PRE-GAME [Round 6, 2024] Broncos vs Dolphins

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QCup Player
Apr 26, 2021
I love the idea of 2 fullbacks. No one else has thought of it, it could be revolutionary.
Worked for Melbourne with Nicho Hynes, Jehrome Hughes and Cam Munster.
Our back rowers are not injured, yet alteast in Origin period as it stands though.

It's a stupid idea to move Carrigan there while he is able to play, it's weaking our middle massively for a mediocre backrower.
We'd most likely put Kobe in the middle though. It's not perfect, but this season hasn't been.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Settle down wannabe head coach. You’re kidding yourselves if you don’t reckon Patty is burned by playing every fucking minute every game. After all, he’s a human & sadly not a robot.

Like you said, what do I know hey?

hold on a fucking second. in the last 4 years Patty hasn't averaged over 67 minutes (2020 season was his highest). which is perfectly reasonable to expect a forward on his money to average.

the only reason he is averaging significantly more (78 minutes) this year is because we have been decimated by injury and he has taken it upon himself to take on more of the load in Payne's absence.

FTR Payne's highest average in the previous 4 seasons was also in 2020 when he averaged 71 minutes a game. Under Kevvie he hasn't averaged over 62 minutes a game in a season.

so maybe you should think before typing ... unless you enjoy making yourself look foolish.

*** Stats taken from Fox Sports ***


QCup Player
Jul 26, 2020
hold on a fucking second. in the last 4 years Patty hasn't averaged over 67 minutes (2020 season was his highest). which is perfectly reasonable to expect a forward on his money to average.

the only reason he is averaging significantly more (78 minutes) this year is because we have been decimated by injury and he has taken it upon himself to take on more of the load in Payne's absence.

FTR Payne's highest average in the previous 4 seasons was also in 2020 when he averaged 71 minutes a game. Under Kevvie he hasn't averaged over 62 minutes a season.

so maybe you should think before typing ... unless you enjoy making yourself look foolish.

*** Stats taken from Fox Sports ***

Pat is just showing some great leadership qualities. As plenty before him have. I doubt he is doing thr minutes under protest. Things will get back to normal and i would expect, barring injuries, Kev will rotate games off after Origin if required


QCup Player
Aug 24, 2022
hold on a fucking second. in the last 4 years Patty hasn't averaged over 67 minutes (2020 season was his highest). which is perfectly reasonable to expect a forward on his money to average.

the only reason he is averaging significantly more (78 minutes) this year is because we have been decimated by injury and he has taken it upon himself to take on more of the load in Payne's absence.

FTR Payne's highest average in the previous 4 seasons was also in 2020 when he averaged 71 minutes a game. Under Kevvie he hasn't averaged over 62 minutes a game in a season.

so maybe you should think before typing ... unless you enjoy making yourself look foolish.

*** Stats taken from Fox Sports ***
You need fucking stop being aggressive towards others pal. I don’t give a rats ass if you know more than me. This is a fucking forum & not a classroom where you think you’re a fucking teacher. Unless, you want to foolishly argue as always.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
You need fucking stop being aggressive towards others pal. I don’t give a rats ass if you know more than me. This is a fucking forum & not a classroom where you think you’re a fucking teacher. Unless, you want to foolishly argue as always.

Says the guy who just fucking swore to someone else who also thought you were being foolish (p.s. I use this word because I'm in a kind mood tonight).

P.p.s sorry to bring facts into the discussion, definitely not something you wanted to see.


QCup Player
Jul 20, 2017
Have we ever seen Hetherington at second row?

Maybe I’m missing something but we desperately need 2RF depth and he seems an obvious choice. He’s a first grade standard forward who is undersized for the middle anyway and seems quite athletic - it seems like a positive for both us and his career to try to make a home in the second row, since he doesn’t really fit anywhere else other than as a high energy middle sub.. but he’s not even being discussed?


QCup Player
Aug 24, 2022
Says the guy who just fucking swore to someone else who also thought you were being foolish (p.s. I use this word because I'm in a kind mood tonight).

P.p.s sorry to bring facts into the discussion, definitely not something you wanted to see.
That someone started and not me pal.
But, whatever…….

If it helps, I don’t argue with others & definitely not with idiots & jerks.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
I don’t argue with others

I Dont Believe You Will Ferrell GIF
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Have we ever seen Hetherington at second row?

Maybe I’m missing something but we desperately need 2RF depth and he seems an obvious choice. He’s a first grade standard forward who is undersized for the middle anyway and seems quite athletic - it seems like a positive for both us and his career to try to make a home in the second row, since he doesn’t really fit anywhere else other than as a high energy middle sub.. but he’s not even being discussed?

It's worth a shot, at least. I don't see how he could be any worse than our backup options and it keeps Patty and Willison in the middle where they really should be.

I really don't see why we had to offload Capewell a year early.


NRL Captain
Sep 22, 2016
Have we ever seen Hetherington at second row?

Maybe I’m missing something but we desperately need 2RF depth and he seems an obvious choice. He’s a first grade standard forward who is undersized for the middle anyway and seems quite athletic - it seems like a positive for both us and his career to try to make a home in the second row, since he doesn’t really fit anywhere else other than as a high energy middle sub.. but he’s not even being discussed?

He was used there a bit in 22 i think! He would be solid for a good good cover in shorter stints IMO.


International Rep
Apr 14, 2013
Broncos 38 dropouts since start of 23 season.

25 short- 65%
8 regained-32%

Knights have the highest percent with 46 dropouts.
32 short-69%
13 regained-40%


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I am so sick of the shit from the media this week around "do we believe that Reynolds is only a hamstring?" Like just because he was upset, how dare someone show emotion and care enough about the team and the result to be upset when they will only be out for a few weeks.

Bunch of fucking scumbags.


QCup Player
May 25, 2021
Was driving up the M1 into Brissy. Budget direct dolphins giant signboard - "This is Phinland" :vom:
Going to be hilarious when we outnumber them 9-1 on Friday night.

Broncos memberships pretty much sold levels 3 and 5 out, sections 601 and 602, half of 640, and 603, and the entire level 7 north was sold as one game Broncos memberships.

Watch them try and claim that they've taken over our home game.
Brett Da Man LeMan

Brett Da Man LeMan

QCup Player
Aug 11, 2023
I am so sick of the shit from the media this week around "do we believe that Reynolds is only a hamstring?" Like just because he was upset, how dare someone show emotion and care enough about the team and the result to be upset when they will only be out for a few weeks.

Bunch of fucking scumbags.
I reckon at the time he had no idea what the injury really was, he just felt pain I that area and was fearing the worst, and was upset he was letting his mates / team down.
The media hyping it up is media doing media things


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
For sure, you only have to look at JT2 as a glaring example still in the game. His long stints early in his career have totally blunted him.
I think it leaves you open as well to getting a lot of niggly injuries.
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