Lmao righto matey, I'm sure ASADA and WADA prohibited them without any evidence or reasoning. To talk to other people in such a tone of voice as you do regularly would be poor form in and of itself, to do so while being aggressively ignorant in an attempt to baffle or bore them into submission is worse. If you're genuinely unable to understand that performance-enhancing substances by definition enhance performance then I hold little hope you'll be able to understand much from here on in. But I digress.
The Sharts had Dank organise the supply and administration of two banned substances, CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 (
ASADA). Gallen is known to be among the group of players who received these injections, which I hope is not disputed, and is therefore a convicted and self-admitted drug cheat as per the first line of my post you so vehemently objected to.
With regards to the performance-enhancing qualities of these prohibited performance-enhancing substances, what further information would you like but are incapablr of obtaining or digesting on your own? They're both growth-hormone releasing factors, which means they stimulate the secretion of hormones which then stimulate muscle growtj, cell repair and other such goodly things. You're not going to get a free lecture in biochemistry and synthetic hormones, nor are every biological effect or pathway of these or just about any similar items actually fully mapped out, but wikipedia should suffice. If you're unable to take my word for it, perhaps you'd like to consider why WADA banned these substances along with other similar compounds as "Growth Hormone (GH), its fragments and releasing factors, including, but not limited to:
Growth Hormone fragments, e.g.
AOD-9604 and hGH 176-191;
Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) and
its analogues, e.g.
CJC-1293, CJC-1295...). Human growth hormone does exactly what it says on the tin. If you'd still like to dispute the effect of these banned substances given to professional athletes I should be interested in seeing how a growth hormone releasing factor actually doesn't either assist in elevating the levels of growth hormone available or how growth hormone actually isn't performance-enhancing for athletes playing a particularly demanding contact sport.
Naturally if you can't do that I should accept instead an apology, an acknowledgement that you were wrong, and one might even hope for an undertaking to not be so aggressively and unpleasantly ignorant next time. There's nothing wrong with knowing nothing but jeez mate you're never going to learn much acting like a prat.