08/09 Premier League Thread

It's not really any different for me actually. I rarely bring up the plastic supporters debate because on the few occasions it has come up they usually have a big cry about it.
An example of those certain type of fans not being able to come to terms with the fact that they are glory hunters is a bloke I work with. Before I started my holidays friday, I was at the pub with this bloke who happens to be a man U fan. I had a bit of a dig at glory hunters and he fired right up, saying how much he hates when people assume that they only follow the club because they are successful. So I asked him "Why do you follow them then?" he told me its cause his dad follows them. So I asked "So your dad is from Manchester?", he said no, his dad is from Carlisle... [icon_shru I'm guessing his dad grew up watching Best play, thats how he decided to follow them.
robbie mustoe said:
Funny that whenever I have insinuated that anyone on here might not exactly be a "die hard scouser" I am called sad and bitter yet it seems to be ok for you to do it.

**** off with that shit mate.

Sure i'm obviously not scouse am i, that doesn't mean i am any less passionate about my team. You can call me plastic and all that shit if you want but i'd say you'd be wrong.

I stay up every fucking weekend to all hours of the morning just to watch Liverpool play and i've been doing that for the past three years ever since i've had Foxtel. Before that it was attempting to watch streams over the net.

I started supporting Liverpool in 2000. I was ten and i hardly knew anything about the game of football or soccer as i called it then. All i had to go off then was the highlights package on SBS every Monday night at 7:30. I didn't know a thing about Liverpool's past successes then, in fact during that time we were in much of a barren spell having last won the league in 1990 and then only winning one League Cup and one FA Cup in those ten years to 2000.

I visit Liverpool forums which i post on a fair bit discussing all things about my team. When i went to England on holiday in 2006 i took a five hour train ride from London and back in the same day just to go on a tour of Anfield and visit the club museum. Unfortunately i had no idea how to get tickets to a match so never got the chance to attend one.

So 'robbie mustoe' you can **** right off with your insinuations that i am some plastic supporter only behind my team because they are one of the 'big four'.

It's not even worth discussing football with you because you can't see past your obsession to hate all things Liverpool.
I don't deny that my hatred of Liverpool clouds my judgement on matters relating to Liverpool, but how does it make it impossible to discuss football with me? I am perfectly fine when discussing any other club.
Scotty said:
It's not really any different for me actually. I rarely bring up the plastic supporters debate because on the few occasions it has come up they usually have a big cry about it.
An example of those certain type of fans not being able to come to terms with the fact that they are glory hunters is a bloke I work with. Before I started my holidays friday, I was at the pub with this bloke who happens to be a man U fan. I had a bit of a dig at glory hunters and he fired right up, saying how much he hates when people assume that they only follow the club because they are successful. So I asked him "Why do you follow them then?" he told me its cause his dad follows them. So I asked "So your dad is from Manchester?", he said no, his dad is from Carlisle... [icon_shru I'm guessing his dad grew up watching Best play, thats how he decided to follow them.

It is the whole god-given right attitude that big 4 fans have that i cannot stand. That is why I hate Liverpool a lot more than the others. At least the other 3 are actually good. These last few years Liverpool haven't had a significantly better side or played better football than pretty much most of the clubs in the top 7 or 8 in the League but their fans moan on about how they should be winning just because of the name on their badge. That is what makes it so sweet when these wankers get their arses handed to them.
And obviously my personal hatred of guys like Gerrard, Carragher (how anyone cannot hate this man is beyond me) and Rafa just adds to it all.
In all fairness ning, that should be directed at me as well. But surely you can understand why someone like me, who supports a club like Sunderland, gets upset when just about everyone you meet supports Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool, Arsenal, Milan, Barca etc etc.
99% of the time people support those teams ONLY because of their success. I put up with so much shit supporting the club I do. Instead of having top european players signing for us, we have to make do with the odd decent player plus the scraps off other clubs, trying to build a team which can survive the drop. Then when you finally get your hands on a player that shows he is top quality, one of the big 4 usually buy them so they can warm up their bench. Do you know what it's like to see your team relegated? It's f***ing sh*t. I'd rather lose an FA cup final than deal with all the times Sunderland were relegated again, and I know it's probably coming again in the next few seasons. The lower teams never get anything anymore because the big 4 win everything. Last season was the first time in 8 seasons that a team apart from the big 4 actually won the FA cup FFS. So it makes me very bitter to think that some people just decide who they are gonna support, one of the rich teams they can see are successful, instead of a club that actually battles harder for the victories.

