SATIRE Pointless 'Gallen and Drug' Discussion

There are some more points of reference I want to add here as to the drug cheating.

From what I read, the peptides in question were supposed to speed up recovery times, in multiple ways. It not only allowed the players to recover on a set-by-set basis quicker (literally being able to perform at their peak for more minutes on the field), but also between training sessions, eg, able to recover quicker for their next weights or cardio session, meaning they could be fitter and stronger than they would be able to with normal recovery times.

The first one is particularly important when you think of players like Gallen and Watmough. Around the same time it turned out Dank was with the Sea Eagles, there were articles literally claiming that Watmough was some kind of gene freak, and able to recover much faster than any normal player. On Gallen, plenty of players have been able to play big minutes in the middle for their club (eg, for a while there Josh McGuire's best game were when he played 70-80 minutes at prop), it is a completely different situation in Origin.

On the second point, at the time of the admitted cheating, the Shark's starting props, Snowden and Douglas, were absolutely instoppable. In isolation that wouldn't be unprecedented, as plenty of players have hit a purple patch, but when you look at how they both performed when they left the Sharks, they were a shadow of themselves. Snowden was a marquee recruit by Tinkler to the Knights, and did **** all for them. And Douglas, I wasn't the only person to notice that he looked noticeably slimmer at the Titans and was weak as piss.

Too many coincidences there to believe that the peptides didn't eventuate in an advantage.
It seems so silly to me that players continue to take SARMS like this LGD, knowing they will be tested for it, and are still getting popped, especially given that a compound like LGD is brutal on the body, shuts down your natural test production, and the benefit from it is very poor in comparison to other steroids like plain old testosterone.

I know of at least 1 steroid they won't test for, and the players could get away with just taking TRT at a high dose and not trip any testing mechanism either. I guess they just don't know a lot about pharmacology or the testing in general.
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you clearly dont want a discussion about this you just want to put your self on some pedestal and be patronising and talk down to everyone else claiming we are all to stupid to understand your point of view.

to be honest all this rambling has done is made me realise you most likely have Narcissistic personality disorder.
Too stupid not to stupid. A comma every now and then would be helpful and capitals to start sentences when required.

Most of the posters aren't too stupid to understand my point of view but what they're doing is ranting about views I don't hold. They're taking straight forward statements and rewording them and in doing so fundamentally changing what was adequately expressed previously. That's stupid.

I stated their was no evidence (from the teams onfield performance, ladder position, stats) that the recovery course provided any gain.

It's a pretty straightforward position. Quite a few respondents completely changed that, presented it as my view and then attacked me on that basis. Childlike reasoning.

For the record. Peds are not guaranteed to provide a benefit, I'm pretty sure no drug is. Another thing, the Dank regime was also not a guaranteed result and certainly didn't have a tick of approval from the medical/science community. In short, no one knows or knew in advance that it would produce the anticipated gain.

On the face of it it doesn't appear that Cronulla or Essendon gained from the regime.

There isn't any need to change what I've written. I've expressed my view. Rearranging my words, adding stuff and making illogical leaps is not honestly representing my views.
The following from theshed is an example:
well if it does come back positive, according @
Huge science, we’ll have to wait and see where the Eels finish this year to determine if Jennings actually cheated or just took PEDs.

This is what I mean and it's not a position I hold. This thread is littered with such examples.
It's stupid.
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3800 odd. Similar stats to 2005 Gallen. My point will always be that Gallen had a huge motor, great endurance and the peptide thing is utterly irrelevant. Haas has a huge motor and there's been quite a few before him and I'm sure we'll see more.

The thing is, Gallen didn't always have a "huge motor". Its been pointed out to you by several posters that he was a skinny nobody at the Eels.......was let go as such, joined the Sharks.....and very quickly (like his first two seasons) rose through the ranks at the Sharks. His remarkably quick recovery time from injury and the minutes he could play, were integral characteristics of that rise.

Whereas Haas.......has been supernatural, from birth.
Too stupid not to stupid. A comma every now and then would be helpful and capitals to start sentences when required.

Most of the posters aren't too stupid to understand my point of view but what they're doing is ranting about views I don't hold. They're taking straight forward statements and rewording them and in doing so fundamentally changing what was adequately expressed previously. That's stupid.

I stated their was no evidence (from the teams onfield performance, ladder position, stats) that the recovery course provided any gain.

It's a pretty straightforward position. Quite a few respondents completely changed that, presented it as my view and then attacked me on that basis. Childlike reasoning.

For the record. Peds are not guaranteed to provide a benefit, I'm pretty sure no drug is. Another thing, the Dank regime was also not a guaranteed result and certainly didn't have a tick of approval from the medical/science community. In short, no one knows or knew in advance that it would produce the anticipated gain.

On the face of it it doesn't appear that Cronulla or Essendon gained from the regime.

There isn't any need to change what I've written. I've expressed my view. Rearranging my words, adding stuff and making illogical leaps is not honestly representing my views.
The following from theshed is an example:

well if it does come back positive, according @
Huge science, we’ll have to wait and see where the Eels finish this year to determine if Jennings actually cheated or just took PEDs.

