SATIRE Pointless 'Gallen and Drug' Discussion

Discussion for the former NRL player who holds the special record of most NRL losses of all time.
You have a thread for it now guys. Go ham.
Oh so clever. So, he's lost more than others. Interesting that Cam Smith has lost 143 odd games but Gallens record is much better if we take out all the 'convicted cheat' wins. All of Melbourne's games should not be counted as they were all tainted by systemic cheating and Cam Smith was a cheat. In fact Cam Smith, convicted cheat shouldn't even have his rep games counted either because, you know, he cheated and probably wouldn't have been selected because his fellow cheats wouldn't have won so often and he'd be on a losing team and not noticed as much. He cheated you know so all games he played must be viewed as being cheated wins. Logic, Bronco fan style.
well said!!!! I probably didnt understand a word though because to huge any one that disagrees with whatever dribble comes out his arse is a simpleton or whatever....if thats how he carries on in life hes either single or got a mail order bride....🙄🤢
Ahh, insults! Sanctuary for the stupid.
This is frankly one of the most absurd arguments I've ever seen anybody try to mount on this Forum in all the time I've been here.

Paul Gallen, a self confessed and CONVICTED Drug Cheat, deserves a free pass unless someone can actually prove that those admitted to drugs actually did the exact thing they are chemically engineered to do.

Dead set, that'll just about do me...
****! Who said that? I'll join you in denigrating whichever poster stated that Gallen deserved a free pass and any other poster who stated that peds don't enhance performance. Tell us who they are and I'll help you abuse them.
Do you think ped benefit your performance in sport as an individual?
I think some athletes derived some benefits from using drugs. I don't believe all athletes gained a benefit from the use of illegal/legal drugs. Ped use is not a guarantee of improved performance. The notion that use of peds/drugs absolutely equals enhanced results for every single user is astoundingly dull thinking.

So, yes. Peds can help and have in the past. Are the results universal and consistent? **** no.
Who's to say the drugs didn't help them avoid running 15th or 16th?

Exactly, you can't say it did or didn't, because there is no way to really know just how much the performance was enhanced or not, which is why they are banned in all professional sport globally and anyone who is found to have used them, much less CONFESSED to it, forever has their performance during that period tainted and diminished and is often forever known as a drug cheat.

Paul Gallen is not unique, he simply joins a long list of convicted drug cheats that will now have an asterisk on their career for as long as the history books are still being written.
Excellent, you make my point so well! I'll quote you here: "Exactly, you can't say it did or didn't, because there is no way to really know just how much the performance was enhanced or not"

I agree wholeheartedly! So, the Sharks and Essendon cheated but we cannot tell if they derived any benefit from their actions. Certainly the scoreboard doesn't indicate a benefit but the fact they cheated and were punished is not disputed.

As always the events of 2011 have no bearing on Gallens game performances prior to 2011. This being my point from the start. He was considered a machine many years earlier.
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Arguments are usually starting to fall down on BHQ when the big words come out.
Sure you might say that, and a literature review might validate that claim with an exceptionally linear big word:falling down argument ratio, an r squared of .985 and a p value so small it can only be viewed through an electron microscope. But if you haven't measured the fallingdowningness of this argument both prior to and after the introduction of big words how can you be sure the relatively short course of vocabulary-embiggening terms injected by nefarious actors has lead to the downfall of this particular thread? As wiser heads than your humble interlocutor have already established, "The notion that use of lengthy vocabulary absolutely equals reduced results for every single thread is astoundingly dull thinking."
Really? What a stupid opening question!

I'll give you a clue here. I have an greatly expanded vocabulary at my disposal combined with the ability to express my thoughts succinctly. If I wanted to say something I'd simply use my words.

Excuse me, Hemingway. Who the **** says ‘an greatly’ ?
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Sure you might say that, and a literature review might validate that claim with an exceptionally linear big word:falling down argument ratio, an r squared of .985 and a p value so small it can only be viewed through an electron microscope. But if you haven't measured the fallingdowningness of this argument both prior to and after the introduction of big words how can you be sure the relatively short course of vocabulary-embiggening terms injected by nefarious actors has lead to the downfall of this particular thread? As wiser heads than your humble interlocutor have already established, "The notion that use of lengthy vocabulary absolutely equals reduced results for every single thread is astoundingly dull thinking."

I think some athletes derived some benefits from using drugs. I don't believe all athletes gained a benefit from the use of illegal/legal drugs. Ped use is not a guarantee of improved performance. The notion that use of peds/drugs absolutely equals enhanced results for every single user is astoundingly dull thinking.

So, yes. Peds can help and have in the past. Are the results universal and consistent? **** no.
Do you think someone using ped has an advantage over someone that isn't using them?
The only thing that makes sense to me right now is that @Huge tried Viagra one time and still couldn't get an erection, that's why he's come to the conclusion that performance enhancing drugs don't work for everyone.

I still can't believe that's your argument to be honest, it's preposterous. If the general public are unable to provide statistical proof that the performance enhancing drugs being taken have quantifiably improved said performance of the athlete in question, were they even taken in the first place? 🤔

Scholars need to write papers about this. Truly one of the great unanswered questions of our generation.
The only thing that makes sense to me right now is that @Huge tried Viagra one time and still couldn't get an erection, that's why he's come to the conclusion that performance enhancing drugs don't work for everyone.

I still can't believe that's your argument to be honest, it's preposterous. If the general public are unable to provide statistical proof that the performance enhancing drugs being taken have quantifiably improved said performance of the athlete in question, were they even taken in the first place? 🤔

Scholars need to write papers about this. Truly one of the great unanswered questions of our generation.

It’s even worse than that, he’s arguing that the teams performance as a whole is evidence that the drugs didn’t help individual performance.

Just because your muscle repairs quicker, or your strength and stamina is better, Doesn’t mean Cronulla isn’t a shit team. I know heaps of guys who have been in very average shape while pumping themselves with steroids. It’s not evidence that the steroids don’t work, it’s a testament to how bad of shape they would be in if the steroids weren’t propping them up.
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Excellent, you make my point so well! I'll quote you here: "Exactly, you can't say it did or didn't, because there is no way to really know just how much the performance was enhanced or not"

I agree wholeheartedly! So, the Sharks and Essendon cheated but we cannot tell if they derived any benefit from their actions. Certainly the scoreboard doesn't indicate a benefit but the fact they cheated and were punished is not disputed.

As always the events of 2011 have no bearing on Gallens game performances prior to 2011. This being my point from the start. He was considered a machine many years earlier.
I wonder what made him a machine before. I have my doubts but that's not enough. Hard to know what value PEDS will make. It won't make you a first grader or skillful. Might make you Stronger, run faster or recover better. All useful things.
Really? What a stupid opening question!

I'll give you a clue here. I have an greatly expanded vocabulary at my disposal combined with the ability to express my thoughts succinctly. If I wanted to say something I'd simply use my words.

One last time. My original point.
Gallen was a machine long before the events of 2011. The 6 week recovery course Dank administered had nothing to do with Gallens ability to play long minutes in much the same way as several other rugby league endurance athletes have done with Haas just the latest example.

In answer to one of your other questions, what do I expect from other fans? Nothing. Most are easily swayed and misled, most will line up behind a popular simplistic view, most don't consider an issue, most never dip below the superficial. Most fall prey to the old 'you **** just ONE goat' joke.

That clear enough?

you clearly dont want a discussion about this you just want to put your self on some pedestal and be patronising and talk down to everyone else claiming we are all to stupid to understand your point of view.

to be honest all this rambling has done is made me realise you most likely have Narcissistic personality disorder.