SATIRE Pointless 'Gallen and Drug' Discussion

I never had hold of it. Tell, why the obsessive compulsion to not only read posts you're not interested in and why, again compulsively you seem to need to enforce your will? If you're not interested why not simply refrain from comment and don't read. It's not like my few lines impedes any other posters ability to add a post.

Stop. Think first. Ask yourself 'why did I comment and why can't I just let others be'?
Ask yourself why you regularly feel the need to derail threads by raising completely irrelevant issues just so I can compulsively prove that you are right?

Why not simply accept that other thinking and reasoning humans may have a view different to yours that they in good faith are entitled to.

Ask yourself why did you post something completely irrelevant to the topic of this thread so that you continue an inane argument?

That little bit of introspection may assist you.
Ask yourself why you regularly feel the need to derail threads by raising completely irrelevant issues just so I can compulsively prove that you are right?

Why not simply accept that other thinking and reasoning humans may have a view different to yours that they in good faith are entitled to.

Ask yourself why did you post something completely irrelevant to the topic of this thread so that you continue an inane argument?

That little bit of introspection may assist you.
Sooooooooo, if no one responded to my initial post then there'd be no problem then ?

Oh, it's my bad that someone else decided to post something. Okay, I get it. I just don't understand your (not) thinking here.

The forum is virtually dead compared to the regular season now that we're out yet you still find it neccessary to poke your nose into a discussion you clearly don't want to be a part of.

Not stopping anyone else from posting, not flooding the limited bandwidth, not hurting anyone but you just have to have your say. You didn't stop and think, not even for a second that you might be out of order here. It just HAS to be someone else. There's a lot of ruder ways of saying 'mind your own business' and I've ignored them because of the general quality of your posts.
Half right, half supposition. It's definitely up for debate. What advantage did Gallen receive and how was it measured. You seem certain it did, please point me to where the alleged gains were listed. Naturally if you cannot then your claim is simply unproven and as outlandish as it is it seems most likely it's pure bullshit. I'm calling it, bullshit.
No, the onus is ALWAYS on the claimant. I can see no evidence that any advantage was gained, you however claim there was. It's up to you to prove the claim. Admitting to being a part of a 70 person drug trial is not a claim of benefit, it's a claim that he was a participant.

Great claims require great evidence. Where is the evidence that supports YOUR CLAIM he benefited.

Lmao righto matey, I'm sure ASADA and WADA prohibited them without any evidence or reasoning. To talk to other people in such a tone of voice as you do regularly would be poor form in and of itself, to do so while being aggressively ignorant in an attempt to baffle or bore them into submission is worse. If you're genuinely unable to understand that performance-enhancing substances by definition enhance performance then I hold little hope you'll be able to understand much from here on in. But I digress.

The Sharts had Dank organise the supply and administration of two banned substances, CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 (ASADA). Gallen is known to be among the group of players who received these injections, which I hope is not disputed, and is therefore a convicted and self-admitted drug cheat as per the first line of my post you so vehemently objected to.

With regards to the performance-enhancing qualities of these prohibited performance-enhancing substances, what further information would you like but are incapablr of obtaining or digesting on your own? They're both growth-hormone releasing factors, which means they stimulate the secretion of hormones which then stimulate muscle growtj, cell repair and other such goodly things. You're not going to get a free lecture in biochemistry and synthetic hormones, nor are every biological effect or pathway of these or just about any similar items actually fully mapped out, but wikipedia should suffice. If you're unable to take my word for it, perhaps you'd like to consider why WADA banned these substances along with other similar compounds as "Growth Hormone (GH), its fragments and releasing factors, including, but not limited to:
Growth Hormone fragments, e.g.
AOD-9604 and hGH 176-191;
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and
its analogues, e.g.
CJC-1293, CJC-1295...)."

