Clearly Rocky embodies the essence of irrationality in a human. The QRL did not backflip, as far as I'm aware they had not made any decision regarding Folau. One member made emotional statements that were clearly unsupported by his fellow members. After contemplation and reflection and with due consideration for the players, Queensland at large and Folaus' fair treatment they reached a thoughtful decision. No backflip there.
Carrs anger should be directed elsewhere (his barber and grooming for two places) . He openly encourages discrimination against a player simply because he's retiring at the end of the year. What Folau chooses to do is his business alone. Carr is openly promoting AFL, the very thing he claims he's trying to avoid. If he'd said nothing and the commentators stopped asking stupid questions then it'd die pretty quickly.
What we need is people in the media to STOP prefacing every single comment about Folau with shit like the following...; AFL defector Folau, AFL bound Israel Folau, AFL signing Israel Folau,AFLs new six million dollar man Israel Folau
Get some brains people in the game of league. If you care, don't answer questions about AFL, just sit there whenever the words are uttered AFL,AFL will not be spoken of because we don't care. Forget what Folaus future holds, it's not guaranteed you know. Remember the saying, carpe diem, the second part of which is largely unknown but goes like this ..quam minimum credula postero....or put little faith in the future. Forget where iZZys going, concentrate on smashing Rockys masturbation inspiration.