
Ah, I see they've moved City Country to 2pm.

Hope we still get the residents game in QLD.
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The irony is if this were a normal NRL round the Broncos would have got another Sunday game!
Haha, just our luck. Even mother nature won't give us a daytime game!
I recall the Broncos going up against Souths in worse conditions.

Its a bit of fucking water ffs! It would have made the game more interesting.
I agree and it is a bit of a let down for all of the people (families) who live away from Brisbane and have driven in and stayed for the night to see the game!
**** this nambypamby administration, best/most memorable rep games are the one's in the wet

**** off, this isn't about safety, it's about an administration that no longer has a pair of testicles
If anyone cares to look outside your tiny fucking world they would realise the game was called off more for the sake of the fans that would try to attend, than some bullshit about the game going soft.

The roads are completely fucked and a dangerous place to be on. Public transport is fucked and is the only real way for most people to get to the game

Grow up
I recall the Broncos going up against Souths in worse conditions.

Its a bit of fucking water ffs! It would have made the game more interesting.

I remember that game too, the last proper game JYY ever played.
Yeah it's disappointing, was really looking forward to it and now there's nothing else planned but boredom. But I can understand the postponement, as previous have stated; no one could attend, floods and lightning.
Yeah the best thing to come out of tonight was seeing Dib get smashed. I hope to never see his shit eating grin on my tv ever again.
Yeah the best thing to come out of tonight was seeing Dib get smashed. I hope to never see his shit eating grin on my tv ever again.

Does this have something to do with the fact that he is a Dragons supporter?

That's why I cheered when he got smashed..
In hindsight I'm glad they cancelled the game, considering 4+ people died trying to drive through flood water last night, might've been more with an extra 40,000 people trying to get to and from the game.
Bit of water won't hurt.

Let's see some footy.
True ,it's hard to believe they called it off but I was there and everyone would have been soaked. I'm heading to Cbus instead to catch the Png,Fiji and Samoa,etc games