2018 NRL Side



NRL Player
Jun 21, 2016
So is Blair a certain leaver?, If so we are going to struggle to find a player with such a good offload Parker and Blair had the best offloads and McGuire cant offload for shit haha.


NRL Player
Jun 21, 2016
It hasn't been 100% confirmed but I think it would be a safe bet to say he is moving on.

Damn that sucks even though he has had a shit couple games as late i still like his offloads and his bone rattling tackles.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Rethinking the whole Hunt departure and with Marshall going on, we will need someone to step into the playmaker utility role to fill the gap. Not sure if Kodi's brother is the answer, Tyrone Roberts seems a better fit.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
Rethinking the whole Hunt departure and with Marshall going on, we will need someone to step into the playmaker utility role to fill the gap. Not sure if Kodi's brother is the answer, Tyrone Roberts seems a better fit.

I'm warming to the idea of having Roberts in the side.

We would also have good cover for fullback in case Boyd ever goes down. He was doing very well at fullback for the Titans. He was forming a pretty good combination with the halves and his running and passing game was a constant threat.


NRL Player
Oct 10, 2013
With squads going to 30 next year do we have a clear view how many spaces we have to sign or promote and who fills them. With Moga, Ese Ese, Arrow, Hunt, Hipgrave, Marshall, Molo, Love- Henry and Blair confirmed as leaving and Dodds, Funaki, and Waddell unlikely to be resigned we will have a fair bit of turnover. So far only Bird and Sevillo and possibly Lodge coming the other way. I heard in the media we only had a couple of spots to fill. Surely that can't be right!


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
With squads going to 30 next year do we have a clear view how many spaces we have to sign or promote and who fills them. With Moga, Ese Ese, Arrow, Hunt, Hipgrave, Marshall, Molo, Love- Henry and Blair confirmed as leaving and Dodds, Funaki, and Waddell unlikely to be resigned we will have a fair bit of turnover. So far only Bird and Sevillo and possibly Lodge coming the other way. I heard in the media we only had a couple of spots to fill. Surely that can't be right!


There will be some spots filled by under 20s graduates and others who may be bought in such as Mago, Tueali, etc.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
1. Boyd
2. Oates
3. Bird
4. Roberts
5. Kahu
6. Milford
7. Nikorima
8. McGuire
9. McC
10. Lodge
11. Gillett
12. Glenn
13. TPJ

14. Mead
15. Joe O
16. Sims
17. Thaiday

This is the side I'd like to see, provided everything goes well for us regarding Lodge. I think at this point, Nikorima has earned his right to have the 7 at least for one consistent season. We really don't have any better options if Taylor stays put at the Titans and he has a great record partnering with Milf. Mead on the bench will raise eyebrows I'm sure, but given Kahu's continuing issues with injury, having a winger on the bench is sure to save our asses on occasion.
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NRL Player
Jun 21, 2016
Will be interesting how we go next year though with all the players departing and Blair leaving that number 10 jersey open for a player to slot into hopefully with size but still the same skill as Blair with that offload


State of Origin Rep
Apr 10, 2015
We lost Wallace and Parker "we can't replace them!"... ese ese, McGuire and ofa improve to have arguably a better forward pack then last year. Even the staunchest anti-Bennett fan cannot deny that his best track record is getting the best out of middle forwards. Every year the same questions turn up in ALL of Bennetts teams except for 97-2000, and every year we are in or around the top four with this pathetic forward pack we have. Nolan is also a genius recruiter yet we complain about these "nobodies" (not an actual quote so settle down everyone) we've signed. Look at the last few years with recruitment in general, but particularly the also-ran players we've got. Sivelio, myles T, lodge, Mago and j Bird together with the continued improvement of ofa, fai, Sua, tpj, sims and haas, and the consistency of McGuire, Gillett and Glenn will MORE then cover what we are losing: I GUARANTEE it. I wouldn't mind an experienced big bopper as a safety-net but chances are it'd just end up like dodds did this year. These young guys are PROGRESSING, this isn't PlayStation where the players just stay at the same skill level you bought them for at the start of the season...

As for where j Bird sits next year I'm not sure. If we sit him at left centre tpj can come on at lock and push McGuire to prop, giving us an attacking weapon on both edges and TPJ continuing his growth. But if he goes to lock he gets his hands on the ball more and defensively opacic can help Milford (although Bird ain't a bad defender at all at left centre). This is the only real debate for me. I like mcguire at lock but we have too many options now and he is just as good at prop. Apart from that the 4th bench spot is the other question remaining. I like Oates at wing now, I've changed my mind. I've never doubted his ability as a winger but I just knew he'd kill it at second row too, but he's just too good to move. He's actually become a more complete winger this year I believe I just wish his hole running ability gets used more (Penrith try off hunts ball is an example of the lines he can run so well off of a nice ball-imagine him running onto Kniks short balls! Try time every time!). But if he was to transition in to second row maybe mead can be the utility on the bench and play the second 40 when the game needs a mix up or is in the bag and put Oates to 2nd row to progress the change. If not, and a decent utility isn't bought then I'm a fan of a 4 forward bench for us. I know it's a risk but it allows the middle men to play with unrelenting energy that our halves thrive off of. Who it is as that 4th forward depends on who grabs the opportunity (eg ese ese this year) and could be rotated with the young forwards throughout the long season...


NRL Player
Oct 4, 2016
If we sign Lodge and Haas can make his debut as well we will actually have one of the biggest forward packs in the nrl
Lodge 193cm 115kg
Haas 194cm 117kg
Offa 187cm 113kg
TPJ 190cm 115kg
Savelio 188cm 110kg
Our smallest prop Mcguire 180cm 102kg
That's some real size there and we have our second row with a bit of size too.
Gillett 187cm 101kg
Thiday 182cm 112kg
Glenn 181cm 100kg


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
If we sign Lodge and Haas can make his debut as well we will actually have one of the biggest forward packs in the nrl
Lodge 193cm 115kg
Haas 194cm 117kg
Offa 187cm 113kg
TPJ 190cm 115kg
Savelio 188cm 110kg
Our smallest prop Mcguire 180cm 102kg
That's some real size there and we have our second row with a bit of size too.
Gillett 187cm 101kg
Thiday 182cm 112kg
Glenn 181cm 100kg

people have this real obsession with size... when it isn't everything ...

take a look at how arguably the 3 biggest packs in the NRL went this year ... all missed the finals
Painin the Haas

Painin the Haas

NRL Player
Nov 10, 2013
people have this real obsession with size... when it isn't everything ...

take a look at how arguably the 3 biggest packs in the NRL went this year ... all missed the finals

But then look at the other 3 teams left in the finals they have big packs. I believe cowboys and storm have the tallest while we are down the bottom

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