I appreciate your optimism.
In regards to Milford getting "a go", hasn't he had a go the past 4 years? Of which one of those years we got the spoon on the back of some of the worst football he has ever produced?
You mentioned him and Dearden building towards something really good, did we even watch the same club last year? Because i don't recall a single game where Milf and Dearden looked to be building towards anything.
I have said this numerous times here, but Milford, for some unknown reason, keeps getting a pass for his poor form, his poor shape and his lack of ability to do anything worth his contract value.
You say if Milford fizzles that it proves once and for all that he was a costly mistake, and for mine, his last chance was the wooden spoon we got last season on the back of some of the worst football he has produced at this club.
I feel sorry for Walters because Milford is what he has to work with, and he has to get behind him, at least until his contract is up.