Human growth hormone does exactly what it says on the tin. If you'd still like to dispute the effect of these banned substances given to professional athletes I should be interested in seeing how a growth hormone releasing factor actually doesn't either assist in elevating the levels of growth hormone available or how growth hormone actually isn't performance-enhancing for athletes playing a particularly demanding contact sport.

Naturally if you can't do that I should accept instead an apology, an acknowledgement that you were wrong, and one might even hope for an undertaking to not be so aggressively and unpleasantly ignorant next time. There's nothing wrong with knowing nothing but jeez mate you're never going to learn much acting like a prat.
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Lmao righto matey, I'm sure ASADA and WADA prohibited them without any evidence or reasoning. To talk to other people in such a tone of voice as you do regularly would be poor form in and of itself, to do so while being aggressively ignorant in an attempt to baffle or bore them into submission is worse. If you're genuinely unable to understand that performance-enhancing substances by definition enhance performance then I hold little hope you'll be able to understand much from here on in. But I digress.

The Sharts had Dank organise the supply and administration of two banned substances, CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 (ASADA). Gallen is known to be among the group of players who received these injections, which I hope is not disputed, and is therefore a convicted and self-admitted drug cheat as per the first line of my post you so vehemently objected to.

With regards to the performance-enhancing qualities of these prohibited performance-enhancing substances, what further information would you like but are incapablr of obtaining or digesting on your own? They're both growth-hormone releasing factors, which means they stimulate the secretion of hormones which then stimulate muscle growtj, cell repair and other such goodly things. You're not going to get a free lecture in biochemistry and synthetic hormones, nor are every biological effect or pathway of these or just about any similar items actually fully mapped out, but wikipedia should suffice. If you're unable to take my word for it, perhaps you'd like to consider why WADA banned these substances along with other similar compounds as "Growth Hormone (GH), its fragments and releasing factors, including, but not limited to:
Growth Hormone fragments, e.g.
AOD-9604 and hGH 176-191;
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and
its analogues, e.g.
CJC-1293, CJC-1295...). Human growth hormone does exactly what it says on the tin. If you'd still like to dispute the effect of these banned substances given to professional athletes I should be interested in seeing how a growth hormone releasing factor actually doesn't either assist in elevating the levels of growth hormone available or how growth hormone actually isn't performance-enhancing for athletes playing a particularly demanding contact sport.

Naturally if you can't do that I should accept instead an apology, an acknowledgement that you were wrong, and one might even hope for an undertaking to not be so aggressively and unpleasantly ignorant next time. There's nothing wrong with knowing nothing but jeez mate you're never going to learn much acting like a prat.

Huge needs to see Gallen's Muscle Efficiency %, it's the only way he'll understand.

Should we also mention that Gallen's younger brother was done by ASADA a few years after the Sharks incident for GH's as well? Lmao, must run in the family.
No, the onus is ALWAYS on the claimant. I can see no evidence that any advantage was gained, you however claim there was. It's up to you to prove the claim. Admitting to being a part of a 70 person drug trial is not a claim of benefit, it's a claim that he was a participant.

Great claims require great evidence. Where is the evidence that supports YOUR CLAIM he benefited.
Lmao righto matey, I'm sure ASADA and WADA prohibited them without any evidence or reasoning. To talk to other people in such a tone of voice as you do regularly would be poor form in and of itself, to do so while being aggressively ignorant in an attempt to baffle or bore them into submission is worse. If you're genuinely unable to understand that performance-enhancing substances by definition enhance performance then I hold little hope you'll be able to understand much from here on in. But I digress.

The Sharts had Dank organise the supply and administration of two banned substances, CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 (ASADA). Gallen is known to be among the group of players who received these injections, which I hope is not disputed, and is therefore a convicted and self-admitted drug cheat as per the first line of my post you so vehemently objected to.

