OFFICIAL A message for BroncosHQ from Billy Walters

I feel personally attacked when he started talking about haters.
I was waiting for him to single out a @McHunt for this:

Anyway, in the off chance you're reading this Billy, all the best to you and your Dad. All it takes is one great game and your "haters" will become fanboys overnight. You weren't far off it last night.
I feel personally attacked when he started talking about haters.
I was waiting for him to single out a @McHunt for this:

Anyway, in the off chance you're reading this Billy, all the best to you and your Dad. All it takes is one great game and your "haters" will become fanboys overnight. You weren't far off it last night.

I said last week give him a chance .
Poor bugger has been trying to be the best #6 we have , then next week we want him to be Cam fcking Smith within 1 game .
I also said during the trials he is the best passer in the team minus Reynolds so I would like him passing from DH more than Jake . He was much better last night and can improve yet IMO .

Go Billy !
Well, whatever you did or said to him didnt hurt. He played pretty good last night. Crisp passing and enough dummy half runs to keep the markers honest.
Yep, both he and paix's passing was pretty on point. They put it out in front so our forwards were running onto the ball which has not happened previously.