This is what I mean and it's not a position I hold. This thread is littered with such examples.
It's stupid.
Yet more arrogant nonsense from our resident Dunning-Kruger expert. Your inability to detect enhanced performance bears not at all on whether said performances were chemically enhanced. Your inability to comprehend the basic facts of the cases you are arguing does not magically bend reality to fit your predetermined worldview. You may wish to elevate yourself from copying the antics of creationists before labelling others stupid and childlike.
Yet more arrogant nonsense from our resident Dunning-Kruger expert. Your inability to detect enhanced performance bears not at all on whether said performances were chemically enhanced. Your inability to comprehend the basic facts of the cases you are arguing does not magically bend reality to fit your predetermined worldview. You may wish to elevate yourself from copying the antics of creationists before labelling others stupid and childlike.
Seriously; I don’t think of myself as a genius but I also don’t think I’m particularly stupid either.

But when I read some of your posts, I feel like a moron.

You sometimes write in a way far beyond my understanding, it may as well be in another language 😂😂

In short, I glued my head to my shoulder.
Oh the irony when the first thing you did in this post was correct the OP for their spelling.
Ever think things are done on porpoise? The part I like is knowing that my every utterance is scrutinized in painful detail. It's just sew easy sumtimes. I'm surprised nobody's twigged to it before!
There are some more points of reference I want to add here as to the drug cheating.

From what I read, the peptides in question were supposed to speed up recovery times, in multiple ways. It not only allowed the players to recover on a set-by-set basis quicker (literally being able to perform at their peak for more minutes on the field), but also between training sessions, eg, able to recover quicker for their next weights or cardio session, meaning they could be fitter and stronger than they would be able to with normal recovery times.

The first one is particularly important when you think of players like Gallen and Watmough. Around the same time it turned out Dank was with the Sea Eagles, there were articles literally claiming that Watmough was some kind of gene freak, and able to recover much faster than any normal player. On Gallen, plenty of players have been able to play big minutes in the middle for their club (eg, for a while there Josh McGuire's best game were when he played 70-80 minutes at prop), it is a completely different situation in Origin.

On the second point, at the time of the admitted cheating, the Shark's starting props, Snowden and Douglas, were absolutely instoppable. In isolation that wouldn't be unprecedented, as plenty of players have hit a purple patch, but when you look at how they both performed when they left the Sharks, they were a shadow of themselves. Snowden was a marquee recruit by Tinkler to the Knights, and did **** all for them. And Douglas, I wasn't the only person to notice that he looked noticeably slimmer at the Titans and was weak as piss.

Too many coincidences there to believe that the peptides didn't eventuate in an advantage.
Wow. You think the effects of a six week course lasted for at least a year. Amazing. Luke Douglas, unstoppable? He hardly was considered elite, never played Origin and only just made a few minor sides. He was an endurance player though and might even still hold the record for a forward with 215 consecutive games. Most of that PRIOR to Danks 6 week course so pretty hard to claim it was 'drugs'. Snowden was just another plodder who didn't improve or decline after he left the Sharks to return to Newcastle. He played 2 Orgin matches, a dead rubber and was only selected once more, both times losing appearances. Snowden left the game due to a chronic injury, not a surprise he didn't set the world on fire, he was always carrying an injury.

Not great examples but sling enough mud I suppose.
That's okay. You're another I control because my actions make you pour over my every post, my every word. I make you pay attention and you seem powerless to stop. Best part is, even though you are aware you're being manipulated you will continue to pay heed to my every utterance.
That's okay. You're another I control because my actions make you pour over my every post, my every word. I make you pay attention and you seem powerless to stop. Best part is, even though you are aware you're being manipulated you will continue to pay heed to my every utterance.
You’ve got everyone all figured out.
With such intellectual brilliance, it’s a wonder you’re not a billionaire and / or world leader.
That's okay. You're another I control because my actions make you pour over my every post, my every word. I make you pay attention and you seem powerless to stop. Best part is, even though you are aware you're being manipulated you will continue to pay heed to my every utterance.
Wow. You think the effects of a six week course lasted for at least a year. Amazing. Luke Douglas, unstoppable? He hardly was considered elite, never played Origin and only just made a few minor sides. He was an endurance player though and might even still hold the record for a forward with 215 consecutive games. Most of that PRIOR to Danks 6 week course so pretty hard to claim it was 'drugs'. Snowden was just another plodder who didn't improve or decline after he left the Sharks to return to Newcastle. He played 2 Orgin matches, a dead rubber and was only selected once more, both times losing appearances. Snowden left the game due to a chronic injury, not a surprise he didn't set the world on fire, he was always carrying an injury.

Not great examples but sling enough mud I suppose.
I'll admit from the outset here that I don't have all the facts for the arguments going on, but I will just comment on the first part of your reply there.

I don't think you fully grasp how much anabolic agents can do, especially for elite level athletes who have mostly exhausted all of their natural muscle gaining potential, and are only getting older with declining hormone levels and increased time to recovery, with a higher tendency for injuries. A "six week course", I'll assume you're referring to a PED course, can, and will, alter your body significantly, and forever. When you take an anabolic agent and train through any type of high muscle stimulant activity where muscle myonuclei are recruited, that myonuclei stays in the muscle forever - this has been studied and proven a number of times, so you can look it up. Just because Person X took a cycle of something for 6 weeks and was still a dud doesn't equal an argument - everyone responds differently to different compounds, and there's factors at play like diet, sleep, stress etc.

I see your argument there, and I can see where you're coming from, but you cannot deny that anabolic agents work just because a player didn't get better. A small amount of EPO for a player would make a monumental difference to their endurance - a small amount of testosterone would make a huge difference for endurance and muscle mass, etc.