With regards to the performance-enhancing qualities of these prohibited performance-enhancing substances, what further information would you like but are incapablr of obtaining or digesting on your own? They're both growth-hormone releasing factors, which means they stimulate the secretion of hormones which then stimulate muscle growtj, cell repair and other such goodly things. You're not going to get a free lecture in biochemistry and synthetic hormones, nor are every biological effect or pathway of these or just about any similar items actually fully mapped out, but wikipedia should suffice. If you're unable to take my word for it, perhaps you'd like to consider why WADA banned these substances along with other similar compounds as "Growth Hormone (GH), its fragments and releasing factors, including, but not limited to:
Growth Hormone fragments, e.g.
AOD-9604 and hGH 176-191;
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and
its analogues, e.g.
CJC-1293, CJC-1295...). Human growth hormone does exactly what it says on the tin. If you'd still like to dispute the effect of these banned substances given to professional athletes I should be interested in seeing how a growth hormone releasing factor actually doesn't either assist in elevating the levels of growth hormone available or how growth hormone actually isn't performance-enhancing for athletes playing a particularly demanding contact sport.

Naturally if you can't do that I should accept instead an apology, an acknowledgement that you were wrong, and one might even hope for an undertaking to not be so aggressively and unpleasantly ignorant next time. There's nothing wrong with knowing nothing but jeez mate you're never going to learn much acting like a prat.
Huge needs to see Gallen's Muscle Efficiency %, it's the only way he'll understand.

Should we also mention that Gallen's younger brother was done by ASADA a few years after the Sharks incident for GH's as well? Lmao, must run in the family.

Biggest sign for me was how quickly Gallen went from average to “80 minute player”. They suddenly banged on about how Gallen played the entire origin games etc

Back on topic, congrats Payne, Pat and Kotoni!
So, apparently we are supposed to believe that Gallen took performance enhancing drugs, but his performance wasn't enhanced?
That'll do me!
Even though it was proven he took the performance enhancing drugs, you now also have to that performance enhancing drugs enhanced his performance.

“yes honey, I was having an affair but you can’t prove that I was aroused!”
Half right, half supposition. It's definitely up for debate. What advantage did Gallen receive and how was it measured. You seem certain it did, please point me to where the alleged gains were listed. Naturally if you cannot then your claim is simply unproven and as outlandish as it is it seems most likely it's pure bullshit. I'm calling it, bullshit.
This is frankly one of the most absurd arguments I've ever seen anybody try to mount on this Forum in all the time I've been here.

Paul Gallen, a self confessed and CONVICTED Drug Cheat, deserves a free pass unless someone can actually prove that those admitted to drugs actually did the exact thing they are chemically engineered to do.

Dead set, that'll just about do me...
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This is frankly one of the most absurd arguments I've ever seen anybody try to mount on this Forum in all the time I've been here.

Paul Gallen, a self confessed and CONVICTED Drug Cheat, deserves a free pass unless someone can actually prove that those admitted to drugs actually did the exact thing they are chemically engineered to do.

Dead set, that'll just about do me...
Dafuq? Who claimed he deserved a free pass?
Lmao righto matey, I'm sure ASADA and WADA prohibited them without any evidence or reasoning. To talk to other people in such a tone of voice as you do regularly would be poor form in and of itself, to do so while being aggressively ignorant in an attempt to baffle or bore them into submission is worse. If you're genuinely unable to understand that performance-enhancing substances by definition enhance performance then I hold little hope you'll be able to understand much from here on in. But I digress.

The Sharts had Dank organise the supply and administration of two banned substances, CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 (ASADA). Gallen is known to be among the group of players who received these injections, which I hope is not disputed, and is therefore a convicted and self-admitted drug cheat as per the first line of my post you so vehemently objected to.

