NRL bans shoulder charges

So far the only argument I've heard against shoulder charges is that they're in the highlight reel... they look good.

Well **** me, let's replace the players with chicks in lingerie, because they look good and would make the highlight reel....

Once upon a time league promotions and highlight reels were filled with spear tackles, king hits, punches, swinging arms, squirrel grips, all in brawls...most of the "big hits" that were "Kenny's bellringers" in the 80s are illegal high tackles now.

Shoulder charges will go the same way. The dinosaurs, neanderthals and rednecks will cry about the game being "soft" by outlawing them, while those who just appreciate the game and the skill involved will move on.
Despite the outcry I doubt the game will lose one cent from this decision. The shoulder charge is a low percentage play and we've been seeing fewer of them every year. The game is still as brutal as it's ever been and people will still watch it.
Despite the outcry I doubt the game will lose one cent from this decision. The shoulder charge is a low percentage play and we've been seeing fewer of them every year. The game is still as brutal as it's ever been and people will still watch it.

^^^ This.
A shoulder charge is only an injury risk "if it goes wrong"...just as a standard arm tackle can be dangerous if it goes wrong and takes a guys head off. So at the moment a player can't lift in a tackle as that is dangerous, can't tackle at the legs while the attacker is being held by other defenders as that is dangerous, and now can use your shoulder to tackle as that is dangerous. Do they need to politely ask the attacker to stop running and quietly lay on the ground please? Insanity...can someone remind me why we were all excited about the idea of the new independent commission? This is a sad day for rugby league, and it will truly effect the game way more than some of you would like to pretend. Just think of the first 15 minutes of origin now. This needs to be overturned.
It was announced to deflect attention away from the origin farce
A shoulder charge is only an injury risk "if it goes wrong"...just as a standard arm tackle can be dangerous if it goes wrong and takes a guys head off. So at the moment a player can't lift in a tackle as that is dangerous, can't tackle at the legs while the attacker is being held by other defenders as that is dangerous, and now can'y use your shoulder to tackle as that is dangerous. Do they need to politely ask the attacker to stop running and quietly lay on the ground please? Insanity...can someone remind me why we were all excited about the idea of the new independent commission? This is a sad day for rugby league, and it will truly effect the game way more than some of you would like to pretend. Just think of the first 15 minutes of origin now. This needs to be overturned.

The bit highlighted above? Garbage. Of course you can still use your shoulder in a tackle. A traditional tackle, where you drive your shoulder under their rib cage, wrap them up and drive them back.

You CAN'T use your shoulder if you're not also using your arms to wrap them up. That's what a shoulder charge is.
But what if in said tackle the player gets a broken rib? Match review panel check every tackle where there is in an injury. Would the player get charged for a shoulder charge as the first point of contact was the shoulder?

It adds another rule open for misinterpretation by the refs, video ref and judiciary.

It would be good for the commission to fix the broken rules instead of adding one more
Christ. The rule has worked completely fine in juniors for years. It's not a big deal.

A shoulder charge is well defined and obvious to identify. It's effectively a body-on-body contact with no attempt to use the arms.

The fuss over this banning is laughable.
This commission is getting like the Arko days.

The made the annoucement of the banning of the shoulder charge at about 5pm, so there wouldn't be enough time for the news etc to b!tch about it.
Which is smart if so.

It was never going to be a popular decision but any administration would have made it.

I still think there are other priorities and yesterday was a pretty poor day for the administration.
Looks to me they're getting all their unpopular decisions out of the way before announcing the new CEO - let the stand in guy cop all the heat.

Downside of that is the new CEO will immediately face a barrage of "repeal the ban on shoulder charges!"

Already NSW Country Rugby League officials are saying there's "outrage" in the country and this will be the death of the game. FFS, they're melodramatic.
Everything they do is so flamboyant and dramatic, it makes me want to set myself on fire!

Fozz, every post you have from now on gets a like due to your clever use of the East vs. West Bowl in your Title above your avatar.

Further to taht, I am attending FAU next year so that's even more awesome.
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Banning of the shoulder charge won't really change the game at all IMO. I don't think they needed to ban it but whats done is done.
I don't think that the change in rules will bring about the desired change in behaviour.

The Ben Te'o/Matt Groat tackles will happen regardless.

What will be annoying is penalties, send offs/sin bins (like currently in rugby) for failing to wrap your arms around a player when making a tackle. At anything but the highly scrutinised and televised NRL level, it won't do didly squat for protecting players against head injuries.
I don't think that the change in rules will bring about the desired change in behaviour.

The Ben Te'o/Matt Groat tackles will happen regardless.

What will be annoying is penalties, send offs/sin bins (like currently in rugby) for failing to wrap your arms around a player when making a tackle. At anything but the highly scrutinised and televised NRL level, it won't do didly squat for protecting players against head injuries.

This will be the interesting part about banning them. How will they police it and will they be consistent.