2018 NRL Side



International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
To make McCrone even more irrelevant (if that's even possible), he's joining the Wolfpack next season.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
So we can sign him now for next year?

We can, if we have the funds.

We need to. We're losing too many forwards, including back ups. We need to improve our depth in that department, especially the front row.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
We can, if we have the funds.

We need to. We're losing too many forwards, including back ups. We need to improve our depth in that department, especially the front row.

Yeah not wrong, we've lost a lot of depth but you'd have to think letting Blair go will have to free up something, plus all the up and comers that haven't been retained.
Jason Simmons

Jason Simmons

NRL Captain
Apr 18, 2013
We can, if we have the funds.

We need to. We're losing too many forwards, including back ups. We need to improve our depth in that department, especially the front row.

Would you offer him a base salary, plus Blair's money and spin the dice all on Lodge?
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Would you offer him a base salary, plus Blair's money and spin the dice all on Lodge?

I would offer him minimum wage for 2018 and give him a set of goals to achieve. I believe minimum wage next year will be 120k which is more than enough to get him back on his feet. If he does that, he'll get an upgrade in 2019 when Thaiday's money is freed up.

Use whatever money we have left over to sign a couple of cheap forwards that have a bit of experience and willing to play from the bench so we can improve our depth in the forwards.

Even if we sign Lodge, if we start getting injuries in the forwards, we're going to be in a bad spot.


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
Our starting 17 for next year could look something like this
1 Darius Boyd
2 Jordan Kahu
3 Jack Bird
4 James Roberts
5 Corey Oates
6 Anthony Milford
7 Billy Walters
8 Matt Lodge
9 Andrew McCullough
10 Korbin Sims
11 Matt Gillett
12 Alex Glenn
13 Josh McGuire
14 Kodi Nikorima
15 Tevita Pangai Jr.
16 Joe Ofahengaue
17 Jaydn Sua

Whilst our reserve team (Jeez I wish there was a reserve grade comp) could look like this
1 Jamayne Isaako
2 David Mead
3 Tom Opacic
4 Brenko Lee
5 Jonas Pearson
6 Corey Allan
7 Shaun Nona
8 Payne Haas
9 Jayden Nikorima
10 George Fai
11 Andre Sevelio
12 Matiu Love-Henry
13 Patrick Carrigan
14 Gehamat Shibasaki
15 Mitchell Dodds
16 Myles Taueli
17 Salesi Funaki

Couldn't fit Sam Lavea, Kotoni Staggs and Marion Seve in and I wouldn't say no to Michael Purcell too. Could lose Dodds, Funaki, Seve, Waddell, Pearson and Boyce. And we could also sign Tyrone Roberts or Todd Carney (Did that talk die down?)instead of Nona who has history with Jason Demetriou.

Not that I think even half of these signings are possible by the way. But there are also some props that are free. Some old heads like Eddy Pettybourne, Charlie Gubb, Jacob Lillyman, Albert Vete and some younger ones in Andy Saunders, Pauli Pauli and Patrick Kaufusi
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International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Billy Walters won't be in top grade next year, we are only looking at him for a back up player.
If we sign him he is certainly a chance to play NRL next season, especially if he impresses in the trials.

Look at Moga, an injury to Tom Opacic opened the door for him to player every game for us this year (despite his Shitness) and Moga was only supposed to be a back up.


International Rep
May 21, 2013
Welcome back @Cult3 :)

I like your first team for the most part, apart from Billy Walters.. who knows if he's even first grade standard. I'd say it's still pretty safe to assume Kodi will get first crack in 2018, unless something drastic happens. (Tyrone Roberts is a real option I think, we should have a little bit of coin under the cap for him if Blair gets the contract he's after.)

Would be completely on board with giving him a 1 or 2 "Make good" deal, he played his best footy under Wayne at the Knights, and surprisingly, he's only 26. Should still have plenty left in the tank, and should have a chip on his shoulder after being constantly fucked around at the Titans.

With that being said.. It sounds like he's gonna stay on the Gold Coast.


Edit: 10,000 posts. I'd like to thank @Mum and @Dad, couldn't be where I am today without you.


NRL Player
Jun 21, 2016
Do we reckon we will be a better side with Bird next year? and will we still have a chance at making the 8 without Herman, Arrow maybe Blair, Hunt


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Definitely still a chance of making the eight. Herman and Blair will be missed and while being a huge fan of Hunt he hasn't really been the same since 2015. I'm not really concerned about losing Arrow, don't get me wrong his a player I wanted to keep but it's hardly the end of the world that he is moving on either, plenty of young forwards coming through.

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