Only have themselves to blame hotspot wasn’t there to prove it. Both teams have to agree and India never do. I think in a situation like that I have very little sympathy. Just India being a bunch of difficult ***** like always and it’s bitten them on the ass. You can’t guarantee either way what happened so I’d get off your high horse a little bit. India is insufferable when it comes to shit like that so I don’t have to much sympathy for them when the technology isn’t there to help them.
You are correct but it’s up to respective organisations boards to agree upon as well. If Australia want the hotspot the broadcaster will be using the hotspot. It is expensive but Australia has always been the biggest supporter and India have notoriously always been very against it. At the end of the day I’ll back your knowledge in that the broadcaster had the final say but whether they were for it or not that tech was most certainly not going to be there in an Indian seriesHotspot is up to the host broadcaster.