NEWS Adam Reynolds and Pat Carrigan altercation

How embarrassing if you were any of those ‘reporters’ in that press conference. Asking nothing questions to try and turn this into something it isn’t. I know everyone has to earn money but surely there is something better they can do with their life.
If it were on Tiktok/youtube: This is awesome, great content, millions of likes and probably go viral.
Because it hit the main stream media:
How Dare You Greta GIF

Your team is brawling in a park bro. Not a good look at all and I'm glad the media caught wind of this toxic type of masculinity
That's not exactly brawling now is it honestly, infact why did someone video that and plus then release it. If they weren't sporting identities no one would film that non incident. Yes they are paid good money and by no fault of their own "role models" to our youth or there would be no story in this footage whatsoever. But nothing really happenned. Bigger story I think is they were asked to move on a few times so maybe someone over drank their limits of sensibility. Not a huge crime against others in itself but probably annoying. But no massive story in the heated wrestle match at all. They should have rung for one of them small bus/van taxis so there's no fighting over who gets the window.