NEWS 2023 Broncos Presentation Ball



NRL Captain
Sep 10, 2018
Haas was Incredible all year long and did it in every single game. Not a single bad game all year. Sure Walshy goes out there with the pressure on him to win games and he won us a lot of games but at the end of the day what Payne does is simply incredible and I feel we have all just been de-sensitised to his dominance and greatness to realise what we have in front of us.

Also under no circumstances whatsoever did I want Walsh to win it, he needs to stay humble and continue to work hard, if we stood out there and told him how fucken great he was he wouldn’t improve. Next year he has the motivation of winning the origin jersey, challenging for personal awards and winning the comp a lot of motivation for him to go to the next level again.


QCup Player
Aug 24, 2022
, is there somehow even another level in him?
Somehow I kinda see some softness in him be it that he desperately trying to stay out of trouble or something else but want him to be aggressive when on field.

I reckon brut force in defense & absolutely intimidating the opponents would make him immortal definitely.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
From what I've seen, Herbie seems excited to go there but Tom seems to not be overly happy. It would be hard to leave after that grand final. There must be a feeling of unfinished business there for all three of those guys leaving.

I think Keenan will be back one day, would definitely still be here if he didn't sign for the titans in 22 and held off til the Flegler decision.
Wonder if Herbie and Flegs decision would of been any different if they waited til mid season to sign.
Super Freak

Super Freak

International Captain
Forum Staff
Jan 25, 2014
I think Keenan will be back one day, would definitely still be here if he didn't sign for the titans in 22 and held off til the Flegler decision.
Wonder if Herbie and Flegs decision would of been any different if they waited til mid season to sign.

Flegler, maybe. Not really much info revealed on why he left.

Herbie, no. He's had a couple of subtle little digs at the Broncos in interviews throughout the year. We had a value set for him and I highly doubt we were going to increase it. He was always going to feel undervalued by us.

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