And yes Robbie Mustoe, Carragher is the scum of the earth. I would very much like to kick that c*nt in the face.
Anyone watching the Manc game? It is almost making me sick. Both Ronaldo and Rooney should have been red carded and now Wilkinson has been reded for 2 yellows from stoke. The referee bias in favour of the big 4 is sickening.
robbie mustoe said:
Anyone watching the Manc game? It is almost making me sick. Both Ronaldo and Rooney should have been red carded and now Wilkinson has been reded for 2 yellows from stoke. The referee bias in favour of the big 4 is sickening.

At least Wilkinson got sent off the best way possible - by twatting Ronaldo the ****.
ningnangnong said:
robbie mustoe said:
Anyone watching the Manc game? It is almost making me sick. Both Ronaldo and Rooney should have been red carded and now Wilkinson has been reded for 2 yellows from stoke. The referee bias in favour of the big 4 is sickening.

At least Wilkinson got sent off the best way possible - by twatting Ronaldo the ****.

Not really, he barely got him and his absence contributed greatly to the winner. I feel sorry for Stoke in this match, they were robbed of at least a point. Rooney and Ronaldo both committed violent acts metres in front of officials and were let off. I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot that would not have happened.
I tell ya someone else I would love to give a good kicking to, Gary Neville. I hate him almost as much as Carragher.
Scotty said:
I tell ya someone else I would love to give a good kicking to, Gary Neville. I hate him almost as much as Carragher.

Just about my 2 most hated English footballers.
3 points clear baby!!! 5-1 away is a brilliant result especially without the likes of Keane and Torres starting. And it could have easily been 10-1 with the amount of chances that were dropped. Really needed Keane there to pick up those loose balls around the box. Really think Babel needs to get his act sorted- everything he does looks so half-assed and there's no effort on his behalf.

Lucas was definitely MOM for mine.
Says alot that many people are saying Shay Given was MOTM when he was the keeper on the end of a 5-1 battering.

Was speaking to a Barcode-supporting mate of mine this morning, and he was quite happy with the scoreline!
Newcastle are a fucking horrid team, woeful in every way. Not taking anything away from our performance though, we played so excellent football.

Great to see Lucas finally starting to take some control in midfield.

Let's hope this form continues.
mal said:
Really think Babel needs to get his act sorted- everything he does looks so half-assed and there's no effort on his behalf.

I think the lads had a really tough time this season. He's found himself on the bench much more regularly, and mentally i think he's struggling to deal with it.

When he scored, i was delighted for him because he showed so much passion in his celebration, it really meant a lot to him.

He has all the talent in the world, it's just a matter of having the right mentality IMO. I still think he deserves a bit more time before we decide to put him on the market because there is a big chance we could end up regretting it.
LIVERPOOL FC captain Steven Gerrard is in custody today after police were called to a Merseyside nightspot.

The 28 year-old was arrested in the early hours of this morning on Bold Street, Southport, following a disturbance at licensed premises.

A 34 year-old man, from Southport, suffered facial injuries which are not said to be serious, and was taken to hospital.

The Liverpool FC star spent the rest of the night in the cells and is still being quizzed about the incident.

Police officers were called to premises at around 2.30am where they detained six people on suspicion of section 20 assault.

Four men, aged 33, 31, 29 and 19, from Huyton, Gerrard, from Formby, and an 18 year-old man, from Litherland, were all arrested.

A Merseyside Police said: “We are investigating an assault in the early hours of the morning on Lord Street.

“Officers attended a licensed premises where they detained six people on suspicion of Section 20 assault. They are still being questioned.â€Â

From what i have heard Section 20 assualt = GBH without intent.

I doubt Gerrard actually did anything, more likely it was one of his mates.