2012 QLD state of origin jersey

I love the hatred Collingwood get from everyone, It makes me more passionate about them and makes me fell stronger. I personallly think the hatred of them comes from the working-class background and following they had or still have. When they were formed they were seen as outcasts by the Melbourne public and their success had everyone jeering the Magpies name and this piggybacked from suburban warfare to a national obbsession. GOOD OLD COLLINGWOOD FOREVER
Define irony.... A Collingwood supporter calling others bogans
Another view:


Deadset gets worse every time I see it. Honestly has to be one of the worst designs I've seen in a while. Who gets paid to come up with this? :rash:

It's just so busy and bloated. There's no need for the gold line across the midriff and the badge/logos are far too big and imposing - why is there a XXXX logo under the Queensland badge FFS? How stupid.

Argh, it's just ghastly... like an imitation training shirt from Lowes or something.
The gold piping on the jersey is the same as on Canterbury's RWC jerseys. The white across the shoulders looks forced, too.
If the gold stripes were white then pattern on the shoulders would look more natural.
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At least it doesn't have a ####ing VB logo that's bigger than the player's head on it. So I guess there's that.
I understand that, but it doesn't change the fact that it looks stupid. Not sure why the QRL would agree to it.

Ummmmmm, XXXX has been a loyal sponsor basically since Origin began. They pay massive $$$$ so I'd say that's why the QRL would've agreed to it.
Yeah. Honestly sponsors logos don't bother me.

Except Wow. That was an abomination.
Ummmmmm, XXXX has been a loyal sponsor basically since Origin began. They pay massive $$$$ so I'd say that's why the QRL would've agreed to it.

I'm not thick, I know they would've paid money for it and so forth, but it doesn't change the fact that it just looks ridiculously out of place.

Are the QRL that desperate for funds that they need to cram in as much sponsorship as they can on the jersey? It's just my personal opinion that it undermines the whole concept of having a badge/crest... whatever you want to call it. :handshake: