There are scores of QLD Origin players I love; Lockyer, Langer, Meninga, Miles, Bella, Gillmeister, Larson, Lindner, Backo, Conescu, Shearer, Webcke, Civo, Price, Jackson, Moore, Renouf, Belcher, Steve Walters, Kev Walters, Tallis, Gee, the list goes on and on and that is no disrespect to the players not listed.
There is only two NSW players I liked; Sterling and Pearce.
There are many NSW players I begrudgingly respected; Elias, Roach, Sironin, Stuart, Daley, O'Connor, Johns (the brother that actually had skill), Jack, Mortimer.
However, there is still only one who stands head and shoulders above the rest, who epitomises what Origin means; The King.
He was (and still is to an extent) Origin; ... re=related
That is what the QLD public thought of his greatness, nobody sends off the King without a good reason or else! Also, think of his nickname, which the players actually called him...The King. Utmost respect by all who played with and against him.
Watch how he comes in flying, then heads straight to the ref! Knew how to get what he wanted.(P.S. Peter Jackson what a player R.I.P.)
Only the true greats control Origin; Lockyer, Lewis, Langer, Sterling, Fittler to an extent. Nobody else has done it, except Andrew Johns, in one game ever.