SATIRE Pointless 'Gallen and Drug' Discussion

Did you read what you quoted? I just read the first 15/17 odd pages and unless I'm mistaken it was concerned with long term high dosage ped use. I'm talking regimes from 6 months long and much longer. Neither of us are experts but I haven't seen anything yet which convinces me that a 6 week course will provide a lifelong benefit and even if it did it has absolutely no bearing on Gallens endurance performances from 6 years PRIOR!!!!!

Of course, that's in post 1 of this thread which I didn't start and didn't give a title.
It does create a life long benefit in the form of recruiting muscle that would've otherwise been impossible to recruit without the drugs.

If I did a 6 week cycle of Testosterone only, at say 300mg/week (which is a LOW dose), I could theoretically obtain 3-4kgs of extra muscle that would otherwise take me perhaps another 2 years to gain, or maybe not even at all. When I come off, I can do a PCT and keep nearly all of that muscle, if it's all done correctly and I'm otherwise healthy etc.

This is the scenario. Add in some other compounds like maybe some Nandrolone, and it's a whole different game again.
Oh stop it, gag after gag, you're a laugh machine!! So original as well!
Oh no I'm not original 😭 .... You hurt my feelings. Well here's another unoriginal one, you Huge baby!!!! I see you want to have a battle of wits... So why do you come half prepared.
Aww shucks, so nice. I was not that ambitious though so I settled for millionaire and leader of forum mignons.
Modest, uber-successful and an intellectual giant as well.

I expect there’s millions worldwide on the edge of their seats waiting for the release of your autobiography.

Nice try with “mignon” as well.
See everyone, I told you I misspell words on purpose. See everyone, see?!?
Mmmmm, yep, you really don't know what it's about then! Nice of you to chip in with what everyone knows and has previously acknowledged but not sure why you did.

I have stated what's it's all about and of course most posters are enraged by views they themselves created. Most fall victim to some crazy notion that they must rearrange what's said, add some extra content, attribute it to me and then attack me for making such outlandish claims.

It generally starts with "so you're saying" or "in other words".
So, in other words, you're saying that it was actually the CIA that killed Kennedy?? started your thread with this? Bored much?

Gallen was using PED's waaay before the Sharks scandal. That was common knowledge. I'm surprised by your naivety to be honest....
I didn't start the thread, I didn't title the thread, I had no part in the threads creation.

I didn't start the thread, I didn't title the thread, I had no part in the threads creation.

How do you explain this:

I started the thread, which ever post was the first made to be moved in to the new thread, gets the thread starter designation.

However, there's no evidence that I did, the only evidence is that which @Porthoz presented, so if we're going by a verifiable facts approach, you are the thread starter, wear the title with pride.
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I started the thread, which ever post was the first made to be moved in to the new thread, gets the thread starter designation.

However, there's no evidence that I did, the only evidence is that which @Porthoz presented, so if we're going by a verifiable facts approach, you are the thread starter, wear the title with pride.
Even if you admit to starting the thread, there is no evidence to prove you gained any benefit from doing so.

Moreover, how many threads did you start 6 years ago?
This thread exists because another one was hijacked by Huge because he wanted once more to show how he is absolutely impartial on these things, is far too intelligent to get tripped up by favouritism, and well beyond the intelligence of other users to fall in to the same traps of internal bias.

These arguments, or those regarding Flanagan's coaching abilities, or Nutley's overlooked exceptionalism, or Tagataese's likelihood to be a Broncos mainstay, or any watering down of just how dirty the Sharks got in order to gain an advantage, NONE OF THESE ARGUMENTS are based on the fact that the Sharks are his second team, or were his favourite team before the Broncos. It's everone else that's blinded by bias.

So we're clear? We can lock this thread?
I started the thread, which ever post was the first made to be moved in to the new thread, gets the thread starter designation.

However, there's no evidence that I did, the only evidence is that which @Porthoz presented, so if we're going by a verifiable facts approach, you are the thread starter, wear the title with
All good.

Everything's fine now, thanks for changing the thread title Kimlo. I know you have to publicly slag me to maintain your credibility but I really appreciate all your private support.
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No, get fucked. Change it. Put your name to it.

The moving of threads has been a feature since before your time on BroncosHQ.

All of these posts were moved from the Broncos Player Awards 2020 thread, and moved into this new thread on Thursday at 8pm. This is regular maintenance that we perform on the website.

As you have an upgraded account, you are welcome to edit the original post to reflect the fact that you aren't the OP and that the thread was moved by staff.

Lets all also move this back into somewhat civil conversation about the topic at hand, not one of the people involved in the discussion.