Andrew McCullough - The Great Enigma

I know you're not responding to me Corey, but, potential is just a buzz word. McCullough has had potential for about 5 years now, it's about time he started turning it into something more.

yeah, he's 23, but he's also had 5 seasons of first grade - you would say any player that has had 5 seasons of first grade should be a lot better in their 5th year than they were in their 1st, but i don't think you can honestly sit there and say that with a straight face re: mccullough. if you can, well, you must be related.
I've seen really good players turn to shit under shit coaches, and average players turn to gems under good coaches.
The best example is Sutton... Did anyone ever think the could play such an important role with that quality in any team?

You're right that he's experienced enough to be better than he shows, but if his development has been hindered by coaching deficiencies (let's face it, there is a good chance it is the case), then I think he still deserves the benefit of the doubt.
Chicken and the egg don't you think? It's not Griffins fault, he doesn't have the cattle. It's not the players fault, they don't have a good coach. Maybe it's both? But while we're spinning the wheels deciding which one it is, we (the fans) lose out.
I don't have a major issue with Macca, because there's no viable first choice alternative. I think Granville on the bench would provide a lot more flexibility and probably release some pressure on him. As it is he's either had Hunt coming on and being just as inconsistent as him, or Wallace who is consistently shit.

That said, if Cam Smith rang up today and said "Gee Gee, even if it's raining, I want to fly up and play for you blokes" I'd help pack Macca's bags to make it happen...
I know you're not responding to me Corey, but, potential is just a buzz word. McCullough has had potential for about 5 years now, it's about time he started turning it into something more.

yeah, he's 23, but he's also had 5 seasons of first grade - you would say any player that has had 5 seasons of first grade should be a lot better in their 5th year than they were in their 1st, but i don't think you can honestly sit there and say that with a straight face re: mccullough. if you can, well, you must be related.

Agree ....."potential" is a catch phrase that can be used for only say the first 1-2 ....maybe 3yrs?

After that, it's time to realise that the potential was an expectation that won't be realised and it's time to move on.
Either that, or, the player was never destined to be more than an average first grader. Scouts get potential wrong all the time, I don't see why it's sacrilege to suggest that McCullough will continue to plateau and this is the best he will ever get. I know he's young and everything and that's the main reason why it's impossible for people to accept that he won't improve, but look at people like Kingston, Keating, John Morris etc? They are adequate, serviceable players and they're also in their late 20's, why aren't they dominating? I think it's a bit of a fallacy that everyone improves with age.

I personally don't know what the future holds for him. He needs to improve his attack a lot for mine, he doesn't appear to be an "intelligent" footballer where they'll see something and attack it, he just seems to run through the set plays/doesn't play what's in front of him unless it involves him dummying and going himself.

he has some good points, but would those good points be enough to save him if we had another decent option?
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Kingston, Keating or Morris never came close to Macca's potential. Whether he achieves it or not is a different matter... Let's hope the chicken did it! :winky:
That's what I'm saying though. Potential means nothing if it's not fulfilled, it's just a crutch to use as an excuse when players aren't coming along as they should.

You should know all about potential and being fulfilled/unfulfilled, you're a football fan, your club is one of the best at getting the potential out of players and then selling them for wads of profit. I guess try extrapolate it to that if you want, promising striker, been at the club since he was 16, did good things initially but still hasn't kicked on, still makes the same mistakes he did when he was 16 and now he's 21? You'd probably sell him, or loan him to another club to see if he really still has what it takes before moving onto the next option. I feel like we're getting closer to this point.
Stop belittling everyone elses opinion especially considering your argument isn't factually based and your opinion is grossly exaggerated. Do I believe macca will reach the level of smith. Not even close. Do I think anyone ever will. Unlikely. The fact is of the current crop of young hookers macca has the most complete game and in my opinion most consistency. Does this mean I currently think him the best. No. The fact is of the under 30 year old hookers ballin and macca are the best defenders. Of the young hookers he has the best (only?) kicking game. It has been poor for most of this year but last year was amazing and now with no dominant kicker he has really stepped it up. When he gets quick play the balls and doesn't have Hodges taking dummy half runs he has one of the best individual running games of the young crop (excluding segeyaro). Is this consistent. No but that's largely the teams fault rather than his. It also means he has the potential to be consistently one of the best (consistency can be gained). When his forwards aren't being dominated in the wrestle he additionally has at times shown creative ruck play not far off the levels of smith. Is this consistent. Not close. Does this make him currently the best at this I'd say that is friend (of you young crop). But that's due to consistency. Once again this means he has the potential to be the best of the young crop. Slow service to the halves? Yes he is bad in this regard but I'd say that's an issue caused by coaching and the flaws of the halves themselves at least equally as much as it is his. If we were to gain a dominant and decisive half or get more structure I think this would improve immensely. Intact since hunt took over I haven't seen a kicker pressured excessively once. Is macca the best young hooker. No. Is he good. Yes. Is he consistent. His single biggest issue. Does he have potential to be the beat of the young crop hence the next Smith (best of the current hookers). Yes
Paragraphs are your friend. :winky:

No.....not even close.

He's still behind Ballin, Srama, Segeyaro ....and Friend, to name just a few. IMO

You're missing the point. I didn't say he is the next Smith or better than those players. He merely has the potential to be better than them. And imo apart from possibly j friend is the only one with the potential to become the complete package that Farah and smith are.
I have the "potential" to win lotto, difference is, people are not paying each week to see me not win it. Might happen though. :laugh:

I've seen really good players turn to **** under **** coaches, and average players turn to gems under good coaches.

I get what you're saying, but I'm saying that he has been coached by Henjak and Griffin so far... :001_rolleyes:
So what is it that your saying, your second statement kind of contradicts your first one or am I not reading it correctly?
So what is it that your saying, your second statement kind of contradicts your first one or am I not reading it correctly?
I'm saying he may have the ability/talent to be much better than he has shown so far, but hasn't had a coach to teach him properly and get it out of him. For that reason and given his age, I'm still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, because I believe he has what it takes to get to the next level if well coached.

Smith is on another galaxy compared to everybody else, so maybe people should stop comparing anyone to him...
We have the money to build a very good team around what we have so will c how he goes with some quality around him! As for the Smith comparisons look at the players he has and had around him , would make life a bit easier hey
I'm saying he may have the ability/talent to be much better than he has shown so far, but hasn't had a coach to teach him properly and get it out of him. For that reason and given his age, I'm still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, because I believe he has what it takes to get to the next level if well coached.

Seems to be a lot of, let's blame Griffin for our shit players being shit.

So the players going great guns, the likes of McGuire, Gillett, Hoffman.......Reed....Corey Oates, even Corey Parker finding new legs in the last 3 yrs. This is because of their own natural ability

or because Griffin can actually coach?
Seems to be a lot of, let's blame Griffin for our shit players being shit.

So the players going great guns, the likes of McGuire, Gillett, Hoffman.......Reed....Corey Oates, even Corey Parker finding new legs in the last 3 yrs. This is because of their own natural ability

or because Griffin can actually coach?
Have you seen anyone improve under Griffin, and I do mean anyone?

Hoffman went from an excellent 2011 to an awful 2012, where he seems to have lost pretty much any ball playing ability since. Reed's best year... 2011. Corey Oates, coached in the U20's. Corey Parker... has been a machine for years.

I could go on, and on, and on. Gillett, Glenn, Thaiday, Hannant, Norman, etc... (no, you're not getting the opening you really want)

Nice try though...
Your assertion would have been closer to reality in you called Macca a propeller plane.
I hope that the above makes it easier to understand, or would you prefer a drawing?
Have you seen anyone improve under Griffin, and I do mean anyone?

Josh McGuire will most likely start in the front row for QLD next year.......few years back, he was kinda lurking in the background. Gillett will be there too.

Reed, I agree 2011 was his break out year, the same season Griffin took over....yeah?

Reed in 2013 was getting back to 2011 form and would of .....IMO, if not for injury.

There's three.......
Alex Glenn and McGuire are the two who I'd say improved since Griffin took over. Actually Parker too, I guess, he was always a gun, but now he's a gun with an offload.