With regards to the performance-enhancing qualities of these prohibited performance-enhancing substances, what further information would you like but are incapablr of obtaining or digesting on your own? They're both growth-hormone releasing factors, which means they stimulate the secretion of hormones which then stimulate muscle growtj, cell repair and other such goodly things. You're not going to get a free lecture in biochemistry and synthetic hormones, nor are every biological effect or pathway of these or just about any similar items actually fully mapped out, but wikipedia should suffice. If you're unable to take my word for it, perhaps you'd like to consider why WADA banned these substances along with other similar compounds as "Growth Hormone (GH), its fragments and releasing factors, including, but not limited to:
Growth Hormone fragments, e.g.
AOD-9604 and hGH 176-191;
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and
its analogues, e.g.
CJC-1293, CJC-1295...)."

Human growth hormone does exactly what it says on the tin. If you'd still like to dispute the effect of these banned substances given to professional athletes I should be interested in seeing how a growth hormone releasing factor actually doesn't either assist in elevating the levels of growth hormone available or how growth hormone actually isn't performance-enhancing for athletes playing a particularly demanding contact sport.

Naturally if you can't do that I should accept instead an apology, an acknowledgement that you were wrong, and one might even hope for an undertaking to not be so aggressively and unpleasantly ignorant next time. There's nothing wrong with knowing nothing but jeez mate you're never going to learn much acting like a prat.
You certainly do digress! Nowhere did I claim that WADA and ASADA prohibited them without reason or evidence. That's a classic strawman argument. You imply I somehow don't understand, infer it's wilful and attribute it to me. That's weak as water.

Your reasoning is unreliable. You read a label on a package which states 'weight loss' so according to your flawed logic, results are guaranteed! If some chemical compounds are or were in the mixture it doesn't mean they will work without fail, every single time. Silly argument.

Being a PRAT is completely disregarding the original point. Just in case your impaired capacity to comprehend has made understanding difficult I'll reiterate. Gallen was a freak, a machine like Haas long before Dank. That was it , simple and easy to understand. You sure can digress going off on some weird tangent and debunking conjectures I never offered!! That's being a condescending prat, worse still, an uncomprehending prat.

I didn't see Essendon, Manly or the Sharks gain any benefit from Dank and their performances (stats)didn't show any gains. I have no idea why you went on a rant about peds.
Do you think ped benefit your performance in sport as an individual?
If we are debating a causal link that “benefit” or “improved performance” is directly related to a premiership win by referencing Manly or Essendon, I think we might have to re-read the dictionary and in particular the section that talks about “unfair advantage”
Biggest sign for me was how quickly Gallen went from average to “80 minute player”. They suddenly banged on about how Gallen played the entire origin games etc

Back on topic, congrats Payne, Pat and Kotoni!
Oh, his stats from 6 years previously are disregarded then? You know, the stats that showed he played enormous minutes 6 years prior to 2011, was the leading forward and 9th overall with close to 4,000 metres? Not proof enough that he was like Haas. Did you think Lazurus and Price were juicing too because they both played the 80 in SOO?
I can't stand Gallen myself but he merely emulated other forwards and deserves credit for his feats of endurance. He didn't SUDDENLY become an endurance athlete, he was from the get go.
If you're disregarding the role of performance enhancing drugs in, you know, actually enhancing his performance, then that's what we call a free pass.
I didn't disregard the role the peds play at any time therefore I granted no 'free pass'. I see no evidence that the 6 week course, undertaken by the players at Cronulla enhanced their performance. They finished the season 7 wins and 17 losses. They finished 13th, season before 14th, season after 7th same points as 8th on differential. So no improvement in 2011. 2012 was better but still I don't see how the Sharks gained anything in the season of 2011.
I didn't disregard the role the peds play at any time therefore I granted no 'free pass'. I see no evidence that the 6 week course, undertaken by the players at Cronulla enhanced their performance. They finished the season 7 wins and 17 losses. They finished 13th, season before 14th, season after 7th same points as 8th on differential. So no improvement in 2011. 2012 was better but still I don't see how the Sharks gained anything in the season of 2011.

So to sum up this ludicrous argument: If your club doesn't finish noticeably higher on the ladder in the season(s) several members of your roster are using performance enhancing drugs, no enhancement has been gained. Is that about right?


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