Anthony Milford Discussion

Agreed, good point.

How many times have people said this about our new players? This is the default argument that really is piss-weak.
I rate Milford as a running player and in broken play but he is not a 5/8 he doesn't have the vision, the ability to create time (which great players have naturally not by playing 300 games) he does not have a very good short kicking game, I have never seen him chip over the top and regather and he does not have a long passing game and cannot throw a decent cut out pass to put a center into a gap, which is the primary prerequisite for a 5/8.

He is looking chubby and frustrated, maybe a bit jealous of Hunt's signing as well.

I got absolutely smashed in this forum for saying more or less the same thing. You are correct, his footwork is his strong point, but as the main ball player on the field he needs to bring more to the table which he has not and when he does on occasion it is not consistent.

That would be a very good move.

You are living in la la land if you think he is a "genuine superstar". If he was, would this thread even exist?

What an insult that is to Lockyer.
You're an insult to this forum
Because it takes time to make the transition to 5/8 and master it.

It took Locky time, it will take Milford time.

It's as simple as that.

As for your comments regarding his long passing and cut out pass ability, that is complete rubbish and shows you don't watch him much. I would suggest you go back and watch the footage. One game to watch, Round 6 2016 vs Dragons.

TBH I don't think it's as simple as that. Lockyer originally was a 5/8th and he even spent time there in his first few seasons and would have been the Broncos 5/8th earlier if one of Langer or Walters had moved on or retired.

Adapting to fullback for him with the natural talent, running and kicking game, vision and ability to guide the side around made him ideal in either position and you could see that quality both early on and throughout his career and while it took time for his transition back to 5/8th to be optimal, he still showed qualities to his game that Milford or Hunt fail to deliver on a consistent basis.

With Hunt's departure regardless of who we decide to go with at halfback we are going to need to see a dramatic improvement in both Milford's passing and kicking game because quite frankly at present it doesn't cut it, with the big pay cheque comes the extra demand in what he delivers, no more passing the buck.
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He's definitely no alfie. I agree that he needs some specialist coaching/mentoring to really unlock his potential. Bennett can teach him about heart and attitude but not really the attacking smarts required to be like locky.

Sigh 2015 was special..

He is most definitely no alfie - he's bigger and faster. :superhappythumbsup: For mine it's as much about unlocking the team's potential as much as Milf's, so again, I return to the coaching issue, and returning to the open, free flowing, running and passing game this team played just 2 years ago but then, for some strange reason, locked up to a large extent last year. As well, I reckon the football we played in 2015 was only the beginning, which is why again, the coaching issue is central both to Milf's development and the team's.
He is most definitely no alfie - he's bigger and faster. :superhappythumbsup: For mine it's as much about unlocking the team's potential as much as Milf's, so again, I return to the coaching issue, and returning to the open, free flowing, running and passing game this team played just 2 years ago but then, for some strange reason, locked up to a large extent last year. As well, I reckon the football we played in 2015 was only the beginning, which is why again, the coaching issue is central both to Milf's development and the team's.

So do we need to talk about Bennett in a new thread?
Did anyone else catch nrl on fox tonight where Paul Kent said the Broncos were chasing Mitchell Moses. Probably full of shit but i wonder how he would go.
You've been super salty since last Thursday night, everything cool?
I'm fine, just have almost a year of faux-critiscim of Milford built up that needs to be released whilst his form is poor.
Scott Prince just announced on Twitter that he's searching for his playing gear. He would be an excellent replacement for Milford with Mitchell Moses as his partner.
So you do rate him? Why the bait then?
Love him. Well I think his poor form deserves the same amount of criticism Ben Hunt got from BHQ. I'm pretty much a one man army dedicated to justice.
So you do rate him? Why the bait then?

He's related to Hunt (cousin?), so he has resentment for anyone who ever questioned Hunt's form at any stage over the last couple of years. He also resents Milford for taking away the lime light from his cousin and forcing him out of the club.
He's related to Hunt (cousin?), so he has resentment for anyone who ever questioned Hunt's form at any stage over the last couple of years. He also resents Milford for taking away the lime light from his cousin and forcing him out of the club.
That was about as funny as your namesake on Netflix. Terrible show.
EDIT: Moderated Post
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